RFK Jr. is totally pro vaxx & just wants further & more testing to "make them safe" thats idiotic. I dont believe a word that one says! MAHA? Really? I think not, even his supporters in CHD are confused as to his stance on vaccines, which is incredible & scary how hypnotized they are.
If RFK jr stops the protection of Pharma from lawsuits for vaccine harm, that would be a reasonable move that would change vaccine production. To totally throw out the idea of creating effective vaccines that are safe is not reasonable. There are many problems with vaccines at this time, particularly the mRNA based vaccines, but there are people who may benefit from proven vaccines. For instance, the use of tetanus shots for people who are at risk because of their chosen profession. Getting tetanus is mostly fatal.
a big problem at the FDA is when the grandfather in dangerous project leap frogging over previous dubious product with shaddy safety data. That's a giant loophole.
Big Pharma whiteshoe law firm are a huge obstacle. 1 easy key they can turn on day 1 is access of information. All those foia request the good freedom lawyer are asking for if they get access thing will start moving fast. BANKRUPT those fuck
It is unreasonable. That is because there is no such entity as a virus as the cause of infectious disease. Have been in the trenches for 35 years, including Doctorate degree, not as proof. Dr. Yeadon has abdicated from the cartel. He did so publically knowing full well the consequence. I have asked many colleages how many cases of Tetanus they have treated. Zilch. Further symptoms mimicing tetanus have many other explanations... Same for other Dx...
What kind of science is it when they refuse to hear any new data? You'd think they'd be walking over glass shards to get all the information on the subject. But they're minds are snapped shut. And that's what money-mindedness does to the human psyche. They whore themselves out if you just hand 'em a paycheck! "It's muh job" the most imbecilic response to doing bad deeds.
Shoe me the incentives (grants and prestige) and I'll show you the outcomes whether that be science or social engineering 'paid for opinions' coming out of academia.
If he was legit, he would want to be absolutely certain that vaccines are safe. But he's waffling, talking mealy-mouth. Not a sign of sincerity I'm afraid.
No drug is 100% safe for everyone. People need to accept responsibility for their own health decisions. They need to manage their health issues like losing weight to reduce BP, and giving up tobacco. The pressure is on RFK to make improvements. It takes time to put a strategy together. He will be doing what needs to be done to pressure Pharma to come clean about problems during the pandemic.
Well I hope he does. And yes, we must take responsibility for our own health because if we don't, no one else will! It only makes sense anyway, we are adults not children.
Some people need studies and we don’t yet have them. Or we had them but they were destroyed because they told the truth! Hoping RFK does the right thing!!!
Pay attention, accumulate evidence, and try accurate assessment
MAHA is stupid as if cobbles off MAGA however it is designed for those that believe the Gubmint can "make" people healthy. However the real work is stopping Toxicity and that appears to be Big P, Chemical companies, and the Medical Cartel
Why do none of them address the mass contamination of our water supply by adding in fluoride, refuse from pollution scrubbers? Are we in an insane asylum or something? These bungling knuckleheads are captaining the ship?
Follow the money. there are three kinds of people, the healthy, the unhealthy -chronically sick, and the dead. Which do you think generates the largest profits across the corporate land scape?
I don't want any of them. Women who engage in politics are just engaging in a totally male construct. I wish women would see that. Men wrote the constitution only men. And the whole thing is male-concocted.
You don’t hear anything from the Trump movement about stopping chemtrail spraying or the poisonous Covid jabs either. None of them are bringing this topic up. Trump talks about the jabs as a wonderful thing. That tells me all I need to know! The Trump supporters are being played because they want to believe he’s gonna save them. Hegelian Dialectic in full swing.
There was a post RFK Jr. made about stopping the spraying. Maybe we can pressure them to stop or reduce that attack on our health, unless “Elon” needs the nanotech to keep being uploaded into humanity, I think shots/spraying are laying in trans-human nano groundwork and the “neural link” is the last step.
That’s been my thoughts! I don’t think Elon is a good actor AT ALL! He’s shown enough to all that he’s into transhumanism so why people trust him blows my mind. Now he associates himself with Trump and everyone thinks that’s a good thing? That makes me question Trump even more. Common sense is truly lacking today!
I can’t remember where I found this but it exonerates Elon Musk. Last year, when interviewed by CNBC, Musk was asked why he shares his opinions online even when he knew many people wouldn’t like them and it has had some negative effects on his companies.
Musk paused for 12 seconds and then replied:
“You know, I’m reminded of the scene of the ‘Princess Bride’—great movie—where he confronts the person who killed his father and he says, ‘Offer me money, offer me power. I don’t care.’ ... I’ll say what I want to say and if the consequence of that is losing money, so be it.”
If Trump lost, Elon Musk would be screwed because the Marxists hate his Capitalism.
