My sister and all of her children also =( You are doing the right thing. Your records may prove extremely valuable in the future. Everyone needs to begin collecting evidence and accounts from Jan 2020 to now. Everyone should have as much of their pre-Operation Pharmakia medical records for temselves and their families, as possible, esp. Lab results, and should get full lab work done at least every year that includes heart inflammation and clotting. Insist always on autopsies, even if it seems silly. Write down, physical and medical histories. It may not be soon, but we are going to win. Lies only succeed if people give up on holding fast to the truth, that's why they always are flinging some new poo at us, to keep us from concentrating on what is real.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Killing babies and old people is where it all started. Now children are to be sacrificed.

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Yeah. This will never come near us or our kids.

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While I do 100% believe that these shots are deadly, and should be thought of as a poisonous cure for wellness, I do not agree with saying they will 100% kill all who took them. Nothing is 100%. My great aunt had been a flapper, who drank like a fish and smoked like a chimney until she joined ALANON when she was 87 yo, she lived another 10 years, never even had so much as a cold her whole life. We all die. None of us know when. Learning as much as we can about this poison, and how to help those who took it, is a worthwhile cause, but deathcasting and doomsaying are a form a soul warfare, don't engage in it, even if just fir your own soul's sake. So far my two 77 yo parents who had a 5th shots last Fall, probably going to get another one soon, have been doing relatively OK. I watch, I make food and supplement suggestions, but I keep my fears to myself. What on earth good could it do them to deathcast at them? When anything odd happens healthwise with them I react like it is Deacon1, but so far all false alarms and they just think I'm weird. The energy we each feed the universal circuit makes a difference. Keep your energy bright and clear and hopeful. Focus on death, and death it what you will find. Focus on life, and find life.

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I posted this video on twitter as I have many others in the hopes that even a few more people are saved by seeing the truth and telling others in their families. By now there must be more and more waking up and seeing or at least hearing about people they know becoming sick and worse as time goes on. Surly there are those having real doubts as to the safety of this jabs.

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