I Like Cats- & I've got a Sense of Humour! AppaRentLie, these are ALL just COINsideDents! I like M.Lynch's 'Advanced Tech' U.N.sinkAble 56 METRE 'Dingy'- 'Sink in Minutes', whilst Anchored in a Sicilian Bay! Apparently Satelite Weather Logs - Several Hours/ Spanning THE 'Sinking' Period - AppPeer to Have been 'Deleted'! So 'COINsideDents' HappenALL of the Time! - Just like; The English, still have the Original Magna Carta (1215), BUT, managed to Lose The Nuclear powered Submarine HMS Conkers (CONquerer)Ops Log, ON, Sinking the Argentine Cruiser General Belgrano. Damn FedEx couriers! - PDF (1) in action AGAIN!
(1) PDF - Personal Data File. OR, in Most Politic Govt/COMIC (2) cases = Plausible DeniAbility Factor!
(2) COMIC - CorpoRat Organised Military IndustTrial CONplex.
Yes!!!! Global censorship by the CYSTem for sure has and is increasing. The OPP and a corrupt bureauCRAP have been trying to silence me for over two decades (lies, defamation, CCC violations, Charter of Rights and Freedoms violations and BR violations)and failed but upped the ante but will pay for that by exposure and publicized court of public opinion in Canuckistan and USA.
The corrupt bureauCRAP deceased a year ago unexpectedly as did the mother of the OPP defective lying detective who disrespected my mother, a WW2 veteran who was only four months from her centennial birthday when she died. Coincidence?
Always value the words of Edward Dowd! The Cabal moves on…bullies do not back down! Praying for the Righteous with the Help of the Heavenly Hosts to Stand and Fight 🙏
During the distractions of the Trump trial in May they tried to pass a pandemic treaty while the average citizen struggles to make it by. They failed. But what they did get was to agree to target "misinformation." That is where we are at right now. Whole lotta "stuff" happened too - to inch the mystery beast blob forward a few more technocrat inches. Seems like someone is writing a script and ALL the elites from left to right are in on it? Seems too complex ...maybe not
"Russian entrepreneur Pavel Durov, founder of social media platforms VKontakte and Telegram, was mentioned on the WEF website as a Young Global Leader in 2017, but he is not listed (anymore) in the official Young Global Leaders membership directory (he may have rejected the invitation)."
Pavel Durov may be going through a personal crisis of sorts to finally recognize like Elon Musk that if you stick your head above the rest, the tyrannical world powers will do everything they can to lop it off. Look at his face while he is being interviewed. He is obviously dumbfounded by what is going on to him. He has done nothing to garner this kind of attention but just wanted to be a successful businessman through his social media platform.
Including people. Every move. They want the people to be sheeple. Any deviation from that some wingnut woke wanker in the CYSTem will have a hussie, and along with corrupt judges and crooked cops up here violate the CCC and seek to intimidate the dissenter who dares to oppose the way CYSTem dwellers wipe their derrieres.
Michael, the Anglo-American establishment (especially the London banksters and their Wall Street cronies) didn’t give up after 1776. They switched to subversion v. invasion. Fomented the US Civil War and Bolshevik Revolution (Trotsky was a Brit establishment asset; Trotskyites became the US neocons), WWI and almost certainly WWII.
Connects to beyond London.
Global drug trafficking back to at least Brit East India Co., China and Opium Wars, Taiwan, Vietnam (golden triangle), Iran-Contra (C_A, Gov Slick Willie & Mena), restart heroin pipeline after Afghanistan post Taliban (see McCloy’s “The Politics of Heroin” https://archive.org/details/alfred-w.-mc-coy-the-politics-of-heroin-2003)
Human/sex trafficking (think Epstein at scale). Foment wars to stop harmony between nations and broader economic development…
Not as far back, (Late 19th> Early 20th Century. Bank of England- RottenChilds 'Hooks' into the Continent, Plus UNIDROIT Treaty of Rome, PLus - Lima Declaration)But DITTO, GamePlay in OZtopia (Australia) - And STILL! The 'Rum Corps', NEVER, really left Town!
Not so sure... I think the CIA has been relying on Telegram. Think of how much less info they'd have without it? They'd also be relinquishing a valuable avenue of SEEDING misinformation. I suspect this is just the stupidity of bureaucrats and their myopia about their little fiefdoms...
A case of "if you can't beat them , join them (and try to annihilate) them ???
One could go as far as wondering if this platform isn't part of it...
Does any of it matter if there are enough weaponry out there to destroy Earth seven times over , plus the stock piles of chemicals that need to be neutralised...
One thing is for sure - the numbers of peoples resisting to corrupt their soul is way higher than being 'reported' - the fear they spread came back to bite them in the arse !!!
I want to share a bit out of Evan McHugh's book 'Outback Heroes' that shook me profoundly this morning while slurping my cuppa...
It is from a chapter where a poor but happy Family man , living in rugged country , sets out to find out what happened to the pilots and passengers , who's plane crashed into extremely dense rain forest amongst four rugged mountain peaks eight days earlier.