Elon is a giant social engineer, dont trust his larping and good cop bad cop games, he is part of team transhumanist(besides his mother is ashkenazi and so is he), he went only in the campaign to bring in Vance thats the important agenda 2030 potus who got big techs back, next years will tell us.
So was Henry Ford a social engineer and thank the Lord for him! I’ve benefited from his engineering and I am pretty sure you have too, unless you are Amish. Musk’s interest in Neuralink sounds like it could be trans humanist, but it could also be the solution for people who suffer from brain damage due to stroke, or other conditions. Vance is successful in his own right and didn’t need Musk to pave the way for him. As far as Agenda 2030, it is a UN project and the UN hates Trump. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jDtcGlZI_bQ Do I have to do all your homework for you Kati? Try being a bit more proactive by educating yourself before you write your replies.
It doesn't matter what their fake background is. They're fake people. Probably don't even have those names for real. It is a total puppet show., no kidding. Please try and see how this could be true. Look at what they do to you, our attention again is on them, not on us! Touche! That is exactly what they set out to do. Imagine if we gave this much time, attention and energy to something that benefited us entirely, imagine what we could fashion. Don't waste your time on any of them. Probably before the inauguration, something will happen, some drama which changes everything again. Expect it. That's the kind of game they play.
Denise, you need a break from social media. It sounds like you are tightly wound and need to go outside to reconnect with the real world. It has been a stressful week for a lot of people. Hang in there. Politics isn’t for everybody. 😊
Denise you need no breaks, you are doing well. This is indeed just theater, and Elon/trump/vance they’re all just playing a part. The only one I feel may be genuine is rfk, but he’s probably just a damn good actor.
Elon is an odd character and is totally one of them. Here’s a video I found yesterday that gives a little insight into who he is
get off your stump, ever look at what the Ford foundation funds? Though I do give credit for Ford's hatred of the current all money as debt monetary system all owed to the banking cartel when he said " It is well enough that the American people do not understand our monetary system or I believe there would be revolution before morning."
Musk's Grandfather was the head of technocracy INC in Canada. Just as gate's Father was the head of Planned Parenthood, a thinly disguised Eugenics operation.
He doesn’t care because his character is more important to him than money. Exactly the type of person we need in government!!! Bring back good character!!!!
Baba yagas everywhere? Might as well crawl into a cave and hibernate. Pristine people means people with no experience in the cutthroat world of reality and no hope of ever being successful at what needs to be done. Defeating the demons of the establishment world order. We need to give these people a chance to govern and do what they said they would do to repair the damage and get the nation back on track. A monumental super human task, something akin to the historical political comeback we just witnessed. Being vigilant while supportive.
'' A monumental super human task, something akin to the historical political comeback we just witnessed." AND MAYBE" " for sure '' everything is SCRIPTED , ain't it??? Like DI, CBDC, 15m CITY, DEMOCID IN PLAY WITH C19, GENOCIDE, FIRES, FLOODING, LGBGQ+++COMMEN SENSE OBLITERATE, MEDIA CENSORSHIP!!!!
Yes indeed, remembering the 1994 conference held in Cairo, Egypt when the nations of this whirled signed on to reduce the human population within their jurisdictions!
Well not all of us approve of the system. Yet it forces itself upon us and voters are responsible for that because you vote to put someone in charge of others not just yourself. I don't have to (and don't) abide by their stupid, insane laws, but they don't care, my neighbors force their will upon me that I must conform to their fantasies. We have these weaklings who put on a costume and wear a gun, have an unlimited supply of resources supporting their banditry, And all this to threaten those who want no part of their idiotic system. It's your system too if you vote. That IS the system. And it's enforced upon everybody else. These dudes in Washington are totally futile. All theater, every piece of it. Nothing is real.
But the #1 bad guy is Alex Karp. This guy is a lunatic. He's the guy behind Gaza AI death machine known has lavender. Eric Schmidth is building the AI - lethal drone swarm complex.
But its always . . . Musk , Theil who get the spotlight. IF Theil want utopian city who the fuck cares. Good for him. IF Musk want to Occupy Mars GOOD perfect. I want some Mars real estate near a lake , waterfall .
Its less and less credible. This criticism is devolving into nay sayer and envy.
NASA is a bad agency . . . all those green screen and even "under water " moon walk.
They lied so often , they lost the data tapes of the moon land !!!!
Never A Straight Answer . . . they should go on the chopping block. We were suppose to get civilian purview . . . . they always share the same educational content. Most 10 yrs old know all that stuff . Roscosmos is so much more transparent.
Am watching Putin Valdai speech right now. I can tell ya Japan is freaking out. Jap has entered a pack of mutual defense with India(neutral not us or China align). If shit goes down Australia - Malaysia is done. Maga mean for Japan no more selling TV and Cars like in the 80s economical miracle.
