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The thing is, friend, they control politics.

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Mike, if you did take his call what would you say to Senator Johnson?

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“Traitor! Who bought you?” Would be my comment.

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It murder by mRNA injections and no medical experts or politicians will change my mind.

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

Check out the new transfection theory with the biophage targeted for human gut flora.

Sasha et al , see Dr Yeadon’s post of such a week or so ago.

I think we are talking about “ self propagating “ “ vaccines “ ( not vaccines really ) here. More like poisonous infections ( genetic material depositing of sorts ).

Search NIH 2015 self propagating vaccines study for starters.

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Dr. Yeadon was with us from the start. I trust him, I like him, he's honorable. He has a sickened look, with worry, and horror, which is exactly what I have and is normal for a smart, decent human being in this nightmare.

Do not the collaborators know that they mean NOTHING to the cult? Do they think a $50k bribe means anything?

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"This is as clear an example as you’ll get for the maxim: “The best way to control the opposition is to run it ourselves. If the people require a hero, we will provide one”."

Dr. Mike Yeadon is on point gain in his principled note regarding the 4.5 hour show trial. Anything which laments lab versus naturally occuring virus, FDA Pfizer bad mistakes were made type of testimony is just blathering at the political level of castle keep. It's meant to be unwatchable theatrics giving false hope to so many regarding real changes being made. It looks like it will be on each of us as individuals to do something about it ourselves...

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RemovedFeb 27
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I think that is what DeSantis does in Florida. Agrees with stuff. Acts like he is going to do something about it. Makes a do nothing committee that meets and talks and talks and talks and goes NO WHERE. The rest of us are at home thinking yeah, there is a committee. Something is going to be done finally. NOPE!

I'm still waiting for Trump to drain the swamp. NO ONE went to jail during Trumps reign either. No one is going to save us. We the People are the only ones that can.

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Drain the the swamp how? We have all been inundated into the swamp the exit is death in small increments or sudden death with an aw shucks response. He’ll on earth with the

Only motive complete domination for what? Has anyone else notice the total lack of concern for the other since covid? Community as we know it, working together for the greater good

died during lock down relationships were broken or disrupted by lOckdowns distancing, fear of the other, we are all alone in our silos hoping for something to change. Make the changes yourself reach out to your neighbor in kindness and in solidarity to better reestablishnthe community that was wrested from us against our better judgement but because we feared the cost of not complying. Quit complying with government edicts, breathe, it’s spring go out doors, garden, ride a bike, walk, swing your arms and yell hallelulia I am alive and will let no one take this life from me.

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I think it is more than that. We the people need to get involved in government at least at our own local level. However forming groups with our neighbors wouldn't hurt either.

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28


Excellent comment.

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Localism at it finest is what your suggesting😉👍💯

The way to win is not play at the globalised level. Go localist. Get on your council's case, your local government. Get them to understand that they literally will sink or swim through this BS, at their constituents pleasure.😐🤔😉

Support your local radio, farmers, businesses, infrastructure runners, AND make sure they understand why you are supporting them.

Hold public forums, meetings, movie nights. You might start with 5 peeps, but if your speaking the real truth, it will grow. The more propaganda the globalised forces push into the world and on to us, the more that people sense and seek the truth. We know at an innate level that something very, very, very bad has been allowed to happen. Start as a localist, make it spread, and then we will have removed their power over us.🤗

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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You dont live in the US , correct? We have no local radio anymore. They killed it in 2013

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I'm in the US and we have local radio, well, local as in 35 miles away but it's broadcast here in a very rural area. BarefootHealers suggestions are exactly what should be done and are being done in hundreds of communities. Live outside their system. Local is where it's at and always has been. Anyone that's lived for long knows that. Maybe not city people, I don't know, but us country folk do.

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I think text is not the best communication. They stipped giving out radio licenses back in 2013 for anything over a certain range which you indicated Yes i absolutely agree with you on your premise. Local is the key. But They intentionaly are keeping the Public from connecting nationally. Or regionally.

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Trump is an obvious “hero” that the demons have provided. And people are falling for it hook, line and sinker. Sickening.

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I do not trust ONE politician. They have ALL been bought. ALL!

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27

I agree Renee Marie - I'm a politician atheist. I did appreciate Barbara Loe Fisher's testimony. In GOD we Trust . . .

