A wonderful compendium, thank you Greg. I will be following you now. The Banksters are at war with the people, but they can't win because as I wrote today:

"“There are at least two kinds of games", states James P. Carse, as he begins this extraordinary book. “One could be called finite; the other infinite. A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play.”

We are playing the infinite game – the Globalists are playing the finite game – guess who wins? "Finite games are the familiar contests of everyday life; they are played in order to be won, which is when they end. But infinite games are more mysterious. Their object is not winning, but ensuring the continuation of play. The rules may change, the boundaries may change, and even the participants may change, but as long as the game is never allowed to end, the infinite players win every time.

What are infinite games? How do they affect the ways we play our finite games? What are we doing when we play finitely or infinitely? And how can infinite games affect the ways in which we live our lives? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Finite-Infinite-Games-James-Carse/dp/1476731713

Jesus, (who plays the infinite game), foretold all this when he said, “Then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.” And, over sixty years after giving that prophecy, He revealed to the apostle John that, “out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues,” there would be persons who would “come out of the great tribulation” - [as survivors] [Revelation 7:9-14]

DO NOT OBEY – DO NOT COMPLY – by these means we will find freedom and liberty. Finally, people are waking up to the scam saying they no longer want to be part of it. https://youtu.be/nwD4rQPbvPY

It's really that simple, as long as we ignore the PsyOp, and acknowledge a power great than us who will apply justice in the end times.



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Thanks for so many bad news...;( Just listening to another one:


and this is a TRUE bobshell (leaving the m out for time saving purposes) because Dr. Thorp explains in BIBLICAL terms WHY the medical cartel bends to DEATH. Dr. Thorp was just laid off, like many.. Stew Peters got the interview.

Since so many words are being redefined by a 180 degree bend, how about reversing the meaning of a toilette and a restaurant. These would result in many nice jokes;)

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Thanks for sharing that link 😳

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Thank-you for your posts. I find them information important to know. The main stream media will not tell you much about these stories. When are people going to realize that they are pawns in a dangerous game? The people will be losing if they do not stand up.

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🙏 ❤️

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