AUSCHWITZ is now going global - thanks to Mr. KILL BILL Gates:


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And the CRIMINALS in this culling-effort are highly intelligent Psychopaths - CAMOUFLAGING as "Philanthropists" - so we really have to learn to JUDGE people by their fruits!

(copyright: JESUS from NAZARETH)

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

The culling of the elderly… 🔥🔥🔥

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Cayenne pepper in liquid form or powder can help with stroke. Take cayennes pepper every day as.prevention of stroke. Cayenne pepper after all is food as well as herbs.

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Might as well just send the hearse if they’re not even going to respond or send an ambulance.

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He has a wickedly dark humor; my kind of chap.

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Laughed all the way through Vernon's horror story.

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Lovely to see you Vernon! We simply HAVE to get used to the fact that the NHS are the new AUSCHWITZ - I use a Naturopath and a Herbalist, eat Organic food NOT produced in Western countries where the skies are being sprayed and HAARP is in full swing - l exercise - play my piano and flute - have friends and like minded souls over for evening soirées - sleep as well as is possible - read challenging tomes - l am improving my Chess and have bohemian evenings with fellow artisans .. good old board game evenings too - anything to keep the brain alive and zinging - l have booked two long holidays to the Scottish Highlands - and l LAUGH as much as l possibly can (l enjoy gardening 🤣) So, these are my tips for staying healthy along with multiple supplements including NAC, Zinc. Vit B12, Quercetin, Vit C, Activated Charcoal with K2, Milkthistle, Iodine, Glutathione, Tumeric, Magnesium and LOW DOSE ASPIRIN enteric coated, use Shungite and Orgon pyramids placed around my home along with an Orgon Generator! Use minimal electricity and regularly check my home and gardens with my electromagnetic radiation’s, RF, DE professional meters .. WHEW! I also practice Ayurvedic yoga and meditation. .. They haven’t got me yet .. but each day of life is a bonus as an activist .. may God Bless and Protect you all my fellow activists, we take risks with significant potential consequences but we unite in our belief in FREEDOM 🙏🏻

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Yay! I had not "heard" from you in a bit and wondered at your health. Glad to see you hale and hearty. Thanks for the advice that I certainly won't take if needed. Actually, I'm in the States so still have some hope of them coming to get me. I'm praying that it's never needed. I'll keep the information in mind, though - and am astonished that the general population is just going along with the plan to kill them off asap. I'm praying for swift lawsuits to address these problems, although if you are in the States, the Supreme Court is a weenie and halfway "woke" so we deal with incompetence on a regular basis, too. God bless!

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Dr Vernon Coleman, I’ve been reading his books and essays for years… first for his wit and then for his wisdom. He should be treated as a British National Treasure.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry


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Feb 21, 2023·edited Feb 21, 2023

I think a better choice is taking Nattokinase instead of aspirin, suggested by cardiologist US Dr. Peter McCullough. https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/dissolution-of-spike-protein-by-nattokinase

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What can "we the people" do about it?

Even if you’d be elected president today, you wouldn’t be able to whatever you want, considering the budget is fixed by Congress, that impeachment for breaking any law is a Damocles sword, and that all your decisions should be signed by cabinet members.

The only way out of the freemason crystal maze is to build a new system from scratch with the following keynotes:

Money: it’s a bad idea that Government has a monopoly of anything, especially currency. Anything of worth should be legal tender, even vouchers, IOUs, warrants, etc. Communities should be entitled to run their own monetary system, based on real assets. No only gold, silver, copper, platinum, lithium, precious metals and minerals, but also barter vouchers such as a pound/kg of flour, a gallon/liter of gasoline, human hours, distance transported (humans, volume, weight, special care).

Townhall Direct Democracy: votes should never be anonymous. Face to face contact is important in an era of deep fake and fake news, but even more for accountability. Representative democracy isn’t necessary if there are efficient and safe voting systems. You represent yourself, though you have the power to delegate your voting power to different representatives for different topics/mandates for a limited time and recover it whenever you want, even before the period is over.

