It took some digging, but here is the official apology from Dr. John Campbell to his 2.5 million followers, how he arrived at it and where he formally states to stop the COVID-19 vax campaign.


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NO TIN FOIL HAT Health Data collection push is real and already underway

From conspiracy theory to FACT; LESS THAN 24 HOURS GO TEAM FREEDOM


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They want to keep track of how many more people they have to kill before they reach their goals.

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yesterday was talking to the bank manager and told him i was very worried about CBDC and he said ‘what is CBDC?’


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Canceled in Ecuador and Senegal ... hmmm ... learning opportunity?

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oh boy

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is that old school for bruh ? lol

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on a side note, as long as i can remember, whenever I'm inside I move to wherever the sun is shining in my house and take naps, maybe that's why we get along so well kitten! lol, and perhaps it has helped me escape the jaws of covid, cold and flu for the better part of a decade too! I just moved my dining room table (aka desk) to maximize sunshine, loving it!

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I'm bookmarking your link. Thank you for sharing!

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Hilarious, the drug companies want the injured to sue the government not the drug companies. The governments are the taxpayers who have been injured and killed by the vaccines. So the drug companies want the injured to sue themselves? This concept is patently absurd.

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🎯Bert Powers

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