Understanding that Edward Dowd has a great deal more knowledge and expertise in this area than I do and that estimating this number is extremely difficult I still feel this number is ridiculously low. I would comfortably say the number is in the trillions and 270 billion is a drop in the bucket to what the real cost is.

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Elites enjoy instability. They know when it will hit and when to ride the stock market wave back up. It doesn't even impact them if a bad call is made here or there because they, and their progeny, are already set for life and generations to come. Interesting how so many work "benefits" bind us to rely on big healthcare and the stock market, encouraging saving and delaying retirement, while at the same time creating an environment that people are less like to be alive or in good health to enjoy retirement benefits. Thus, we are born into a cage without many of us realizing it until much later in life.

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One word to your comment. BINGO!👍

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See your local obituaries. Hard to find? Yes, because they put up front websites to subvert from funeral home obituaries. The age of the dying has changed significantly, and suddenly and unexpectedly or no explanation given at all is the new normal. Car accidents, more people dying at home, miscarriages and more all harder to find while they happen every day.

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It's been stated that the lockdown alone cost the US government $8 trillion in terms of financial replacement paid, and that didn't cover all the actual lost economic costs, or any of the medical costs to the victims of the jab. The real total must be well over $10 trillion, and that's just the US. The total worldwide cost must be several trillion more. Yet no amount of money can ever adequately compensate for our losses.

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Everyone looks at the worst scenario and thinks it will repeat. Is a 1929 depression coming? Ah, no. We will have a drawdown, not a depression. What we will see is sovereign defaults. War is a cloak for default. They never will or have meant to pay down the national debt. In the politician's mind, debt is money that pays interest. But that interest is what kills you. When buying in new debt slows, what happens? Rates rise to entice buying, but that increases interest debt. And the Ponzi scheme continues until it explodes. New debt must continually be sold to replace old, or you default on the old. This is why the Fed said. Currently, the policy is unsustainable; that is hard Fed talk; they wouldn't say - stupid politicians, stop it. So they say it's unsustainable.

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Check out today's lecture on Adapt2030 on YouTube.com. Alarming!

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10's. of trillions..

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Id be multiplying Ed's numbers, by at bare minimum, 27 and up to 45. BTJMO😐🤷‍♀️

Much respect to Ed, I think he's likely being conservative in his estimate, if only so he doesn't freak people out.

We have an epidemic of unresiliemce in society at the moment. I am a seasoned veteran of school of hard knocks, and I find the numbers, gut churning! So for the others, perhaps a bit more protected, it will be like a punch to face, when the toll gets fully accounted for.😐

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The employment loss will be taken over by the illegals. I live in Australia and feel really sorry for you guys in America. I have not taken any vaccines for over 40 years so call me a PURE BLOOD/

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Me neither no vaccine Congratulations on your pure blood. Yes illegals and don’t forget AI going to put alot of people out of work. Glad I am retired ,I’m sitting back watching this Clown Show.

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I wouldn't be so sure of your status. Have you followed those using dark spectroscopy to examine unvaxxed blood? (Drs. Mihalcea, Carnicom, Nixon in your own country) The blood analyses show filaments and other nanotechnology in both vaxxed and unvaxxed blood. You have chemtrails in Australia? Have you had any dental procedure using anesthetics or other medications (antibiotics, etc.) from physicians? The nano has been spotted in those substances.

You're having poisons and nanotechnology rained upon you. Your food and water are adulterated. You're a 5-eye country...you're controlled by the Globalist faction now governing the U.S....and that's not Biden!! This faction exists far above U.S. presidents. The Australia .gov showed vicious oppression to those unvaxxed within their country...as did New Zealand...during the "Covid pandemic." I remember videos of men being thoroughly beaten and handcuffed for not wearing a mask and/or protesting lockdowns.

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I hear you . It is very possible that there is Nanotechnology & Graphine oxide in my blood with Chem trails and what I Eat. Lucky for me we have a well out in the country side . At least I didn’t take the Jab Because that’s full strength. Who knows . I Trust in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,so if he calls me Home it will have been my time. One thing is fear not. Because they the Luciferians can not kill my Soul.

