Massive explosion at a natural gas plant in Oklahoma


Lockdowns, Vaccine passports, Inflation, Cost of living crisis. Mass protests...happening all over the world against these issues. But the media continue to turn a blind eye.

Albania Tirana Anti-government protests
Sri Lanka President To Quit After Palace Stormed By Angry Protesters
Update (1455ET): Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa announced he would step down late Saturday night after thousands of protesters rushed his official residence and offices earlier in the day.
Rajapaksa has taken refuge in an undisclosed location, some have pointed out, possibly on a naval ship.
Parliament Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena told the nation in a televised announcement late Saturday that Rajapaksa will resign Wednesday "to ensure a peaceful transition."
‘Date-rape drug’ scandal rocks German chancellor’s party
Multiple women felt dizzy after a summer party hosted by Germany's Social Democrats
Berlin police have launched an investigation after at least nine women reported feeling unwell following an invite-only event hosted by the parliamentary group of Chancellor Olaf Scholz's party on Wednesday.
The official probe was first initiated after a 21-year-old woman felt unwell during the party and had no memory of the event the next day, even though she says she didn’t drink any alcohol. The victim went to a hospital and filed a complaint, with police still awaiting the results of her blood test for possible toxic substances.
EU to build new top-secret bunker – media
Leaders’ phones, watches and hearing aids will be banned from the supposedly spy-proof dugout
The European Union is spending €8 million ($8.1 million) to build a secure bunker in Brussels where leaders can meet in secrecy, EUobserver reported on Friday. The chamber will be insulated against electronic interference, and all gadgets will be banned from entering, with the news site claiming that such measures are necessary against “Russian or other eavesdroppers.”
Claiming to have seen an EU memo describing the project, EUobserver reported that the chamber will be designed to host around 100 people comprising up to 34 leaders and associated staff. Due to be built by 2024, the bunker will be located somewhere within the European Council’s complex in the Belgian capital.
UN demands end to fossil fuel addiction
The call comes as Europe shifts back to coal amid the global energy crisis
The United Nations has demanded an end to the global reliance on fossil fuels, calling for an increased use of renewable energy instead.
Current national climate pledges are a “collective suicide” and ending the global addiction to fossil fuels is the top priority, UN secretary general António Guterres said on Thursday. He has also called for a “renewable energy revolution,” according to a press statement on the UN website.
“This means no new coal plants, or expansion in oil and gas exploration,” the UN chief explained.
Manufactured Food Crisis: Elite's "Great Reset" Plan to Take Farmer's Land, Convert it to Housing
"Social Peace Is In Great Danger": Germany Is Quietly Shutting Down As Energy Crunch Paralyzes Economy
Earlier today we wrote that Germany's largest landlord, Vonovia, had taken the unprecedented step of restrictring heating at night, a terrifying preview of what lies in stock for the "most advanced" European nation this winter. Alas, it's going to get worse, much worse.
According to the FT, Germany is now rationing hot water, dimming its street lights and shutting down swimming pools as the impact of its energy crunch begins to spread like the proverbial Ice-Nine wave, from industry to offices, leisure centers and residential homes.
Rogers network outage across Canada hit banks, businesses and consumers
Canada’s Rogers Communications said on Friday it was working to resolve its network issues that have caused widespread disruptions affecting banks, police and consumers across the country.
The outage comes as Rogers is attempting to take over rival Shaw Communications. The C$20-billion deal has been delayed by antitrust authorities over competition concerns.
Interac, Toronto-Dominion Bank, Bank Of Montreal said they were impacted by the outage.
The World Economic Forum's Cyber Polygon hacking simulation was scheduled for yesterday, by coincidence, the day that one of Canada's largest networks, Rogers, was knocked down down

