Thank you Lioness!

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As a test,a common Tree Squirrel was caught,Blood was taken, it's got Nano Technologies in it's Blood, no doubt from the poo pooed, "Chemtrails"...Every warm Blooded animal, and Human has the Nano Tech, some more than others.

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Every living thing on this earth is being affected. Trees and foliage are taking it up in their root systems, fruits, veggies, everything. I believe that's why they published the big story about "discovering" that we could, now, eat our vaccines. They've been poisoning us and all of our food supply, not just processed food, but whole fresh home grown, organic...still toxic.

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I suffer from electromagnetic radiation poisoning, electrical hypersensitivity, mast cell activation syndrome, multiple allergies to almost everything - life is a nightmare endeavouring to navigate the world! I know where all this comes from - being in an environment with way too much electromagnetic radiation over a decade ago .. along come the Chemtrails, the poisoned food and water .. l was not vaxed out of choice - l do want to fully concur with The Lioness that a certain diet including a lot of greens and baking soda really does help the symptoms .. My heart goes out to you all my fellow sufferers! We have a duty to spread the Truth and what may have assisted us ..

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I am sorry you are having to suffer.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts in order to help us all.

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Sheep in Countries have been seen walking in circles, is this a test of Control,and by what Agency, or Elitists?

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Best do a deep dive on your dr young

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