I am sick to death of weather being blamed on climate change or global warming. Real scientists like meteorologists agree climate change is caused by the SUN and that Earth's climate has been changing since it was created. Neither humans nor animals contribute anything that would artificially change our climate. This fear mongering has been tearing people down into hopelessness for far too long.

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I'm baffled by today's news. It's getting more insane by the day. I never thought I'd see so much wickedness deployed in such a short amount of time. God help us (real soon!)

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Anyone else have military exercise this week? I live in Georgia and we had them too. What seemed like a dozen helicopters did low flyovers all day Tuesday and Wednesday. We're a normal stopping point for them buy usually just see them by the airport and not doing the flyovers of the industrial part of town in that number

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One might hope that military action within the US would be prohibited by the Posse Commitatus Act. It does, but there are a lot of exceptions, not the least of which would be the president invoking the Insurrection Act. Or just ignoring the laws altogether, as this administration seems quite willing to do. We are not a nation of laws, but of political wills. Currently, we don't have much will to enforce the laws.

We had discussions recently on tldavis.substack.com whether the armed forces, military or police, or IRS, would obey orders to attack their countrymen. Some hope they won't, at least not in sufficient numbers to prevail against a motivated population. Recent events seem to confirm they will.

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