"Westray didn't move. O'Reilly walked around to the front of the rock. Westray had taken off his right shoe and sock to bathe the mangled remains of his ankle. There was a cigarette between his fingers. It had burned down all the way down to the butt. His eyes were gazing down that gorge , towards the safety that was now forever beyond him. O'Reilly later rightly praised Westray's attempt to reach help as 'a feat of endurance beyond human conception'.
For the already emotionally raw dairy farmer , though , this last shock was too much. He later wrote :
"It must have been just after the place where Westray fell , that I lost my head and began to run and leap across the gaps between the slimy lava blocks - if I'd slipped , I'd too would have been smashed up and help would never have got to these men , but , I thought , as far as I was capable of thinking , that they would die , anyhow , if I didn't get help that night
It is like a dream now , that wild run. I was quite mad.- my heart had been wrung out with horror and pity - no one who looked upon those poor survivers could help praying as I did that God would let me live long enough to help these men. I knew that I was sobbing and that I only paused when tears blinded me. I remember too , that the shock and the jar of leaping and landing on theses rocks at top speed was telling on me , even though I was in splendid condition , but I was given strength to complete the task."
"Hurry , Proud is dying."
"I've found that missing aeroplane" O'Reilly gasped , "and there are two men still alive."
I Like Cats- & I've got a Sense of Humour! AppaRentLie, these are ALL just COINsideDents! I like M.Lynch's 'Advanced Tech' U.N.sinkAble 56 METRE 'Dingy'- 'Sink in Minutes', whilst Anchored in a Sicilian Bay! Apparently Satelite Weather Logs - Several Hours/ Spanning THE 'Sinking' Period - AppPeer to Have been 'Deleted'! So 'COINsideDents' HappenALL of the Time! - Just like; The English, still have the Original Magna Carta (1215), BUT, managed to Lose The Nuclear powered Submarine HMS Conkers (CONquerer)Ops Log, ON, Sinking the Argentine Cruiser General Belgrano. Damn FedEx couriers! - PDF (1) in action AGAIN!
(1) PDF - Personal Data File. OR, in Most Politic Govt/COMIC (2) cases = Plausible DeniAbility Factor!
(2) COMIC - CorpoRat Organised Military IndustTrial CONplex.
Wellness - John D.
He's lucky his plane wasn't crashed.
Curious, that... 🤔
Yes!!!! Global censorship by the CYSTem for sure has and is increasing. The OPP and a corrupt bureauCRAP have been trying to silence me for over two decades (lies, defamation, CCC violations, Charter of Rights and Freedoms violations and BR violations)and failed but upped the ante but will pay for that by exposure and publicized court of public opinion in Canuckistan and USA.
The corrupt bureauCRAP deceased a year ago unexpectedly as did the mother of the OPP defective lying detective who disrespected my mother, a WW2 veteran who was only four months from her centennial birthday when she died. Coincidence?
Always value the words of Edward Dowd! The Cabal moves on…bullies do not back down! Praying for the Righteous with the Help of the Heavenly Hosts to Stand and Fight 🙏
During the distractions of the Trump trial in May they tried to pass a pandemic treaty while the average citizen struggles to make it by. They failed. But what they did get was to agree to target "misinformation." That is where we are at right now. Whole lotta "stuff" happened too - to inch the mystery beast blob forward a few more technocrat inches. Seems like someone is writing a script and ALL the elites from left to right are in on it? Seems too complex ...maybe not
The Leftists always come up with stupid names like MISINFORMATION as a cover for
their LIES! Thank YOU for your service :-) My Uncle spent 25 years in the US Army.
Global scum getting very desperate.
Yes because censorship is for losers.
Methinks he is not the one man show he
portrays to be. Isn't he a Young Global Leader? In 2014, Durov was named the most promising Northern European leader under 30.
In 2017, he was chosen to join the World Economic Forum (WEF) Young Global Leaders, representing Finland. Asking for a friend.
"Russian entrepreneur Pavel Durov, founder of social media platforms VKontakte and Telegram, was mentioned on the WEF website as a Young Global Leader in 2017, but he is not listed (anymore) in the official Young Global Leaders membership directory (he may have rejected the invitation)."
The WEF Young Global Leaders
Swiss Policy Research
Possible. I'm not sold on possible.
Pavel Durov may be going through a personal crisis of sorts to finally recognize like Elon Musk that if you stick your head above the rest, the tyrannical world powers will do everything they can to lop it off. Look at his face while he is being interviewed. He is obviously dumbfounded by what is going on to him. He has done nothing to garner this kind of attention but just wanted to be a successful businessman through his social media platform.
Oh. Ok. Sure
Not buying it. Ain't picking up what they're throwing down. He's a supporter of wicked pedia. Way way too lefty for this consumer.
I just saw him in a picture sitting in a lotus position, he is also a New Ager.
Mike Benz agrees. Per Mike, The DS doesn’t want to take down Telegram, they want to control it.
