Hi Lioness,

Do you have any opinions on why Agenda 2030 is so obsessed about the year 2030?

Any significance that you know of?


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Biblically I find the fact that it is 7 year span until then interesting.

7’s are used a lot in bible.

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Apr 30, 2023
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Personally I think the answer is that their 10 year war against humanity which was launched with biowarfare under Covid-19 public health terrorism, is due to end in 2030, by which time they figure they will have destroyed every other nation on earth, while keeping China intact as their manufacturing and military base for imposing global totalitarianism. Since at least 2015 the global fascists media have been spewing articles on how China will lead by the world by 2030.

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And Russia has not had many deaths either from Covid.

Also population reductions on Deagles list (military DOD) projection was mostly UK, and USA major deaths in population, among other western nations.

interesting given present political projections of Russian and China being the “chosen” marketed enemy…

Deagle page is now removed but screen captures can be found on citizen journalist pages if you use BRAVE search or sometimes DuckDuckGo on page 2 approx, just beyond litany of offered liberal but really FASCIST, search results.

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If you take the view, that I do, that all of the Davos globalists are in fact on the same global team - call them the Alliance for Global Fascism team, aka world government, then Russia and China are not the ones that they seek to depopulate and kill off because their populations are well under the control of the totalitarians, although Putin and all of his KGB insiders who run Russia today have pretended to be democratic to help get their economy working again.

In order for the global fascism team to succeed they have always had to attack the western citizens who are the group that over the last 1,000 years have fought the tyranny of our kings and queens and the Roman Catholic Church itself - all the Roman Empire institutions that I believe are the core of the global fascists team - But we wanted freedom from fascism and tyranny, representative democracy, and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, not to mention free speech and the right to bear arms. And for a while in different ways we have enjoyed a lot of that - So while our multinationals and bankers went out and waged war on the rest of the world they left us in relative peace pretending to give us democracy and freedom.

But as they went truly global during the 20th century with neo-liberalism, helping China to rise, and parking all their wealth and corporations in tax havens, trusts and foundations, then they reached the limits of their global monopoly capitalism machines greed and turned their attention back to western citizens, who in fact they've been attacking since WW2 ended - ever read Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars? - And they knew they'd have to deal with the western problem one day in order to go truly global as a world government.

So decades of weakening our people and economies and putting all the wealth and power into the multinationals, big banks, and big finance - think BlackRock and co, and they now have complete control of the global economy and almost every political party on earth.

So they attack us all with a ten year program that started with Covid-19 - which first and foremost was a bailout for the banking industry, which was about to blow up again late 2019, so the 'pandemic' was financial contagion, which is why they say there is another one coming because this fiat system is reaching its limits - but they bailed out the banks that are 'too big to fail' - because they are the banks that own the international monetary system, adn the central banks - they control the money supply, inflation, the interest rates and our governments!!!!

The bankers are the apex predators - the ones at the top of the pyramid of global monopoly capitalism.

I saw the Deagel.com pages before they scrubbed it early in 2021 when the vaxxed started dying and people started talking about it on the net.

Australia, where I come from was slated for a 60% population reduction.

Someone recently did a. projection of the UK's population based on excess death rates and projected it forward and said that it is possible they'll hit the Deagel depopulation numbers.

Noticed they've filled western nations with immigrants legal and illegal and they are still flowing in.

Notice that the biggest problems in the western nations is there is not enough taxes to pay all the bills for public services like health care, pensions etc. But what happens if you kill off 30-50% of the people - especially the old people????

And what is the result of all the crime chaos and conflict within the nations going to be?

A greater police state - it's already happening in Sweden and France.

When they start WW3 and the west is fighting against the Middle East what do you think all those Muslims in the west are going to do - we've just seen it with Hamas. Civil war is highly likely - and they've destroyed the western peopoe's health, made them fat, slow, and reduced the testosterone levels of men, and filled the nations with young testosterone filled men coming from violent societies - Refugees they say!! Where are the women and children. A man fleeing a war takes his women and children. A man going to war goes alone.

Ah I rant. Sorry for that.

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All good points.

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Thanks - it was a bit long.

But after I started answering I couldn't stop. Lol.

It's the rage machine that I've buried deep inside-rage at the fascists.

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So sorry to hear about your Mom, The horror... the absolute horror. Brilliant to read the facts about the intended, imposed deaths and murders and it is always good to read the truth when there is so much rubbish and lies.

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These have been intended, imposed deaths, intended deaths in the United Kingdom just as they exist in the United States and elsewhere, and the doctors who forced patients onto ventilators and overly sedated them have not been ignorant! They knew what they were doing would end up harming or killing the patients. They're not that dumb! The doctors knew, the nurses knew, and the hospital administrators most of all knew, and it was the hospital administrators that ordered the doctors and nurses to follow these death-dealing protocols.

Injecting a patient with a sedative and an opioid is a sure recipe for imposed death and they've been doing this for decades! These practices are not new!

