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🙄 I hope you're getting kick backs for posting this everywhere.

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Do not comply. Laugh in their faces and mock them.

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best. plan. ever.

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Ya if only revolutionaries throughout history would have been aware of this winning strategy... they'd not have had to sacrifice their lives

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Should I have added "wink wink nudge nudge" for context and clarification?

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I think it was meant that ALL of us should laugh and mock, not just the few - there were 3000 at davos agreeing on our demise, there are 8 billion of us, we have given them the control, time to take it back.

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After this is enacted it will probably seem invisible for a period of time and it will be possible to not comply. After our entire lives become connected to a Digital ID things will start to change drastically because it is the key to forcing compliance. Non compliance will get you unplugged from your ability to buy things, pay bills, everything.....How long will it take to get to this stage?? I don't know but its coming.

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It is called agenda 30, it was agenda 50 but they brought it forward, maybe because they realised people were becoming aware of what was going on.

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You think will stop them? hahaha

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I can't believe these governments are so inept and ignorant, or maybe paid off, that they just sign away peoples rights for what? All these insane agendas by the WHO and UN and Bill Gates etc. Well they won't work. It will be chaos. Without enough energy being produced there will not be any products made and apparently they don't want anyone farming either so what are people to eat? bugs, fake food made by Gatesty and soylent green perhaps. They think that the robots and AI are going to run everything and make everything - well that's a pipe dream. They're living in lala land. It can't work. There's no way I'll be taking any jab any time soon. I would rather die than bow down to that lot of psychopaths.


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"Well they won't work. It will be chaos."

They could care less...they will think its funny.

"Without enough energy being produced there will not be any products made and apparently they don't want anyone farming either so what are people to eat?"

That is the plan.

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Damn straight! Now peacefully refusing and not complying is a start but I don't think that's gonna be enough to send these psychopaths the message to "F"off!" We the people are going to have to get forceful and take to the streets! There's a hell of alot more of us than there is of them and we can beat them down to the asphalt on the streets if necessary! I'm not gonna sit back these MF'ing psychopaths can "F" off!" Freedom is worth fighting for and dying for so we the people are going to have be bigger psychopaths than these damn psychopaths are! They are the playground bully and we are the little kid! Well you know what the little kid has to do right! Once the little kid gets tired of the bully's BS he's gonna stand up and whoop that bully's ass to a bloody damn pulp, then the bully will leave the little kid alone! That's what we the people are gonna have to do too, we are gonna have to show these psychopaths that we mean business and don't "F" with us!

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They are few, we need to NOW stop obeying, FOUR years ago it was obvious where they were leading us, but the masses would not listen, they turned against those warning them, but now, we really have to say no, before they weaponise the army they have brought in.

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Yeah humanity had better say no and stop complying with these psychopaths! I'm not living as a damn slave in the world that they are trying to create! I'm here in this life just like every other human being walking this planet is and we have the rights to live because we are here and our Creator gave all of us rights to live! No mortal flesh beings, human or not human, have the rights to take away my life or other people's life! If we live and how long we live is up to our Creator and His decision and job alone and not up to any other beings! I honestly don't think humanity is going to make it out of this! I sure hope that our Creator steps in soon to help us and that He considers humanity worth saving because we are made in His image! This evil on this planet is at war with our Creator and this evil is attacking us because we are in His image! I hope that's enough to save us!

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I also could not believe that every entity on the planet that might oppose this 'evil' plan... does nothing... there is ZERO pushback....

Which made me pause for thought and ask... why would they go along with this?

Could it be because they believe it is necessary - and without this the outcome would be far worse?

What do they fear?

And I came up with this https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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They are NOT inept and ignorant, they are doing as instructed by their masters, this has been planned a long time, we've been fooled into thinking our votes make a difference, they don't, they don't even pretend anymore, they just put in place whoever they want. They have led decent folk slowly slowly down this path, so we have not noticed. Well time now to notice and not let the evil psychopaths continue to kill us off.

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Tedros as God ruling from up high on Mount One Health?

Sorry, no petty gangster WHO bureaucrat without a medical license is gonna tell me I’m living in a 15 minute city eating bugs!

Time for the ‘Great Reset’ to be RESET TO ZERO!!

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American Economist, David Steinman who was nominated for Nobel Peace Prize in 2019, lodged a criminal complaint demanding the W.H.O.'s prosecution of Tedros Adhamon. David Steinman exposed the Ethiopian dictatorship's human rights abuses of theft of thirty billion dollars from famine victims and hidden mass murder. He said Tedros was a "cruel decision maker in relation to security service actions that included killing and arbitrarily detaining and torturing Ethiopians." That is who is directing the World Health Organization. A communist dictator who was accused of covering up three cholera epidemics and mass murder.

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Why on earth do governments gleefully sell us out, do they not realize their freedoms will be gone too. They can't run and hide forever, eventually they have to pay the piper too. I despise those creatures and it will never work, people will rise up like never seen before, do they really think we're idiots and will sit back and let them kill us, well we wont and they better wake the hell up and stop this crap.