Musk is probably the only one that most country have good will toward. He can talk to people that make sens. On Rogan he said the AI - Robot future won't happen for 15-20 yrs. Who knows.
The future is very much up for grabs for the free people who want to get involve in their political affairs.
We shall see what happens. Choosing Wiles as COS is a decent start. For me, the biggest early ‘tell’ will be his choice for White House Counsel. That will be one to watch. Does he pick someone who has the courage and expertise to actually go after the entrenched bureaucracy? Or does he go with a safe choice, or even worse, an establishment figure.
Time will tell.
The Musk issue is interesting. I’m not a fan. But without his all in support and money, I don’t think Trump would have won. So at the moment, I’m keeping an open mind. Say what you will, the guy knows how to get shit done.
That’s scary! I do not trust any of them. Trump because he believes he did right with the bioweapon jab, and he supports Israel like he does which I get because we all have been deceived from a young age to support Israel. But Trump can be told the truth as he was told by Dr David Martin about the jab and he still denies they do harm.
RFK Jr because he was a democrat, Musk because he is into transhumanism plus he looks weird to me like he already has transformed into this non humanoid creature. And the thing with twitter was a way to censor. I say the right wing and the left wing belong to the same bird. Our country could not stand another 4yrs under Harris but then again why did they not try to steal it? Is it because they are ready for a major change and feel that Trump supporters will adapt under Trump thinking it’s a good thing. There’s an awful lot of his supporters who think he does no wrong. He makes bad choices for his cabinet for sure. He did sign the peace accord, who does scriptures say is to do that? Hmm.
I agree Harris had to go, Trump the better man for the job even with all the things stated. I agree we do need to hold him accountable, unfortunately I have found there to be a lot of his supporters who do not think so. Everyone who pushed the bioweapon needs to be held accountable. The FDA & CDC need to be demolished they are tentacles off the UN. Nothing changes as long as the UN is still a NGO. All the NGO’s at the local level need to go this is where it is the weakest. (IKLEI, HUD, global food hubs, the Range, visionzero, ) whoever it is in each city pushing global ideas. Then federally it will fall because there’s nothing locally holding it. Local government need to get back to a representative gov for the people. Rosa Koire and Henry Lamb explain this.
God gets the last word regardless of which world leaders including DJT and his helper Elon, and his entire band of merry men and women are running the show. God says that those who should be trembling in their boots before His eternal will are those to whom MUCH has been given, as God has ordained they will have more to answer to Him for.
The modern day “titans” may think they have the world by the tail. And guys like Elon may be wading in trillions $$$ yet still up to no good with his transhumanism agenda like brain chipping humans.
But, the bottomline is that the people who know their God need fear NOTHING. God is big enough to handle all the intrigue and schemes of the politicos of this age, and the whole universe. As it is written, to Him the nations are as a drop in the bucket. Isaiah 40:15-31 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%2040%3A15-31&version=NIV
I do not know of a god and I fear nothing. If god can handle it, why do we all have to go through this torture then? Why didn't he handle it long ago? What is he - a sadist? Enjoys watching his creation suffer?
Elon only supported Trumps campaign to bring in Vance, this is the potus of agenda 2030, Thiel is funding him with a motive, Trump and Vance will pave the way for agenda 2030 next years, to bring CDBC they will need a big event which makes people be docile and go along, money is dirty what could that be, maybe the pandemic Gates exercised in 2022 for 2025? Time will tell
It's good to hear what everyone has to say but there is no empowerment for us mentioned. It's just like we're always being alerted to something, yet we are much more powerful than the dark side. The dark side knows it and has done its best to traumatize us over eons so that we would never realize our intrinsic true power.
Bottom line…..don’t trust the politicians. Our best interests are not in their future. Goddammit we’ve got to stop with this shit that weakens us. None of these fukks are going to save us, the opposite in fact. Our demise is in their hands, that’s it. People gotta stop trusting them.
They just lulled everyone into a state of feeling bright about the future. They are raising our hopes only to bring something on that will shatter our hopes. They feed off our energy, they depend on our creation. "They" are beings within us, that use humans to achieve their end. Their objective is entropy, the polar opposite to synergy, regeneration, abundance. It is an energy of decomposition.
Not only "accountable", but Trump47 ABSOLUTELY MUST do what Trump45 failed to do, namely, to take out the Fat Rat criminals in our government, in our courts, in our financial sector, ... EVERYWHERE.
If that is not done, if the Fat Rats are allowed to remain free with all of their wealth and power, then we are a doomed country living on limited borrowed time. No nation can be "Great" when it's corrupted to the hilt in every critical area. That's where the USA is at this moment.
He did not "fail" He said he would drain the swamp. He did not say how big it was or how long it would take. If evidence is useful, pay attention, create a file folder, and suspend assertions.