Undeclared medical killing, "stealth Euthanasia" has been going on for decades and the news media and government authorities have been silencing and censoring the thousands of family members who tried to warn the public or get justice when their loved one was medically killed in similar fashion, i.e., with over-sedation that placed the patient into a coma so they dehydrated over time, their fluid volume in their blood was reduced so much that their circulation collapsed and they died. It's called "terminal sedation" into death... a misuse of sedating a truly terminal patient due to severe pain to relieve "intractable pain." In this case, it's intended death.

Other methods are overdoses of opioids like morphine and fentanyl. We hear all the time about people dying of Fentanyl overdoses but fentanyl is commonly used in hospice appropriately for severe pain, but also IN-appropriately to push a patient into death. Opioids when given in overdoses, when not needed, slow the breathing too much, drop the blood pressure, place the patient into a permanent coma, and eventually stop the breathing effort completely (read a package insert if you doubt!!)

In the U.K. where the modern hospice movement began under Dame Dr Cicely Saunders, hospice was a life-affirming service that respected the sanctity of life and pledged to help patients live as well as they could till a natural death took them. But hospice and palliative care have been tainted.

Those who were faithful to the original mission of hospice, have been outraged by the misuse of traditional hospice medications and techniques in managing pain and other distressing symptoms in order to impose death knowingly.

In tainted hospices or other niches of health "care," patients' lives are routinely ended without the public being informed, and patient medical records are falsified in order to justify what medications were dispensed. Doctors or nurses will chart, "Patient in severe pain" when there was no pain. "Patient extremely agitated." Thus, opioids are "justified." Thus, sedatives are "justified."

All of this has been mostly censored in the major media. "mostly" meaning 100% so the public really doesn't realize how widespread these practices are!

It's called Stealth Euthanasia, undeclared, unrecorded euthanasia, and the book Stealth Euthanasia: Health Care Tyranny in America explains that this has been going on for decades. The full-length book is available online for download as a pdf for free as an e-book at the website of the charitable patient advocacy organization, Heath Care Advocacy and Leadership Organization:


Hospice and palliative care have been tainted by those who are willing to end a patient's life in order to end their suffering, i.e., impose death, commit euthanasia or physician assisted suicide, medical aid in dying, etc. They think they're doing a service: kill the patient so they no longer suffer. Kill the patient and society saves money on caring for them, the "useless eaters."

And yes, the hospitals made huge amounts when they falsely claimed that patients with influenza, other types of pneumonia, or even auto accidents were "COVID patients." The doctors and nurses knew what they were doing. No doubt.

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Hi Ron, firstly thank you for this insightful comment. And secondly thank you for making your book available as a free download. And lastly, I am working through ideas for creating a decentralized global publishing alliance where books can be published by printing houses and purchased from the public for a lot lower cost than the bookstores, which would cut out the retail middle-men, but more importantly cut out Amazon and the globalists publishing industry which refuses to promote books like yours, meaning those that disrupt the globalists agendas. There are a huge number of books dating back generations that have tremendous insights which are ignored and forgotten. So the idea I am working is trying to create a model that beats that inherent censorship, and decentralizes it so it is harder to attack. The authors would still receive royalties as well. If you'd be interested in allowing your book to join the list for such a publishing company please let me know - you can email me at ivanpaton@hotmail.com

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Yes go slow so not to get nausea. I think Dr ardis said 1x 2mg piece a day and it worked within 2days to recover his wifes smell and taste.

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I love Dr Coleman because he tells the truth inspite of the danger to his life and wellbeing. He is a choice spirit.

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My Mom went in hospital for a bladder infection,we was locked out because of Covid. Last time we seen her she was fine. Then we get a call she went into cardiac arrest. She died a week later. I wasn’t allowed in to say goodbye because i didn’t have the poisonous jab. I never got to go to her funeral. We demanded to see her charts and they had been giving her morphine.

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So awful. My deepest sympathies.

Mom also was also hospitalized with bladder/kidney infection 2 weeks after her first injection, and it became a chronic issue till she passed a year later- a few weeks after her booster. Was allowed to see her in hospital, but was prevented from seeing her in her long term care home, could only see her is someone brought her out to me, which became increasingly difficult. At least I got to spend her last day with her in palliative care. The government over-reach has stolen so many moments from people. My solace is knowing both my parents won’t have to witness the continuing demise of our society.

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So sorry to hear about your Mom!

It's now routine death dealing. truly evil!

This has been going on for decades but some doctors and nurses just lie to the patient and family members.

It's called Stealth Euthanasia, undeclared, unrecorded euthanasia, and the book Stealth Euthanasia: Health Care Tyranny in America explains that this has been going on for decades. The full-length book is available online for download as a pdf for free as an e-book at the website of the charitable patient advocacy organization, Heath Care Advocacy and Leadership Organization:


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Thank you so much for sharing this excellent resource. My precious father was involuntarily euthanised a.k.a. murdered by the NHS three months ago.

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Sorry to hear about your father. These atrocities have been occurring for decades yet the government and media have censored the medical killings 100% for decades. They all know the killings are occurring and desire that they continue.

That they've been occurring has allowed the poisonous death practices to spread, to contaminate the thinking and decision-making of health "care" staff so they go along with these practices, believing they are normal and accepted standards of care, when they are the opposite of the standard of care.