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people have sat back whilst they killed us, the injection was just part of the plan, well now there is no time to be fooled again. Do not comply, they are ignoring protests and petitions, meaningless, just keeping us busy as they continue with their plan, so do not comply, stop their income (our taxes), time to stand together, 8 billion of us.

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Keep up the good fight, Dr. Yeadon!

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it is for each and every one of us to keep up the good fight, stop relying on others to do it for you, Mike Yeadon and others have been informing the public for years that this is happening, and the masses just sat back and let it happen. Shameful.

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One must look no further than The Committee of 300 & The Club of Rome to find the origins of this nonsense.

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That's a start! I don't believe that these psychopaths are human!

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I must say that tobacco is also pushed out now with also coffee!! Too much Co2 in their production? Or is it that nicotine competes on the nicotine receptors with their spike poison? While I fully believe there was no pandemic I do believe that some poison was released in NYC and in Italy which did kill people in a terrible manner. Lateron the operation was switched to just hyping it via media and use the 'worried well' hypochondriac in the population plus anybody with a cold or flu, then withhold treatment and hang them on a ventilator when they didnt need to and killed them like this with bacterial pneumonia.

An unjabbed girl in New York City got stabbed, went to the ER, they claimed she had also Covid and wanted to put her on a ventilator with the stab wound which punctured her lung a bit. She said I want to be treated for my stabwound! I can breath, I didn't have Covid before I came in and don't feel bad with Covid and refuse the ventilator! She was only 25 years old. The nurses and doctor were angry but did not put her on the ventilator and soon she was good enough to go home! Covid never was an issue for her, probably false Pcr positive! She livestreamed it all! Said how nasty the nurses were and she felt pressured as a 25 year old with no breathing issues to go on a ventilator and said she thinks because she is unjabbed that they were nasty to her! But she had also her mom who protected her. You need another person in the hospital to protect you or they do what they want with you. This is why they kept family out so the patients were unprotected!

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Well said!! Nicotine according to Dr Ardis does compete on the receptor sites.

Poison in the first degree!! Guilty !!! Get lots of rope

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That young woman should sue the f*ck out of that hospital for the way they treated her! She should take them for everything they are worth and shut that quack shit hole down! I absolutely refuse to step foot into a hospital because all of the staff (doctors and nurses) are trained psychopaths too trained and licensed by Satan to legally kill people! They're not taught how to heal in medical school! People need to wake up and start taking responsibility for their own health and well-being! Hospital staff does not have the right to keep family away from seeing their loved ones! I'm glad that young woman is alright and made it out to share her horrible experience! She is able to expose hospitals for what they are doing and they need to be held accountable!

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This scrap has been a long time coming, since 1689 is one marker in date for me that is over 300 years.

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What makes 1689 a marker for you?

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Petition needed now. It is not a treaty, that would have to be ratified, see Tim Ray's Who's W.H.O. that explains why. Why do they have immunity and all that goes along with it? Lije Pharma, UN, WEF and Bill Gates even who has turned himself into a "State" so he too has immunity. Time we told our PM to tell them to take a hike or we start a "no confidence in any MPs" except for the brave who are actually working for us. Same goes for our king, he is breaking his solomn oath. Enough is enough.

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we need a no confidence NOW, don't obey, say NO.

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Just what we need a world King by WHO! To do whatever they please! They did such a great job the last four years in protecting world citizens from a ghost virus, requiring a declaration of a pandemic, so they could indiscriminately kill maim billions of people. Time to tell world king you’re not our king!

We have better applicants to consider!

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Nah ... let's just moan and complain on Substack ... and never take any real action to stop them ... cuz only violence will stop them... and anyone fighting back goes into a maximum security prison - or gets a bullet in the head.

Anyone willing to go beyond talk... and walk the walk?

Thought so....

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I am hoping the electorate are smarter and more ethical than in the last election cycle. We will see.............

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elections are rigged, it is NOT the electorate that decide, civilians need to stop obeying NOW, get these people out, they don't own us!!

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Where does the corruption start?

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Thank you, Lioness.

Thank you, Dr. Yeadon.

Has anyone noticed that the WHO never refers to itself as "the WHO"?

Despite even the ungrammatical absence of the article "the"?

Is it trying to portray itself as something it is not?

And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM".

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Please don’t legitimize the UN-WHO scum by suggesting in any way that they are susceptible to any form of negotiation. To “negotiate” with them is simply to grovel. We don’t negotiate with terrorists, remember?The only way to effect a change is to let them know that WE DON’T GIVE A SHIT what they say or do because we will not comply. Tell those around you to beware of the globalist scum. Some will listen and some won’t. Trust God, but know that sometimes He lets the dragon win, so prepare yourself. Know ahead of time what you are going to do if/when they come down your driveway. Then relax.

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