Evidence - mountains of it - indicate that Trump failed miserably regarding "draining the swamp". But then again, maybe it wasn't a "failure", maybe it was a huge success.
If, as my theory claims, Trump is actually one of 'them', then he succeeded in bamboozling America into believing that he was going to "drain the swamp", when actually his goal was to make the swamp bigger, wider, and deeper. Here's one more evidence of that ...
Trump recently appointed Susie Wiles as his Chief of Staff. Wiles, you may not know, is as big a swamp creature as they come. Wiles is a heavy promoter of Big Pharma, and she's a Globalist neocon. Thus, evidence *against* Trump continues piling up.
I will assert what the evidence indicates, not what blind rabid fanaticism tells me to do. I will also not carry water or make excuses for an obvious failure to do as promised.
I see this as the possible 2 witnesses coming before A.C., and with R.F.K. in bed with Trump and Musk - one of these a-holes would then be the A.C. Gut states one but I will wait a little longer before I state it. Two witnesses speak highly of the 3rd, and that's what they are supposed to do. Revelation 11:3
BEFORE you jump up and down, think about it. There is absolutely nothing Satan has NOT copied from the walk of Jesus. Satan has destroyed all of creation - even if he uses man to do it because he is incapable, he can not create nothing of his own. He has copied conception in a test tube. He has destroyed man with C-19. Everything he has managed to do, is a tainted filthy copy of God's perfection.
If you look at things that way - you will not be duped by Satan's figures in dust storms, bleeding statues, crying statues, etc.
Remember he can do nothing on his own, he MUST use something that has already been created by God and then uses man to get it into fruition.
That's true however it isn't this being called "Satan", it's an energy and it lives within us and uses us from the inside to do its bidding. It produces waste like all beings and that feeds certain organisms, parasites living inside us. Metals, toxins, the parasites that live on those have a filed day. Our gut biome changes, different strains are formed because different parasites produce different wastes and other organisms, we call them bacteria, etc., have a taste for that kind of food. Organisms that produce good gasses within us, feeding other good organisms (bacteria) and they continue the production line balancing our biome, and releasing our mind from the control of the detrimental organisms. Our thoughts create the chemicals/gases that determine which bacterial families inhabit the biome. But we have countless biomes throughout the body. For example, the biome in our mouth, on our belly-button, at the back of our ears. Our system has kept us backward in our thinking, giving us only a 2-dimensional view of life because it all comes from the written word. We've lost the practice to share original ideas with each other - and only accept ideas that have been written by usually, someone famous. We have been severed dumbed down.
We change because we see too much of the world and it affects and corrupts us. We also refuse to eat as God commanded - Genesis 1:30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
Yet many gorge themselves on volumes of food or meat (cows, pigs, sheep) and take no account for the loss of life to feed them.
Also as for Satan - he is real. As for his minions - they are real. I have seen the other side in the form of 2 of these ugly minions, and one Strongman namely the Spirit of Divinity. I have seen the other side of Heaven too - called hell and believe me you do not want to go there. Revelation 15:2 "And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God." Why the explanation of the sea of glass? then add this and you will see part of the future for those going to hell and those who had victory over the beast Luke 16:26 "And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence." There will be no help for those wicked as they go into eternal torment.
RFK Jr. is totally pro vaxx & just wants further & more testing to "make them safe" thats idiotic. I dont believe a word that one says! MAHA? Really? I think not, even his supporters in CHD are confused as to his stance on vaccines, which is incredible & scary how hypnotized they are.
And then theres Pompeo, omg, omg!
If RFK jr stops the protection of Pharma from lawsuits for vaccine harm, that would be a reasonable move that would change vaccine production. To totally throw out the idea of creating effective vaccines that are safe is not reasonable. There are many problems with vaccines at this time, particularly the mRNA based vaccines, but there are people who may benefit from proven vaccines. For instance, the use of tetanus shots for people who are at risk because of their chosen profession. Getting tetanus is mostly fatal.
a big problem at the FDA is when the grandfather in dangerous project leap frogging over previous dubious product with shaddy safety data. That's a giant loophole.
Big Pharma whiteshoe law firm are a huge obstacle. 1 easy key they can turn on day 1 is access of information. All those foia request the good freedom lawyer are asking for if they get access thing will start moving fast. BANKRUPT those fuck
Oh stop it, those confounded ads again.
It is unreasonable. That is because there is no such entity as a virus as the cause of infectious disease. Have been in the trenches for 35 years, including Doctorate degree, not as proof. Dr. Yeadon has abdicated from the cartel. He did so publically knowing full well the consequence. I have asked many colleages how many cases of Tetanus they have treated. Zilch. Further symptoms mimicing tetanus have many other explanations... Same for other Dx...