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Yes, Nelson, I think people who didn't jab are way ahead of the curve. I plan to live as long as possible...ridding or abating the damage by possible nanotech in the blood...simply to prepare for future lives and to thwart the aims of those who want this pollution. I have absolutely zero fear of death. According to anthroposophy, we're in the Post-Atlantean Age, and many will start to reincarnate in etheric form before the end of the age (another ~1,500 years or so). One of the main tests, if not the main one, will be who accepts adulteration of the body which is divinely inspired and co-ordinates with humankind's potentiality to develop spiritually; the two are intrinsically intertwined. I practiced Buddhism for years but have also recently added the study and practice of mystical or esoteric Christianity which describes the Christos impulse (Christ's resurrection) as the gateway for humans to face these tests, succeed, and fulfill their potential as the angelic forces in the Universe they are destined to be.

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Way under. If you just check out the fiscal deficits here in the bar chart titled "Federal Deficit Trends Over Time, FY 2001-2023" a little way down, 2020/1/2/3 numbers above and beyond the government spending like drunken sailors PRIOR to 2020 - you will see the deficits for those FOUR pandemic years was around THREE TRILLION BUCKS MORE than pre-C19 y(bad) years.


ow factor in the shut down of tax paying mom and pop stores and non-tax-paying big box stores..

then factor in the "carbon footprint" of, say, 250 million Americans using 100 non-bio-degradable masks a year for three years only = 75 billion masks that have to be made, packaged, disposed of - the same number of wet=wipes, then add PPE costs, bleach used, painted circles, screens etc and the environmental costs should be making the chicken little greenies squawk like mad.

I estimate the short term costs as at least 4 trillion bucks JUST for the US - multiply by another 4 ffor the global cost.

Lastly, the economy has been transformed to UNHEALTHY with requirements for at least duble the number of health care facilities etc to handle the care of tens of millios of sick US citizens and billios around the world..

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I can't get on GETTR anymore with the same password and ID I've always used (GETTR support was not any support at all--I was prevented by GETTR from changing my password) so I no longer can follow Ed directly and do appreciate this interview. Ed is always such a breath of fresh air.

Because the Covid campaign has been conducted with such stealth and invisibility, people who aren't aware and awake can't recognize what's actually happening. Part of what's happening in our economy is, indeed, the work force being replaced by those with lesser experience and background. The overall rate of excess mortality, I suspect, far exceeds replacement effectiveness in terms of those with necessary background and knowledge. We will simply see an acceleration of the trends we have seen financially up to now (the greatest transfer of wealth occurring during the Covid "crisis").

This is why they're pushing AI as quickly as possible: they would like to create a substantial class of workers, largely filled by uneducated and unaware illegal immigrants who subsist on very low wages (as ZeroHedge has shown that the "new jobs" created in the last month or two went nearly exclusively to noncitizens), while AI assumes the positions of former white collar workers.

The very top, who will be corruptible, will prosper. Anyone close to them will need to tolerate if not participate in the corruption. By "corruptible" I mean those will encourage and further societal chaos, war, famine, poisonous healthcare, etc. They will KNOW and not CARE as their pockets will be lined and their families protected.

This is also why Google has been experimenting with how far they can prejudice or instill their own values into AI. They've been remarkably successful as their AI rewrites history with blacks proliferating all through white history. The remainder will barely subsist within the category now established as the bottom 50% who essentially "own" 3% (yes...3%!) of the wealth in this country. Listen to any of the newly arrived migrants. They think earning $1,500/mo. is fabulous wealth.

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One thing he said that I liked, was 'when they talk about print money, think debt'. He pretty much nailed it when he said that. I have been trying to tell people on several social media that there was a economic collapse coming down the road soon enough and for several reasons, and I have been saying that for several years, and I got laughed at for saying it.

Then the last 6-8 months the big wigs in finance have started echoing the very same things that I have been warning about, and now people have stopped laughing. Just like when the 'pandemic' hit, there were several things that I warned people about, because I paid close attention to every, and I mean EVERYTHING that was being said about the shots and the effects, and I warned people about several things...

And I got laughed at again, and was told there was no proof....

And not long after, article after article started to come out proving me right on every last thing I said. The laughing stopped, but sadly the dying started. I also, like a few others here think his estimate of the amount of money lost is a very conservative estimate...

Unfortunately, there are a group of rich, powerful, and very STUPID people in this world that want to control it, and they believe in order to do it they need to kill off a vast amount of people in order to achieve that goal. And they seem to be well along the way to getting that job done.

Just boggles the mind at how we can allow something like this to happen, and even more so how we can allow these people to simply get away with it...

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“People should either be caressed or crushed. If you do them minor damage they will get their revenge; but if you cripple them there is nothing they can do. If you need to injure someone, do it in such a way that you do not have to fear their vengeance.”—Niccolo Machiavelli.

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Dear Lionness, thank you for keeping us in the loop with Ed. He is a gift.

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