very interesting that under Scottish laws “to reset” is defined as “to steal”


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'Tourists flock to New York to see rats' - THIS MADE ME LAUGH! I think it's funny!

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Tourists will get Hantavirus in their lungs ... good luck , what a bunch of weirdos . Bill Gates / Fauci belong in the same cell.

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I kinda like a national ID, but severely restricted only for voting in federal elections.

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We already have that. It's called a driver's license. If you don't drive there is a similar state-issued photo id used for the same purposes. In my state you must show it at the polls in order to vote. We have a social security number in order to work, pay taxes and get credit (not that I favor this, but just that it has served this purpose for many decades). There is no need whatsoever for another national ID.

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I actually agree with your comment. I find it curiously ironic that the people pushing for a national ID are the same people who want voter registrations on the same day as voting; want no identification or proof of citizenship to vote; want no signature for an absentee ballot request; want no verification for mail-in ballots.

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This is beyond words.... British Court Rules That Competent & Conscious Patient Can Be Denied Life-Sustaining Treatment Against Her Will

"Unlike most such cases, the woman known only as “ST” is conscious and communicative.

Yet, the doctors argue that she is not being realistic about her chances of survival from a rare disorder.

Now a British court has agreed and ordered that she can be placed on end-of-life care against her will."

READ this AGAIN.....😐


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