I have been listening to most of the prophet on the YouTube. Most said GOD will bring Trump back to office. GOD will punish the wicked people. They said the year 2022 will be like no other time. It will be like the Red Sea moment when GOD open the sea for people to cross to the other side of the land during Moses time in the Bible This is the time for a new era. It a harvest time to win people to YAHUSHUA (Jesus). We are living in the end time but the antichrist will come later. My amateur opinion.

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I just /love/ your information collections.

were I not living on just over half my normal income for the last two years, I'd be inclined to sling you at least a one time donation.

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The last video of Fauci telling the truth was priceless. What the heck happened from 2004 till now ? Greed, power and corruption. Thanks again Lioness of Judah Ministry.

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