Easily the most relevant and enlightening compilation of current issues of interest on the internet. Thank you so much for continuing to put this together and to share it with us.

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Dear Lioness of Judah Ministry. Thank you for continuing to provide relevant, meaningful, and unique recent news of interest.

I have been doing a similar thing in Substack Solution Seeking and have referenced your incredible posts. But, for me, that is taking too much time. I want to focus on discovering, creating, analyzing, and rating all possible solutions to: HOW do we STOP our ROOT CAUSE ENEMY from HARMING HUMANITY AND THE PLANET? I am working with Solution Seeking Subscribers to figure out how to make this transition. Any advice would be sincerely appreciated.


Thanks again.

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"Edwin Deagle is also listed as an active member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Perhaps most telling of all is the interesting fact that Deagle is the Director for International Relations for the Rockefeller Foundation, one of the leading eugenic supporters in the world" https://www.annaperdue.com/post/the-man-behind-the-curtain

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Great reporting today and everyday. Putin would be smart to call for a cease fire and peace talks before the West creates a false flag to make this war bigger and longer. If the West refuses, they look very bad. The war machine in America would lose billions and the kick backs to Russia baiting politicians would end. He has achieved his major objectives, time to look ahead at the future.

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Read last night’s ISW report on Prigozhin’s call to end the fighting. This is in fact NOT what he’s saying and the assertion in this substack piece is a misinterpretation. Quite the opposite. He’s calling for a decisive escalation in the fighting to end the war.

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I’m thankful for Hillsdale . Pray that Witchmer doesn’t find some woke avenue to close the place down . 🙏

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💯🙏🏻 thank you so much

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