May God bless and keep Dr. Coleman.

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How can I donate to you Dr. Coleman?

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Bless you Dr. Coleman! You have dignity and integrity. I appreciate you sooo much. Paulette, Florida, US

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Please see what Ed Dowd is saying as well. He has a book out ( forget title ) and check out the interview he did with Tucker Carlson. I found it riveting.


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There is new bad news out there now about the mRNA vaccines. Is it true that “they” are considering jabbing livestock? If so, what will be the trickle down effect when we consume those products? Has anyone done any research on that as yet?

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Sorry I can't source this: I think it was on ZeeeMedia.com's videos, but I understand that a herd of cattle was given an mRNA injection in Australia and they all died. This would be in keeping with animal studies using mRNA injections earlier this century.

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Yeah I heard that too. And chickens. I’d like confirmation of that as well if anyone can get guidance… and where can we go to scream about it!?? Thank you!

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Anointing the jabbed with the title “a different species” may be the truth after all. The unjabbed are to be known as “pure bloods,” it seems. I recently heard that the Red Cross will not be accepting the blood from the jabbed. Their supplies will become more limited as time goes by. And THAT should alert you to the fact that if you’re contemplating a surgical procedure that will require blood, consider storing your own pre-surgery.

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Do you know what’s going on in Paraguay with the chikungunya fever? It’s killing people.

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No, but be wary. Over the past few years, the following have been used to try to scare us (off the top of my head): zika virus, ebola, various types of flu, Marberg's syndrome (only a few victims in each case), and ebola again recently, where TWO individuals contracted ebola in central Africa, and we in the US (the other side of the world) were supposed to fly into a screaming panic. And by the way, not everyone who gets ebola dies of it; some recover.

There are always people getting diseases, especially in places where sanitation is poor. That doesn't mean there will be a pandemic, or even an epidemic (local). Usually, these things burn themselves out in the host population before they spread very far.

Keep yourself and your family healthy: eat nutritious food, not junk, very minimal carbs, supplement with very high Vitamin D levels, and bolster your immune systems as much as possible. Add to this clean hands and general hygiene, clean food in fresh condition, and move. This is the protection we have had for as long as our species has existed.

And, by the way, anxiety dents your immune system. Do not fear.

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Yes. But this is different; they’re saying that it’s atypical and all look worst than the Covid, for example:

Fernando Ruiz Díaz, 19, died at the Itauguá National Hospital, due to complications derived from chikungunya. The young man is the son of the mayor of San Bernardino Emigdio, Ruiz Díaz.

Dr. Yolanda González, director of said hospital, reported that the patient was referred from another care center on day 11 of the disease and was later admitted to the Intensive Care Unit.

"In this country, very particular cases are occurring, with serious forms that were not seen before," said the doctor, in conversation with 780 AM.

Also read: Large number of patients with atypical manifestations of chikungunya in Clinics

For his part, Diego Fernández, legal adviser to the San Bernardino Municipal Board, and close to the mayor, said that the boy suffered neurological complications, which caused swelling in his brain, causing fatal bleeding.

The patient did not present any underlying pathology, practiced sports and was apparently a healthy person.

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Chikungunya is carried by the same mosquitoes that carry dengue fever, not transmitted person-to-person. So there is only a risk where there are mosquitoes.

Symptoms include: Sudden onset of high fever, joint pains, headache, myalgia, conjunctivitis, nausea, vomiting, rash.

That said, given "atypical manifestations", I would also be asking whether someone who seems infected received the bioweapon jab, as neurological symptoms are also a result of that. Very often doctors are unwilling to even think of that as a cause, but if they did, they might be treating the patients differently, and more successfully. In addition to this consideration, what these injections do to the immune system of healthy young people makes them MUCH more susceptible to disease of all kinds.

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I thought the same, the jab. Becouse allegedly these mosquitoes grow in stagnant water, but contrary to this, in areas where we’ve the right environment for them... nothing. That’s why I believe this disease comes from the jab. Almighty God bless you and your family. (I’m from Paraguay, by the way:)

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GOD bless you Dr. Coleman for being a true TRUTH Warrior. I've been following you for 2+ years & pass on your articles to many. I believe the Light of Truth will come to pass. Thank you for continuing to speak TRUTH to Medical tyranny ...

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Thank you sir. I listened to all your early videos. And you saved myself and my wife from being jabbed. You saved my life.

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Unfortunately the quote to stand up when you see things that are wrong is for people of a lost generation. Men are being conditioned to act in a feminine way and to cower in the face of fear. Also the propaganda of the media is too good for the faint of heart and those sheep that follow rather than think for themselves.

God help us in this Spiritual war of Good vs evil.

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Even line up for a cervical smear test now. Don’t ask where they look it’s painful just thinking about it

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on target 🎯🎯🎯

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Another invaluable article/talk from Dr. Coleman. I have only one comment...

"Sixth, have your blood checked for clotting risks."

