Screening of the "died suddenly" film on 21 November is a bit late; many of the people who might be able to watch it will have "died suddenly." Not trying to be snarky, but, after injecting over 5 BILLION people with at least 1 death shot, all of whom will be dead in 3-5 years, what does it matter if people finally learn what was done to them?

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Can you further investigate Malone's recent post suggesting that "yes, the mRNA technology was developed by the US military, but the purpose is actually philanthropic in that their goal is to save us from biological terrorist attacks, that's why they are so intent on forcing it on us - to save us". He banned me and won't respond to my questions regarding this....

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Please share widely.

In this video Lisa discusses the letter written by Cardinal Vigano to members of the Holy See calling on the Vatican to instruct the faithfull NOT to take the vaccine.

REDPILL notice includes: self assembly nanotechnology; Ursula, The WHO, Agenda 2030, Media Terrorism, not safe, deadly, not effective, corruption.depopulation agenda, legal liability of the Church. Lisa asks that

1. you share the video

and in the video she asks

2. that you print and send the letter registered mail to your church, rabbis, mosques etc.

This beautiful courageous archbishop is creating a smoking gun document served upon the vatican that creates a legal liability. He uses all the talking points of 'reckless', creates proof of notice of the above, uses words like damages, legal liability, He talks about collusion with multinationals and NGO, depopulation agenda. Every little bit of this letter sets out the conspiracy in a reasoned step by step manner. It is drop the mik worthy. Please help share Lisa's video and the instructions therein.


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Wave, after wave, will continue to hit us. Be sure your foundation is strong and solid. Resist and do not comply. Be a truth teller, and stay strong in your faith.

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Just like to add:

They (US NATO) are doing everything to force Russia into WW3. See Dr Strangelove. Interesting in the film the Peter Sellers mad scientist keeps having to force his arm down from NZ salute or he’d give the game away.

There is no winner in nuclear war. Merely mutual destruction.

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Love that movie.

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Just watched The Real Anthony Fauci #2 and ended up very saddened. That’s despite Marc CRISPIN Miller stating he believes their plans are so diabolical that they’ll never succeed. And so multilevel: WHO one world health; great reset globak cebtralised currency that’s programmable, Agenda 21/30 for sustainable populations meaning 7.5 billion should die; smart cities as in Escape from New York. Their central planning everything.

Every Utopia they’ve ever initiated have always failed in history just as Harrari confirmed. But their plans to survive in their Noah’s arch DUMBs will fail. All you need to consider is what kind of society made up of psychopaths and sociopaths would look like. They’ll be killing each other to be Number One.

See Snowpiercer either the film or series (I saw series). If doesn’t look utopian to me.


I keep thinking of Jeremiah where he warns all if they continue spitting at G*d then everything will be destroyed. And is mournful of the loss of mass deaths.

Or Kings when good, G*d fearing rulers were always provided with what they need for themselves and their populations. But those that turned away from G*d and replaced him with idolatry of elohim (lower case as in gods) they were ultimately destroyed.

I don’t want my grandchildren destroyed but see no way this way of existence SHOULD continue.

Consumed in fire like nuclear war? I think that’s one of the opened vials.

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"MASS EXODUS from public schools anticipated after CDC advisory panel unanimously votes to add deadly Covid-19 “vaccines” to childhood immunization schedule"

Any parent who allows their kid(s) to get these shots is too STUPID to be a parent......PERIOD!!!

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Public schools will become a thing of the past. The left cripples one of it's biggest indoctrination centers with the vaccine mandates.

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Today's collection was really disturbing...many thanks.

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