What kind of science is it when they refuse to hear any new data? You'd think they'd be walking over glass shards to get all the information on the subject. But they're minds are snapped shut. And that's what money-mindedness does to the human psyche. They whore themselves out if you just hand 'em a paycheck! "It's muh job" the most imbecilic response to doing bad deeds.
Shoe me the incentives (grants and prestige) and I'll show you the outcomes whether that be science or social engineering 'paid for opinions' coming out of academia.
Tetanus I've read is largely curable now somewhere in the 90% range, mind the other 10% is likely in the mortality column.
Trump just said he was going to do that right away.
If he was legit, he would want to be absolutely certain that vaccines are safe. But he's waffling, talking mealy-mouth. Not a sign of sincerity I'm afraid.
No drug is 100% safe for everyone. People need to accept responsibility for their own health decisions. They need to manage their health issues like losing weight to reduce BP, and giving up tobacco. The pressure is on RFK to make improvements. It takes time to put a strategy together. He will be doing what needs to be done to pressure Pharma to come clean about problems during the pandemic.
Well I hope he does. And yes, we must take responsibility for our own health because if we don't, no one else will! It only makes sense anyway, we are adults not children.
And didn't he say that he was going after big Pharma last time?
Some people need studies and we don’t yet have them. Or we had them but they were destroyed because they told the truth! Hoping RFK does the right thing!!!
either that or RFK is playing the long game. His ditching the Dem party at exactly the right time ought to tell us plenty
4D chess is like that
Pay attention, accumulate evidence, and try accurate assessment
MAHA is stupid as if cobbles off MAGA however it is designed for those that believe the Gubmint can "make" people healthy. However the real work is stopping Toxicity and that appears to be Big P, Chemical companies, and the Medical Cartel
Why do none of them address the mass contamination of our water supply by adding in fluoride, refuse from pollution scrubbers? Are we in an insane asylum or something? These bungling knuckleheads are captaining the ship?
Follow the money. there are three kinds of people, the healthy, the unhealthy -chronically sick, and the dead. Which do you think generates the largest profits across the corporate land scape?
Denise. So do want Harris back? Stop whining.
I don't want any of them. Women who engage in politics are just engaging in a totally male construct. I wish women would see that. Men wrote the constitution only men. And the whole thing is male-concocted.
You don’t hear anything from the Trump movement about stopping chemtrail spraying or the poisonous Covid jabs either. None of them are bringing this topic up. Trump talks about the jabs as a wonderful thing. That tells me all I need to know! The Trump supporters are being played because they want to believe he’s gonna save them. Hegelian Dialectic in full swing.
There was a post RFK Jr. made about stopping the spraying. Maybe we can pressure them to stop or reduce that attack on our health, unless “Elon” needs the nanotech to keep being uploaded into humanity, I think shots/spraying are laying in trans-human nano groundwork and the “neural link” is the last step.
That’s been my thoughts! I don’t think Elon is a good actor AT ALL! He’s shown enough to all that he’s into transhumanism so why people trust him blows my mind. Now he associates himself with Trump and everyone thinks that’s a good thing? That makes me question Trump even more. Common sense is truly lacking today!
I think you've got it right on.
Really accurate article! It’s the Hegelian Dialectic. https://www.oliverduerr.de/en/society/hegelian-dialectics-powerful-instrument-an-analogy/
Stockholm Syndrome is riding high. How much abuse will the people tolerate?
Truth server ur rant deserves no energy. You are opining two opposites. I find when people do that, they simply need to be right.
he IS? are you sure? That makes absolutely no sense whatsover....is he schizoid?
Screaming lady 🙄🙉🙈🙊
I can’t remember where I found this but it exonerates Elon Musk. Last year, when interviewed by CNBC, Musk was asked why he shares his opinions online even when he knew many people wouldn’t like them and it has had some negative effects on his companies.
Musk paused for 12 seconds and then replied:
“You know, I’m reminded of the scene of the ‘Princess Bride’—great movie—where he confronts the person who killed his father and he says, ‘Offer me money, offer me power. I don’t care.’ ... I’ll say what I want to say and if the consequence of that is losing money, so be it.”
If Trump lost, Elon Musk would be screwed because the Marxists hate his Capitalism.
Elon is a giant social engineer, dont trust his larping and good cop bad cop games, he is part of team transhumanist(besides his mother is ashkenazi and so is he), he went only in the campaign to bring in Vance thats the important agenda 2030 potus who got big techs back, next years will tell us.
So was Henry Ford a social engineer and thank the Lord for him! I’ve benefited from his engineering and I am pretty sure you have too, unless you are Amish. Musk’s interest in Neuralink sounds like it could be trans humanist, but it could also be the solution for people who suffer from brain damage due to stroke, or other conditions. Vance is successful in his own right and didn’t need Musk to pave the way for him. As far as Agenda 2030, it is a UN project and the UN hates Trump. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jDtcGlZI_bQ Do I have to do all your homework for you Kati? Try being a bit more proactive by educating yourself before you write your replies.
