Sorry to hijack the conversation. To all Canadians here: go to Yakk Stack and follow the info to contact “the elect” and stop the craziness of boosters every 9 months to be “up to date”: https://sheldonyakiwchuk.substack.com/p/dear-honorable-insert-name-here-more?r=r94jo&utm_medium=ios

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Dr. Kory ….Peoples eyes aren’t open to the sick and dying around them , they are still asleep. Then It’s the control , the digitalization of a world when you don’t cooperate and your movements are restricted and then to the grocery store then your bank account …then AI for the brain zipping thru the blood brain barrier. Read Spartacast yesterday on ICENI substack. NWO. Frightening.

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el pusso gato malo will be most upset....

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Dear World.. The End!!

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