They want to control everything. We must STOP them.
Including people. Every move. They want the people to be sheeple. Any deviation from that some wingnut woke wanker in the CYSTem will have a hussie, and along with corrupt judges and crooked cops up here violate the CCC and seek to intimidate the dissenter who dares to oppose the way CYSTem dwellers wipe their derrieres.
Nailed it.
"We are noticing a dramatic increase in global censorship, unlike anything we’ve seen before."
It is what they do!
I recommend the superb work of Matt Ehret and Cynthia Chung to Ed D. and LoJ. This is but the latest chapter in a very long book.
Hi 'Stephen' , not everyone has the time to read a long book :(
What does it say in a nutshell ??? especially in regards to Ed.D....
Michael, the Anglo-American establishment (especially the London banksters and their Wall Street cronies) didn’t give up after 1776. They switched to subversion v. invasion. Fomented the US Civil War and Bolshevik Revolution (Trotsky was a Brit establishment asset; Trotskyites became the US neocons), WWI and almost certainly WWII.
Connects to beyond London.
Global drug trafficking back to at least Brit East India Co., China and Opium Wars, Taiwan, Vietnam (golden triangle), Iran-Contra (C_A, Gov Slick Willie & Mena), restart heroin pipeline after Afghanistan post Taliban (see McCloy’s “The Politics of Heroin” https://archive.org/details/alfred-w.-mc-coy-the-politics-of-heroin-2003)
Human/sex trafficking (think Epstein at scale). Foment wars to stop harmony between nations and broader economic development…
Dates back to Venetian bankers and beyond.
Wow , thanks for that Stephen , very eloquently packed into a macademia :)
Quite familiar with that web.
World war II never ended , it's still raging
Their end is nigh...
Amen, Michael.
Might interest you:
thanks brother
I'll fit it in with the next cuppa aye
Always a pleasure to meet a kindred spirit, brother
Not as far back, (Late 19th> Early 20th Century. Bank of England- RottenChilds 'Hooks' into the Continent, Plus UNIDROIT Treaty of Rome, PLus - Lima Declaration)But DITTO, GamePlay in OZtopia (Australia) - And STILL! The 'Rum Corps', NEVER, really left Town!
Wellness - John D.
It was the British. Ehret and Chung blame everything on the British.
Not so sure... I think the CIA has been relying on Telegram. Think of how much less info they'd have without it? They'd also be relinquishing a valuable avenue of SEEDING misinformation. I suspect this is just the stupidity of bureaucrats and their myopia about their little fiefdoms...
The CIA are not satisfied unless they control the narrative 100%. Better yet, 110%.
Who’s behind the CIA?
The usual suspects:).
We see past Dulles into Quigley’s “The Anglo-American Establishment”
Yes. And the descendants of a certain Frankfurt moneylender.
Important!! ⚔️⚔️⚔️
A case of "if you can't beat them , join them (and try to annihilate) them ???
One could go as far as wondering if this platform isn't part of it...
Does any of it matter if there are enough weaponry out there to destroy Earth seven times over , plus the stock piles of chemicals that need to be neutralised...
One thing is for sure - the numbers of peoples resisting to corrupt their soul is way higher than being 'reported' - the fear they spread came back to bite them in the arse !!!
I want to share a bit out of Evan McHugh's book 'Outback Heroes' that shook me profoundly this morning while slurping my cuppa...
It is from a chapter where a poor but happy Family man , living in rugged country , sets out to find out what happened to the pilots and passengers , who's plane crashed into extremely dense rain forest amongst four rugged mountain peaks eight days earlier.
"Westray didn't move. O'Reilly walked around to the front of the rock. Westray had taken off his right shoe and sock to bathe the mangled remains of his ankle. There was a cigarette between his fingers. It had burned down all the way down to the butt. His eyes were gazing down that gorge , towards the safety that was now forever beyond him. O'Reilly later rightly praised Westray's attempt to reach help as 'a feat of endurance beyond human conception'.
For the already emotionally raw dairy farmer , though , this last shock was too much. He later wrote :
"It must have been just after the place where Westray fell , that I lost my head and began to run and leap across the gaps between the slimy lava blocks - if I'd slipped , I'd too would have been smashed up and help would never have got to these men , but , I thought , as far as I was capable of thinking , that they would die , anyhow , if I didn't get help that night
It is like a dream now , that wild run. I was quite mad.- my heart had been wrung out with horror and pity - no one who looked upon those poor survivers could help praying as I did that God would let me live long enough to help these men. I knew that I was sobbing and that I only paused when tears blinded me. I remember too , that the shock and the jar of leaping and landing on theses rocks at top speed was telling on me , even though I was in splendid condition , but I was given strength to complete the task."
"Hurry , Proud is dying."
"I've found that missing aeroplane" O'Reilly gasped , "and there are two men still alive."
5Eyes/9Eyes/14Eyes? It's really the all-seeing eye satanic network. Satanism is what connects it all together :(