It doesn't matter what their fake background is. They're fake people. Probably don't even have those names for real. It is a total puppet show., no kidding. Please try and see how this could be true. Look at what they do to you, our attention again is on them, not on us! Touche! That is exactly what they set out to do. Imagine if we gave this much time, attention and energy to something that benefited us entirely, imagine what we could fashion. Don't waste your time on any of them. Probably before the inauguration, something will happen, some drama which changes everything again. Expect it. That's the kind of game they play.
Denise, you need a break from social media. It sounds like you are tightly wound and need to go outside to reconnect with the real world. It has been a stressful week for a lot of people. Hang in there. Politics isn’t for everybody. 😊
You're completely f**king blind to the levels of deception that are in play as very plain to see.
Yeah for free speech, Brad. Too bad you’re a dum Dem. Thanks to EM for preserving that freedom.
The 1st Amendment is first for a reason.
Denise you need no breaks, you are doing well. This is indeed just theater, and Elon/trump/vance they’re all just playing a part. The only one I feel may be genuine is rfk, but he’s probably just a damn good actor.
Elon is an odd character and is totally one of them. Here’s a video I found yesterday that gives a little insight into who he is
get off your stump, ever look at what the Ford foundation funds? Though I do give credit for Ford's hatred of the current all money as debt monetary system all owed to the banking cartel when he said " It is well enough that the American people do not understand our monetary system or I believe there would be revolution before morning."
Henry Ford is long gone, and his legacy of assembly line production is MAGA all the way.
None of them can be trusted. Zilch. Zippo. Nada.
Musk's Grandfather was the head of technocracy INC in Canada. Just as gate's Father was the head of Planned Parenthood, a thinly disguised Eugenics operation.
a Harris victory and WE all would be screwed
Musk clearly knew what was at stake.
They all know the script, yes.
He doesn’t care because his character is more important to him than money. Exactly the type of person we need in government!!! Bring back good character!!!!
Baba yagas everywhere? Might as well crawl into a cave and hibernate. Pristine people means people with no experience in the cutthroat world of reality and no hope of ever being successful at what needs to be done. Defeating the demons of the establishment world order. We need to give these people a chance to govern and do what they said they would do to repair the damage and get the nation back on track. A monumental super human task, something akin to the historical political comeback we just witnessed. Being vigilant while supportive.
Well said.
'' A monumental super human task, something akin to the historical political comeback we just witnessed." AND MAYBE" " for sure '' everything is SCRIPTED , ain't it??? Like DI, CBDC, 15m CITY, DEMOCID IN PLAY WITH C19, GENOCIDE, FIRES, FLOODING, LGBGQ+++COMMEN SENSE OBLITERATE, MEDIA CENSORSHIP!!!!
Not “scripted” by humans. For sure!
Why not? Humans carry out the script...
Yes indeed, remembering the 1994 conference held in Cairo, Egypt when the nations of this whirled signed on to reduce the human population within their jurisdictions!
Well not all of us approve of the system. Yet it forces itself upon us and voters are responsible for that because you vote to put someone in charge of others not just yourself. I don't have to (and don't) abide by their stupid, insane laws, but they don't care, my neighbors force their will upon me that I must conform to their fantasies. We have these weaklings who put on a costume and wear a gun, have an unlimited supply of resources supporting their banditry, And all this to threaten those who want no part of their idiotic system. It's your system too if you vote. That IS the system. And it's enforced upon everybody else. These dudes in Washington are totally futile. All theater, every piece of it. Nothing is real.
True Philip Joseph
As JFK said regarding civil rights 'I need the people to make me do the right thing' paraphrased.
But the #1 bad guy is Alex Karp. This guy is a lunatic. He's the guy behind Gaza AI death machine known has lavender. Eric Schmidth is building the AI - lethal drone swarm complex.
But its always . . . Musk , Theil who get the spotlight. IF Theil want utopian city who the fuck cares. Good for him. IF Musk want to Occupy Mars GOOD perfect. I want some Mars real estate near a lake , waterfall .
Its less and less credible. This criticism is devolving into nay sayer and envy.
NASA is a bad agency . . . all those green screen and even "under water " moon walk.
They lied so often , they lost the data tapes of the moon land !!!!
Never A Straight Answer . . . they should go on the chopping block. We were suppose to get civilian purview . . . . they always share the same educational content. Most 10 yrs old know all that stuff . Roscosmos is so much more transparent.
None the less Space is a worthy endeavor.
All scripted. These are scripted characters. See how everyone is talking about them as though they are real?
