More impostors in masks here:


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Ukraine is going to make disabled people go to the front.

The updated list of illnesses the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine does not consider grounds for declaring a person unfit for military service:

- clinically cured tuberculosis;

- viral hepatitis with minor dysfunction;

- asymptomatic HIV;

- chronic diseases of the blood and blood organs;

- diseases of the endocrine system with minor dysfunctions;

- mild short-term painful manifestations of mental disorders;

- neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders (phobic, anxiety, adaptive, somatoform and other neurotic disorders, neurasthenia, reactions to severe stress) with moderate, short-term manifestations;

- slowly progressive diseases of the central nervous system;

- episodic and paroxysmal disorders.


To the last Ukrainian indeed.

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Songs decrying mask-wearing and the mindset behind it.

A duet between a mask-wearing zealot and a medical freedom fighter. Listen to IT’S JUST A MASK. Subscribe to Turfseer’s Newsletter. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/its-just-a-mask

Watch O HOLY ROMAN, a song about a child who asserts his independence from other children who wear the mask https://turfseer.substack.com/p/o-holy-roman

Watch POD PEOPLE BARBECUE. Origin of mask-wearing zombies revealed in song!


The people graduate “with honors” from this institution of “higher learning.” Watch SHEEPLE UNIVERSITY. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/sheeple-university

BONUS: Free Download. THE ALTERNATIVE COVID-19 NARRATIVE HANDBOOK. A Collection of useful links. Get it here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-alternative-covid-narrative-handbook

Subscribe to Turfseer's Newsletter. Songs, music videos and much more.

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I was reading this site: https://newswithviews.com/lahaina-hi-officer-responded-im-just-following-orders/ on the Lahaina fire. I wrote to the author and recommended he provide more sources for what he’s put there, and he said he had tons of sources, but felt there were too many. I tried to encourage him to put them up, not for me, but for the public.

He then shared this story that he just got from a doctor in Maui who said that his story was correct (on the site above):

“We are at an inflection point. Two weeks ago the mayor ( ironically, a local from Lahaina) issued the 3rd emergency proclamation which essentially gives him complete power and authority to create martial law for 60 days after said declaration of emergency. This can be indefinitely extended as we saw with Covid. The locals are beyond pissed and they know ( we all know) that they will be screwed out of their land. If this upset turns violent, we could rapidly see martial law here. This would have a catastrophic impact for Maui. We can kiss tourism goodbye, not to mention the curfews and difficulties of living under martial law. This mayor is horrific as is the Gov. They both need to be impeached….and quickly.”

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