Well said Vernon. It’s a total lie

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Whoever died, died of complications from pre-existing conditions or simply false naming. Such as a SIDS and choking death were both called Covid. As I just told Musk, there is no Covid, therefore there cannot be a vax.

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Exactly right, Rob. In the spring of 2020, I commented on SOTT that it would be impossible to produce a vaccine for covid because it is an imaginary virus. As a long time reader of Jon Rappaport's writing, I understood that it was a farce from the first mention of it that I heard. Jon stood up against the HIV hoax a long time back and had been writing about it for years before he even had a blog.

One dead giveaway that covid was a hoax was the fact that the same asshole who had pushed the HIV fraud, Anthony Fauci, was pushing the new one. My view is that nobody has ever died of "covid".

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The liars continue to lie and the cultists continue to believe the lies.

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Covid was a LIE...........ALL OF IT. The flu kills plenty of people every year. This scamdemic is simply a method of stealing liberty, and killing people off with a bioweaponized mRNA jab that induces VAIDS and other deadly conditions. When have we seen world-class athletes (in prime condition) dropping like flies? Never! Simply look at the autopsies, and massive clots removed from corpses.

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The truth always prevails. Dr Coleman is an example of what a true Dr is

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They are nuts thinking it was Covid

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GOD bless you Dr. Coleman - you are one of my favorite TRUTH Warriors. WHO = World HARM Organization - this is a global genocide/Spiritual warfare. I pray all day, every day & believe our Creator lives in the TRUTH ...

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WE are the one's insane for expecting any form of TRUTH

from the Colonial/Fascist Cult of the U.N.'s W.H.O.


Now defined 'The Great Reset' to make it sound NICE.

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Do we expect truth from them? I don't.

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Oh...Heck No!!! That's the mechanism they seek to instill. THEY CAN NOW TELL THE TRUTH AND IT NO LONGER MATTERS, you see?

Satan is having a ball...Hell is empty and the Planet desperately needs the help of Jesus.

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Yes it does. Nowhere did I say otherwise.

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Love you Dr vernon, always have

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Couldn’t agree much more 🎯, go Dr. Vernon!🌞

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I love, and have purchased several of Drr. Coleman's books. I'm currently re-reading "Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe and Effective is Lying". Alos currently reading Bechamp or Pasteur which everyone should read. This hoax I believe coincided with the murder of George Floyd and in 2020, I chose to join an approximately 1000 person march. I was at the time 82 and shose (alone) not to wear a mask. Ifigured either it was a complete fraud and would have no impact on me, a person deemed in the "most vulnerable" group or it would kill me and since I was 82 and with a memory of the Third Reich and the holocaust, I figured dying then would not be so bad anyway. Needless to say, I'm still here, never got so much as a sniffle. Turns out high school biology was right! We do have an immune system to call our own. These people seem to think they're gods and can re-create the entire planet - with the added benefit of patents.

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Our rotten government and medical “experts” incentivized hospitals to report ordinary flu as Covid by paying around $750 per patient. Also, common anti-malarial drugs that would have saved lives were outlawed. The lie grew when drug companies were given billion$ to create a “vaccine”. This is the greatest crime in human history, because it was global, except for the Swedes and Brazilians, who recognized the Truth.

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So hard to unbrainwash people. Vaccine is a magic word to most. Facts are this one was shit, like the good Dr. Said......Satans poisen...

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Those who buy the lies pay for it with their health and even their lives. Here where we are in California we have had no success that we know about of helping to wake up anyone that is "bought in". My housemate has a friend that comes to the house for craft activities, and they must work in the garage or on the patio depending on the weather, and the friend wears a mask "for protection". This one is retired from working in "healthcare", and is completely fooled, so far.

I have by and large given up talking about the shots with these people, shifting instead, when I can, to warning about the entire medical & food industries (there are more industries involved but the message needs to be simple) as poisoners and, for believers strong and weak, warning about idolatry.

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About a month ago, I saw a statistic online that said “everyday, 7 million people worldwide get the COVID-19 vaccine.”

STILL??? That just seems insane to me. But, I guess there are countries where governments are still imposing Draconian lock-down measures and the “new normal” is still in effect.

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They have kids, don't they?

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There’s always a certain element with a death wish

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Love that man

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Love that man

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