The people who were writing the screenplay are dead and dying.(https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/d11d9d2b70c2f29ab9379728a48283fb9cdda0d8/0_82_3081_1849/master/3081.jpg?width=445&dpr=1&s=none&crop=none
) We are very much off script.
Am watching Putin Valdai speech right now. I can tell ya Japan is freaking out. Jap has entered a pack of mutual defense with India(neutral not us or China align). If shit goes down Australia - Malaysia is done. Maga mean for Japan no more selling TV and Cars like in the 80s economical miracle.
Musk is probably the only one that most country have good will toward. He can talk to people that make sens. On Rogan he said the AI - Robot future won't happen for 15-20 yrs. Who knows.
The future is very much up for grabs for the free people who want to get involve in their political affairs.
a funny one : https://politikuriideologiebi.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/l.jpg
We shall see what happens. Choosing Wiles as COS is a decent start. For me, the biggest early ‘tell’ will be his choice for White House Counsel. That will be one to watch. Does he pick someone who has the courage and expertise to actually go after the entrenched bureaucracy? Or does he go with a safe choice, or even worse, an establishment figure.
Time will tell.
The Musk issue is interesting. I’m not a fan. But without his all in support and money, I don’t think Trump would have won. So at the moment, I’m keeping an open mind. Say what you will, the guy knows how to get shit done.
That makes several that get _hit done. The thing about collaboration is collaboration
That’s scary! I do not trust any of them. Trump because he believes he did right with the bioweapon jab, and he supports Israel like he does which I get because we all have been deceived from a young age to support Israel. But Trump can be told the truth as he was told by Dr David Martin about the jab and he still denies they do harm.
RFK Jr because he was a democrat, Musk because he is into transhumanism plus he looks weird to me like he already has transformed into this non humanoid creature. And the thing with twitter was a way to censor. I say the right wing and the left wing belong to the same bird. Our country could not stand another 4yrs under Harris but then again why did they not try to steal it? Is it because they are ready for a major change and feel that Trump supporters will adapt under Trump thinking it’s a good thing. There’s an awful lot of his supporters who think he does no wrong. He makes bad choices for his cabinet for sure. He did sign the peace accord, who does scriptures say is to do that? Hmm.
I agree Harris had to go, Trump the better man for the job even with all the things stated. I agree we do need to hold him accountable, unfortunately I have found there to be a lot of his supporters who do not think so. Everyone who pushed the bioweapon needs to be held accountable. The FDA & CDC need to be demolished they are tentacles off the UN. Nothing changes as long as the UN is still a NGO. All the NGO’s at the local level need to go this is where it is the weakest. (IKLEI, HUD, global food hubs, the Range, visionzero, ) whoever it is in each city pushing global ideas. Then federally it will fall because there’s nothing locally holding it. Local government need to get back to a representative gov for the people. Rosa Koire and Henry Lamb explain this.
God gets the last word regardless of which world leaders including DJT and his helper Elon, and his entire band of merry men and women are running the show. God says that those who should be trembling in their boots before His eternal will are those to whom MUCH has been given, as God has ordained they will have more to answer to Him for.
The modern day “titans” may think they have the world by the tail. And guys like Elon may be wading in trillions $$$ yet still up to no good with his transhumanism agenda like brain chipping humans.
But, the bottomline is that the people who know their God need fear NOTHING. God is big enough to handle all the intrigue and schemes of the politicos of this age, and the whole universe. As it is written, to Him the nations are as a drop in the bucket. Isaiah 40:15-31 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%2040%3A15-31&version=NIV
Also, the entire world system has an divinely destined expiry date that’s known by God alone, so no matter what, it will always be His power winning out over “theirs”. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2018&version=TLB
I do not know of a god and I fear nothing. If god can handle it, why do we all have to go through this torture then? Why didn't he handle it long ago? What is he - a sadist? Enjoys watching his creation suffer?
Dont agree w you
Actions speak louder than words.
Let us see if there is action or just more drama and BS.
Fingers crossed as we watch what unfolds. I don’t fully trust any of them.
However, the last four years experience had to be swept out the door. Our fortune cookie would say “wait and see, nothing is for certain.”
It’s all a big game.
If a restaurant is as good as its last meal... Some really good grinds served up of late
Elon only supported Trumps campaign to bring in Vance, this is the potus of agenda 2030, Thiel is funding him with a motive, Trump and Vance will pave the way for agenda 2030 next years, to bring CDBC they will need a big event which makes people be docile and go along, money is dirty what could that be, maybe the pandemic Gates exercised in 2022 for 2025? Time will tell
Giving voice to highly undesirable outcomes is the mark of keyboard warriors.
It's good to hear what everyone has to say but there is no empowerment for us mentioned. It's just like we're always being alerted to something, yet we are much more powerful than the dark side. The dark side knows it and has done its best to traumatize us over eons so that we would never realize our intrinsic true power.
Remember Musk is an anagram of Skum.