China Acquiring New Weapons Five Times Faster Than U.S. Warns Top Official
The Air Force officer responsible for all aspects of contracting for the service has issued a stark warning about China’s rapid gains in defense acquisition, with the result that its military is now getting its hands on new equipment “five to six times” faster than the United States. This is the latest sobering evidence from a U.S. defense official suggesting that the Pentagon needs to urgently overhaul the way it goes about fielding new weapons, while China increasingly appears to be jockeying for the lead in the development of all kinds of high-end military technologies as part of its broader drive to become a preeminent strategic power.
JPMorgan And Citi are 90% of The U.S. Gold Derivative Market
Gold derivative risk exposure held by FDIC banks jumped 520% in one quarter
This was due to an accounting change where Gold derivatives were previously grouped in with Exchange-Rate currency contracts
As a result, JPM’s observed exposure jumped by over 1,000% from December 2021, to March 2022
JPM and Citi have had 90% of the Gold market derivative risk with almost all of it categorized elsewhere for some time.
Bug off: US military planning winged, insect-like microdrone
The US military has ordered the development of tiny microdrones, whose shape and flapping wing movements will replicate insect flight. The super-small craft will provide incredible stealth in information gathering, and surveillance missions intended to really bug enemies.
“I’m no drone – just a snooping bug”
The elite Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) has partnered with innovative prototype specialist Arion Health LLC to create a model for insect-sized microdrones.
All Macau Casinos Will Shut Down Monday As COVID Outbreak Worsens
The world's largest gambling hub, Macau, will shutter almost all casinos and non-essential businesses for a week from Monday as an outbreak of COVID-19 spreads across the autonomous region on the south coast of China.
AFP quotes Macau's top city official Andre Cheong in a press conference Saturday who said the gambling hub would enter "static management" between July 11-18, during which casinos will be closed. Only essential businesses like supermarkets, gas stations, and pharmacies will remain open.
Taiwan: Birth Rate CRATERED -27.66% in June 2022!!!
Invasion? We do not need no stinking invasion
Dramatic Rise in Children's Funerals: Small Coffins Ordered in Bulk. Funeral Directors Told to Keep Quiet
VAERS: Cardiac Arrest of Two Month Old Baby an Hour after Experimental "Vaccine", 58 Babies Suffered Life-threatening Adverse Events
EXCLUSIVE – UK Gov. admits COVID Vaccine is killing Kids after publishing report proving Vaccinated Children are shocking 30,200% more likely to die than Unvaccinated Children
On June 17th 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) criminally extended the emergency use authorisation of the mRNA Covid-19 injections for use in children as young as 6 months.
There has never been an emergency in regard to Covid-19 infection among children. Two years of evidence show the alleged disease has only adversely affected the elderly and vulnerable. Children have been unlucky to suffer symptoms more severe than those associated with the common cold.
But despite this fact, the FDA has decided it is perfectly safe to administer an experimental injection to babies and toddlers …
No.2 ICU Doctor in the World breaks down over Adverse Reactions from the Covid jabs being ignored & calls it a Humanitarian Crisis.

A Chaotic Upside Down World: Endless Wars, Food Shortages, Eugenics and the “Digitization of Everything”: The WEF Agenda 2030
A chaotic upside-down world, where injustice is justice, war is peace and good and bad are reversible at will, has been emerging over the last decades. Gradually. But ever more severely, to the point where most everyone is confused, preferring holding on to his / her comfort zone, also called cognitive dissonance.
George Orwell’s 1984 is but a prelude to what is still in the making – and may come, if We, the People, do not stop it.
Today, the juxtaposed values that are infiltrated in our brains by massive lie-propaganda have already reached a stage where most people cannot detect a difference between truth and lies. Once they do, they find themselves believing in what commonly is known as a lie, but is sold by the elite and its billion-dollar mass-media as the truth.
A pro-abortion protester screams “We love killing babies!”
Predators In Leadership: “Inclusive” Pastors Subvert Christianity, Promote Pedophilia
Natalie Carey is an independent journalist based in Los Angeles, California. No shortage of things to report on there, you can be sure. This past month Natalie scoped out the LA pride parade, where she predictably saw huge amounts of graphic sexual material proudly displayed in front of children: Stuffed penises (like stuffed animals, but in the shape of genitalia), men with fully exposed buttocks, and a lot more.
“Melinda Gates" at Wimbledon today

Turning off lights and hvac at UN would provide the greatest benefit to the environment. UN arrogance says they have what they need, so everyone else should suffer. That should include all their subordinate units like WHO. UN is Hydra.
Mrs. Doubtfire…good one ! Lioness your articles are so informative.