Those behind these medical killings are monstrous, cold-blooded killers and kill many more than the criminals we hear about in the news. They're just as culpable as the psychopathic Nazi doctors and should be tried and imprisoned for their crimes.

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Heartbreaking...I’m so sorry for your loss 💔 🙏🏻

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Thank you

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Yes, GOD is on our side & lives in the TRUTH. Thank you Dr. Coleman for your dedication in being a committed Truth Warrior. You give me HOPE for our Creator is the wind beneath your wings ...

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This is so powerful... thanks for the transcript. Dr. Coleman is a favorite: I have all his books. Lesson: NEVER GO TO THE HOSPITAL AT THE END OF ONE’S LIFE!!

I had decided, as my husband got older, then I would never call an ambulance and let anyone take him to a hospital as I was convinced that, whatever the protocols were, they would make him worse. When he had a stroke at the gym on Nov. 20, 2015, I refused the gym’s insistence that they “had” to call an ambulance, and managed to get him home. Took care of him for over a year... we actually had fun and laughter together... and I became close to my stepson, who came to the house about 5 days a week to help out. Harold died in my arms — while dying, he actually “came to” for a short while — and we talked about the fact that he was dying, he was grateful to me, told me how much he loved me — on a day that we were alone in the house (I’m convinced he unconsciously picked that day, when we would be alone... he “knew” that I would not panic, perhaps because I had told him about being with my mother when she passed — another beautiful time for me.) It was poignant and I treasure our last moments together, and I’m grateful that he had an easy passing after a long and hugely productive life. (You can look him up: Harold A. Rosen, “father of the geostationary satellite.”)

If anyone is interested, I post a video every 3 weeks on Rumble. Here’s my latest from last Saturday: https://rumble.com/v26m1re--the-great-re-awakening-im-now-a-proud-christian-nationalist...episode-109.html

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This is a beautiful story. So many were denied this loving time. No hospitals for me. Thank you for sharing your story. I hope it has an immense impact for others in your situation.

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Look how HHS.gov bribed organizations to shove the jab.

From sports, ethnic, religious, schools on and on.

Plus silencing concerns.


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I saw this myself in 2008 when my mother was in a nursing home. I was told she was near death, but figured out that they were progressively increasing morphine for her, and probably other drugs. I got them to stop, and my mother woke up and lived for another few months. I'm glad I got more time with her. They were definitely trying to kill her quietly. I think it's quite common for nursing homes to do this.

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My sister who works in long term care as an RN, calls it “snowing.”

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Why "snowing"?

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After the tv sets from long ago, when you’d get the snowy picture. After watching my mom die from renal cell carcinoma, her snowing was a relief. She told me 2 days before, she was ready to go and was tired of struggling to breathe. Her cancer had spread to her lungs. However, having someone go in for a bladder infection and go straight to the funeral home, isn’t normal. This shouldn’t be normal protocol and we should never allow them to tell us that it is.

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love you, dr. vernon, and I believe you.

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https://lawyerlisa.substack.com/p/bombshell-nemagen-funding-proves BOMBSHELL NIH KNEW COVID CIRCULATING SEPT 2019

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I think they sell the organs too for extra money.

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At the age of 42, I was hospitalized in Indianapolis with a severe flu. I was not responding to the medication at all. I could barely walk or talk. They wanted to discharge me on the 2nd day. Luckily, I was aware enough to refuse. They tried another medication, and I slowly came around. Ended up there for 4 nights. They needed to bed and could care less whether or not I recovered.

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I think the satanic WEF NWO elites whom Schwab has spent decades grooming & installing in many places of power worldwide like the:

WHO, UN, CDC, FDA, NIH, AMA, Pentagon, Top Military Brass, CIA, FBI, DHS, Governors, Mayors, Judges, Prosecutors, Hospitals etc... all coordinated Worldwide.

Many/most doctors & nurses blindly trusted their top “bosses” Fauci, Gates & the CDC, but eventually most realized that the covid shots & ventilators & Remdesivir were killing & injuring patients instead of helping them.

Then came the kickbacks from the government to hospitals & doctors & coroners, etc... to keep their mouths shut & keep jabbing & ventilating & killing people.

As more Hero Whistleblowers growing & coming forward our FBI & CIA told MSM & Big Tech to censor & ban everyone with credentials and or personal stories of injuries & deaths.

Eventually the satanic WEF’s plan began to fail as hundreds of millions of people worldwide were exposing their evil depopulation plans!

But it has taken 2-3 years & they are STILL jabbing innocent adults & children with poisonous covid mrna shots & giving substandard healthcare to the elderly & injured.

The WEF’s satanic beliefs are once you are past working age then you don’t deserve your Social Security & Medicare benefits, even though it’s your own money you paid into it your whole working life?!?

See, they already stole our money & know it’s about to run out so they are allowing the invasions into our countries to explain where all our money went, which is still illegal to give our money away or steal it?!?

Anyway, if the evil WEF wins, we ALL lose EVERYTHING!?

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What’s curious.

Why weren’t all Klaus Sycophants in Davos this time?







We’re any of them at the Gala for Goons?

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That's the real news in a nutshell, Sheila.

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