People who got the Covid "vaccine" might also want to have their doctor check for micro-clots. These micro-clots are not detectable on MRI or CT scan---you need to ask your doctor to do a D-dimer test like the one Dr. Charles Hoffe performs on his patients:

"Canadian Doctor: 62% of Patients Vaccinated for COVID Have Permanent Heart Damage". By Brian Shilhavy


Dr. Charles Hoffe, M.D. found that 62% of patients who get the Covid mRNA vaccine develop micro-blood-clots permeating their capillary network. This blockage of capillaries (pulmonary arterial hypertension) usually kills people within 3 years, and those who survive will suffer steady deterioration, especially if they take another Covid shot, according to Dr. Hoffe. This finding alone should lead to the immediate cancellation of all the COVID-19 genetic "vaccines". They are indeed "clot-shots" as the critics have warned for three years. Most of Dr. Hoffe's patients developed micro-clots within 7 days after the jab, but others may experience micro-clotting later on., he says.

Post-vax, "It is absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form": Dr. Charles Hoffe


The presstitute media lies and says "blood clots are extremely rare." In fact, both large clots and the micro-clots are quite common as a result of the bioweapon Covid jab. Damage to brain, spinal cord, heart, and lungs caused by micro-clotting is permanent as these organs do not regenerate.

Emergency Medicine Doctor shows Micro Blood Clots in D-dimer Tests Following COVID-19 Shots


Dr. Rochagné Kilian, an Emergency Medicine Specialist in Ontario, Canada, blew the whistle on the alarming astronomical rise in D-dimer levels in patients shortly after they received a COVID-19 vaccine. She links this phenomenon to micro-clotting, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and autoimmune disease in the vaxxed. Dr. Kilian lost her job and license to practice medicine for warning the public about the very serious risks of the Covid "vaccines".

"The world is now witnessing a pandemic of N-STEMI heart attacks caused by blood clots"


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Sorry, I dislike the calling of people as a different species in this post. I find it disrespectful and yet another way to create division. Compassion is needed. Everyone was lied to. How each person responded different. Feel lucky that you were in a place in your life to recognize the lie. Others did what they felt they had to, to put food on the table, to not lose their house, and still others completely innocent and had the decision made for them. There is no evidence that says these shots are all identical. Please treat people as individuals and have some compassion. We are all still humans, I don't care what anyone else says.

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And your a progressive FOOL !!!

How about we let them (the Medical Profession, Politician's & the Media) just say they are sorry.

Why would they ever change their criminal behavior?

Kombiaha anyone !!

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Compassion for those harmed, not the perpetrators. I do not think those harmed should be referred to or treated as a "different species" especially considering batch variation is likely. If I truly thought everything was kumbaya, I wouldn't still be here on substack trying to find ways to turn this around.

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Wholeheartedly agree! There has been too much 'different species' talk and that has always left me feeling as if those who say it may need to exercise some humility and mercy. That being said, for some time I struggled with something akin to it. If a patient complains of xyz and they have been jabbed, can I still presume that medications will work as expected? Can I reassure any jabbed person that this complaint or that is relatively benign in general, or do I need to exercise greater caution and be more aggressive with some agents or eliminate agents that may present a risk in particular to the jabbed that the unjabbed don't really need to worry about? Ultimately I began questioning am I being cautious enough with every patient, should I eliminate riskier treatments in everyone?

I think viewing them as injured or at least potentially injured is the way to go, not to question their IQ or their humanity.

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One of the doctors just died in her sleep as well, triple jabbed internist in her 60’s

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Thank you Dr. Coleman.

At which point do physicians and research scientists cross over from, "as the research suggests," to "irrefutable proof"?

What's your sense of the" shedding" phenomenon hypothesis and data?

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My sister, 51, Pfizer jabbed, double boosted, died last Thursday in her sleep. An RN, who left a 17yro and a 14yro. Her memorial service is today. My BIL, didn’t have an autopsy, she died of “natural causes.” The anger I feel...I can’t even describe. Here’s her obituary.


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Died in her sleep at 51 and no autopsy? WTF?! Bless your heart I know you are not only grieving but seething.

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praying for you & your family, especially the teenagers 🙏

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I'm sorry Andrea 🙏

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I’m so sorry for your loss. Please know that you are not alone in your anger and pain. I’ve lost my mother, an ex-boyfriend and my best friend to these sinister “vaccines.” And countless other friends and acquaintances. And the anger is, indeed, indescribable. Sending you and your family much love and many prayers. ❤️🙏🏻

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I am sorry for your loss oh my gosh. Terrible.

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I am so sorry, Andrea... Prayers for you and your family 🙏 💔

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Sorry Andrea 🙏

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I am very sorry for her family and for your loss.🙏

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I am so sorry. Praying for you and your family. I have three HS classmates around same age, passed unexpectedly in last three months. I am truly praying for all, and that those that got vaxxed do some research and diagnostic tests to see if anything can prevent this from happening to them.

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I'm so very sorry. I have also lost people. My son just lost a good friend, 31, no cause given but they are doing an autopsy. My son knows why because his friend had just been boosted and over exerted during a move. It is total madness so we need our sanity more than ever to stop this.

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