The story about the newborn baby dying from a blood clot likely induced by a transfusion with vaccinated blood is the most heartbreaking story yet in the covid scam. Sacrificing humanity to serve their agenda; doesn't get more depraved than that.

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I've been communicating with my congressman about labeling laws for blood products - specifically for all EUA products. Since the blood donation centers insist on knowing who has been vaccinated and don't label the product for the end consumer, I figure that fully informed consent should extend to those folks as well.

I hope others will consider contacting their elected leaders for this effort as well.

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Let's hope the effort bears fruit. Truth told, I have almost zero faith in "selected" leaders in this country any more. They all act for their own benefit, not for ours, unless there is something in it for them, too.

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It would be great if other people do the same. If they start talking amongst themselves and hear of similar buzz, they might try to join the parade.

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Truth-seekers need to tread carefully regarding the 'camel flu' phenomenon in Qatar.

Decades ago, researchers discovered that the 'valley fever' phenomenon in Arizona infected between 1 and 4% of visitors to the region, with some of these infections being fatal. The root cause of the phenomena was traced to the native soil and climate. (More here: https://healthsciences.arizona.edu/tomorrow/danger-dust-valley-fever )

Is there something in the soil and dry climate of Qatar that's causing these unexpected deaths? Every possible cause needs to be on the table at this point. Hopefully, autopsies will find a definitive cause.

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We'll get clues of whether this one is real or just another fraudulent scam, by whether competent investigation is allowed. We're more likely to receive another flood of vague but hysterical "alerts" as evidence it's just a continuation of fascist tactics. The world is devolving to two camps -- those who blindly accept everything the medical fascists demand, and those who automatically reject them. Those who accept the manipulation are inviting further devastation, medical and financial, and those who cynically dispute every warning are inviting disaster if there is a true pathogen. We're living the story of "the boy who cried wolf" where irrational confusion abounds. Perhaps that was the real objective of this whole operation. We definitely need to be alert, but to pathological tyrants more than routine pathogens. Maintaining our immune health is an important part of preparation.

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If Pfizer says they have a vaccine on the shelf, we can surmise it is a scam. If not, they were caught by surprise just like we were and there may be some validity. The comment about investigating all potential causes is spot on. We are so completely convince that upper respiratory illnesses are caused by "viruses" that we seldom look to other potential causes.

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Whether it's a pathogen or a therapy, the important lesson from this disaster is we need to be more critical of the evidence presented.

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yesterday i delivered a Christmas gift, very soft & cuddly stuffed animal leopard, to a neighbor child. got a little tongue tied and asked what she was going to name him, er her. she told me not to worry that it was ‘fluid’, ‘gender fluid’… this is what they are teaching them. 🙀🙀🙀

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