Even if there is a cease fire in Ukraine, does anyone think that will stop the corruption? Then we will have to Build Back Better, and bringing in 100's of of 'approved' contractors under the current regime seems like it would only increase the avenues of shady payoffs. At this point, its win-win for the future Biden (or Newsome) administration.

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Global Genocide is real , look what they are trying to sell , blue zones but really 15 min cities . On the graph Lioness , Singapore is near the top !! https://fortune.com/well/2023/08/29/singapore-sixth-blue-zone-longevity-secrets-dan-buettner/

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Yes Singapore is commited for life for the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and Paris Agreement... 'sustainable' god, I hate this word...

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I thought we already had many immigration laws. Where the heck is the deadbeat and utterly useless congress?

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Unbelievably callous.


MEP: "You said that Ukraine is gradually conquering territories. But that's not true. Half a million people died. Now they have begun to mobilize even the limitedly fit and the sick..."

Stoltenberg: "No one ever said it would be easy."

Me: "No one explained why Johnson told Zelensky not to sign the peace treaty with Russia 1 month after the war started that gave Ukraine a lot of things that they wanted."

If they had then most of the dead Ukrainians would not have died in vain. Now Ukraine will lose even more territory and its workforce has been obliterated. I wonder how many people there know that Zelensky has sold a lot of the country to the global parasites? And he is going to implement even more harsh austerity measures. So just what are people fighting for?

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The most startling aspect of the push for the NWO is that we, the plebs, are allowing them to do this to us. At what point do we storm the gates and oust these miscreants?

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