What a cracker! I wonder if their team did that on purpose.
Elon Musk = Lone Skum. Not very inspirational:).
there is one name that saves. every knee will bow. every tongue confess. be vigilant for all else.
Huh? Could you be a little more vague?
Bottom line…..don’t trust the politicians. Our best interests are not in their future. Goddammit we’ve got to stop with this shit that weakens us. None of these fukks are going to save us, the opposite in fact. Our demise is in their hands, that’s it. People gotta stop trusting them.
They just lulled everyone into a state of feeling bright about the future. They are raising our hopes only to bring something on that will shatter our hopes. They feed off our energy, they depend on our creation. "They" are beings within us, that use humans to achieve their end. Their objective is entropy, the polar opposite to synergy, regeneration, abundance. It is an energy of decomposition.
DOUBLE thumbs up for this article!!!
Not only "accountable", but Trump47 ABSOLUTELY MUST do what Trump45 failed to do, namely, to take out the Fat Rat criminals in our government, in our courts, in our financial sector, ... EVERYWHERE.
If that is not done, if the Fat Rats are allowed to remain free with all of their wealth and power, then we are a doomed country living on limited borrowed time. No nation can be "Great" when it's corrupted to the hilt in every critical area. That's where the USA is at this moment.
He did not "fail" He said he would drain the swamp. He did not say how big it was or how long it would take. If evidence is useful, pay attention, create a file folder, and suspend assertions.
Evidence - mountains of it - indicate that Trump failed miserably regarding "draining the swamp". But then again, maybe it wasn't a "failure", maybe it was a huge success.
If, as my theory claims, Trump is actually one of 'them', then he succeeded in bamboozling America into believing that he was going to "drain the swamp", when actually his goal was to make the swamp bigger, wider, and deeper. Here's one more evidence of that ...
Trump recently appointed Susie Wiles as his Chief of Staff. Wiles, you may not know, is as big a swamp creature as they come. Wiles is a heavy promoter of Big Pharma, and she's a Globalist neocon. Thus, evidence *against* Trump continues piling up.
I will assert what the evidence indicates, not what blind rabid fanaticism tells me to do. I will also not carry water or make excuses for an obvious failure to do as promised.
I see this as the possible 2 witnesses coming before A.C., and with R.F.K. in bed with Trump and Musk - one of these a-holes would then be the A.C. Gut states one but I will wait a little longer before I state it. Two witnesses speak highly of the 3rd, and that's what they are supposed to do. Revelation 11:3
BEFORE you jump up and down, think about it. There is absolutely nothing Satan has NOT copied from the walk of Jesus. Satan has destroyed all of creation - even if he uses man to do it because he is incapable, he can not create nothing of his own. He has copied conception in a test tube. He has destroyed man with C-19. Everything he has managed to do, is a tainted filthy copy of God's perfection.
If you look at things that way - you will not be duped by Satan's figures in dust storms, bleeding statues, crying statues, etc.
Remember he can do nothing on his own, he MUST use something that has already been created by God and then uses man to get it into fruition.
so you jump over knowledge on your way to wisdom and end up with Satan analogies?
More knowledgeable than your comments it seems.
That's true however it isn't this being called "Satan", it's an energy and it lives within us and uses us from the inside to do its bidding. It produces waste like all beings and that feeds certain organisms, parasites living inside us. Metals, toxins, the parasites that live on those have a filed day. Our gut biome changes, different strains are formed because different parasites produce different wastes and other organisms, we call them bacteria, etc., have a taste for that kind of food. Organisms that produce good gasses within us, feeding other good organisms (bacteria) and they continue the production line balancing our biome, and releasing our mind from the control of the detrimental organisms. Our thoughts create the chemicals/gases that determine which bacterial families inhabit the biome. But we have countless biomes throughout the body. For example, the biome in our mouth, on our belly-button, at the back of our ears. Our system has kept us backward in our thinking, giving us only a 2-dimensional view of life because it all comes from the written word. We've lost the practice to share original ideas with each other - and only accept ideas that have been written by usually, someone famous. We have been severed dumbed down.
We change because we see too much of the world and it affects and corrupts us. We also refuse to eat as God commanded - Genesis 1:30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
Yet many gorge themselves on volumes of food or meat (cows, pigs, sheep) and take no account for the loss of life to feed them.
Also as for Satan - he is real. As for his minions - they are real. I have seen the other side in the form of 2 of these ugly minions, and one Strongman namely the Spirit of Divinity. I have seen the other side of Heaven too - called hell and believe me you do not want to go there. Revelation 15:2 "And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God." Why the explanation of the sea of glass? then add this and you will see part of the future for those going to hell and those who had victory over the beast Luke 16:26 "And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence." There will be no help for those wicked as they go into eternal torment.
Verses from KJV