Direct spending: the federal, state and county incomes are divided by all the inhabitants (including the unborn), and you get to decide where every single proportionate cent is going to be spend in public goods and services. There’s a Spanish saying: “the eye of the master, fattens the cattle”. Direct spending would reduce bureaucracy, corruption, inefficiency, waste, unmet needs and government spending in things that are not a priority for the people. Deficit and borrowing should be illegal. After some years of solving critical problems, people will find harder to justify projects with low socio-economic net present value or internal rate of return, thus surplus would be returned to tax payers, and eventually, taxes lowered: it seems to be the only realistic mechanism to stop the spiral of government deficit and debt, where banksters take hostage future generations and politicians have nothing to lose by increasing spending and everything to win in terms of voters thinking they are receiving more than the rest.

Brutal transparency: reps should live stream at all possible times (not only working hours). All budgets, bids and transactions should be open for online scrutiny.

Democratic justice: community courts should be formed by people: the number of judges in the court is decided by the community. They could be elected for a certain period by chance or by vote, from a list of those capable of interpreting texts or from a list of lawyers. The same, for higher appeal courts. There’s no true democracy if natural law, including natural human rights, isn’t above the Constitution.

The police should be a local force. The captain should be elected.

The penitentiary system should be community based and directed towards reformation and paying back damages. House arrest or fenced working zones should be the norm.

WARNING ! The next threats and the solution:


I'm about to post something unbelievable, you'll find nowhere else.

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Understand that while this is good information, the use of the State of Emergency gives them total leeway - that's why they are stretching it out until May when the WHO will vote on making themselves the governing body for plandemics and allow themselves to set courses.

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Maybe we should all be carrying aspirin with us in case someone falls suddenly?

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Coming to Canada I am sure.

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Wow, they are not only NOT trying to hide it anymore, they are actively inviting even the sleepers to wake up with this one.

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You forgot to read between the lines. You are supposed to ANTICIPATE your stroke or heart attack, and make your appointment three weeks prior to having it. Timing is everything.

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Is there a link to this new advice please?

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Oh dear God .. please buy a life from the 16 year old girl in the pharmacy!

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I can only interpret the lack of response to mean that there is no official NHS advice which downgrades stroke and heart attack emergency callouts to headaches. I certainly can't find any. Therefore I presume Dr Coleman was being cynical.

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We live in an unending Monty Python skit, written by the likes of HP Lovecraft, Stephen King and Franz Kafka.

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Yes, it certainly has the feel of the Satanic ludicrous, if such a beast can exist, as it now appears to, indeed.

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Satan has been here a long time.

Who is about to be unveiled.....is the Anti-Christ.

Seek Jesus. Quickly.

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If you study the careers of certain serial killers -- Russell Williams, Paul and Karla Homolka, possibly Ted Bundy come to mind, and if you can hold onto your gag reflex long enough, the risible, farcical and occasionally even slapstick nature of what they did, will become apparent. The Demonic is indeed, not without a sense of (deplorable) humor... 🤔

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Thanks Dr. Coleman aspirin is excellent advice . Be thankful it’s over the counter. 🙏

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I've still got a cast iron stomach after all of the sickness spilt around me.

The classic red, spike-tailed, horned, black-goateed devil came to me as a young child, dressed like one of those old-time barber shop singers, with a cane, trying to impress me. He had white and red pinwheel eyes, and was acting really clownish, and then suddenly he was flying a WWI red Baron bi-plane, and my vision zoomed out to see that he had my mother attached, dangling from a wire by her neck, as he flew her into an electric line, and after she was wound around several times (I must admit that it looked almost funny- zany, like a cartoon, as sick as that may sound), and when she wound up tight around the line, she popped, disintegrating into flames, and then the devil's face zoomed in, and he was laughing impossibly convulsively, mocking my fright, and I woke up, burning this dream into my memory.

I have maintained a stoic hatred for his shenanigans ever since.

Too much T.V.? Maybe. Maybe not.

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All I can say to that, is I hope it was a really, really bad dream in the middle of a spell of delirium tremons... 😳🤔

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No, but perhaps it was just some of that good ol' American cuisine, you know, like in Dickens' Christmas Carol... "Get back devil, you're just a bit of undigested chef boy'r'd, or perhaps that french fry, cooked in 10 year old grease, ... or perhaps that poisonous little Debbie devil's food cake that I ate..."

I was a child... A TV casualty...

A public school groomed drone, destined for the saltmine, just like every other poor bit of chattel with a number for a name, so who knows where that little bit of devilry came from.

Regardless, it was all "out of left field" to me. Rattled me a good bit, I'm not ashamed or embarrassed to say. It wasn't a fun dream. Helped make me the suspicious survivor that I am, though, so in that regard, I'm thankful.

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Cute.. . 😘

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