TX digital currency may not be as rosy as it's advertised.  Digital currency still is digital, giving the banks and the government the ability to spy on everything you do, and the ability to stop your purchases whenever it wants.  If you can't hold it in your hand, it's not money you can trust.

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Bingo. The Tx digital currency is most likely a trick. Its probably wean people into the normalization of digital currency under the guise of being "gold backed."

Plus Governor Abbott of Texas ain't stupid. He knows any serious attempt to develop a competing currency will bring agents to his personal doorstep. Its a farce.

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Gotta admire the cleverness of it, though. I haven't seen any commentary yet that shows people understand what they're trying to do.

You're absolutely correct about the visit to his doorstep; history is replete with the corpses of leaders who tried to defy the international banking cartel.

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“ The plans to reduce nitrogen emissions in European Union (“EU”) designated areas of vulnerable nature”

The entire Eastern coast of Britain except the seaside resort town has been earmarked as such. End of last summer it was decided that NO NEW BUILDINGS should be allowed along the coast to protect the area of vulnerable nature.

This is the Natura 2000 plan from the EU. When the UK was enmeshed in the stop Brexit farce in Parliament the Labour Party MPs and Peers (House of Lords) made a song and dance insisting the UK retain all of the EU regs and policies for environmental protections.

Agenda 2030/Natura 2000

Like Holland the UK is a tiny nation what with 500,000 inward immigration per year and who knows how many illegals, where will they live if the coast is depopulated via compulsory purchase? Cells in Surveilled Monitored Assesses Response Tracked cities. SMART

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having Created this game, the tryannists have invested appropriately. Their Monopolies intend to herd us into a corral.

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