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Yeah, it's disappointing. An employee of the DHS in charge of protecting politicians told me 15 years ago that EVERYONE (elected) is crooked in DC. While they were fairly rigid (black and white) in their assessments, I'm not sure there's a lot of grey areas here. I know compromise is necessary, but being bought out to take a position IS selling yourself to a lobbyist, in lieu of doing what's best for the american people.

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I just came across this substack article which I think many people will appreciate. AND I LIKE his solution!!! https://criticallythinking.substack.com/p/fixing-congress-worst-problem

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Great article Justin! I retired 3 years ago! I’m game!😉

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Or threatened or they have tapes of them doing perverted things

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Most definitely John! OR…the government (FBI) sets people up. I’m wondering why “they” didn’t use any on Trump that couldn’t be disproven😉. So many people have been set up.

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They don't have tapes on me. Except something similar to Belushi/ Animal House/ cafeteria.

My code name: BUFFET BOY

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How big would the bribe need to b to kill yourself?

I trust vacinne injured female politicians because they aren't allowed to be freemasons. Note, former PM Julia Gillard " chose" not to reside in The Lodge- the freemasons prime Minister residence.

Former Australian federal MP Dr Kerryn Phelps


But, nah... I don't trust anyone in power or has been ' allowed ' to get a large social media following!

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Very few Freemasons even know truth from fiction. They go to Masonic lodges to bs, drink whiskey, and smoke cigars. It’s a fraternity of men that want to chill with other men (not in a gay way).

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I must admit to curiosity about it all. Was invited once but was concerned about the bad tgings said and I'm time poor at the best of times.

That and he said some people are put of by the theatre and I'm not one for stuff like that.

In saying that who actually knows but theres a lot of smoke

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I know more about the Freemasons than they know. It’s all hype unless one gets to the top, top, top, top, in my humble opinion. I go down rabbit holes and I look at everything!

Now, if you go to another country, they may be much different.

I find the Freemasons I’ve met, boring as hell-lol! But, very nice gentlemen.

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Your gentlemen, did they ever mention the depop shot to make the scene? Mine did. (just checking what sort of circles we are moving in, respectively.)

I wonder if you have seen Forces occultes; I find it illuminating - an evergreen of sorts. https://www.documentarytube.com/articles/occult-forces-illuminati-movie-truth-that-killed-the-director/

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Thanks Castigator for the documentary! I haven’t seen it! I saved to watch👍.

I’m not a member of course, but I know someone who is. I think many on the local level (3rd Degree>)are stupid, to be perfectly honest. I try to do as much research as I can…what a damn rabbit hole, but so damn interesting!

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Yes... That's the intention.

Masons ruined my family, emotionally financially from within. ( An in- law)

Like you say, they only get really evil at the top. A lot of lower level masons are ignorant that they are providing the ladder for the way to the top with " philanthropy" that works out to be the opposite of the word.

The " top" is hell on earth.

I am watching some of them come to realise this.

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I’m sorry Justin, truly. I love God with all my heart, and I put God number one in my life. I don’t understand why Masons have their own Bible…I find it disturbing.

I don’t even belong to a man made religion anymore, although I was raised a Catholic. I cut out the “middle man” and I go straight to God!

Intuition and prayer, for me, fosters so much Truth. I want only Light of God/Creator.

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I wish all of that were what these criminals do, although many enter those lodges deceived, believing in human good. But the reality is different. For the person who knows nothing it is difficult to conceive what they have planned for humanity. We alert the world in 2021. It is much more serious than people believe.

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I think we are definitely living through history, as well as “spiritual history”.

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That's how it is. For what is coming we have to be prepared physically, mentally and spiritually.

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Dr. Gilbert rang the bell three decades ago; in vain, it seems. Short attention span version: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ABzkrg5APHfC/

Full lecture: https://www.bitchute.com/video/0z1LJA5m8hib/

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I remember the news, this man is a 33rd degree Mason. He talked about crystalline nanoparticles, the same as now with graphene in vaccines, and they tested them on the population of Rwanda, creating a massacre. Neuromodulation, what they are going to create.

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I think you're right.

Vaccines should be actually called -

Nanotoxic Graphene Neuromodulating Thermal Conductors.

Everyone is mentally being " cooked" to different recipes, and physically cooked by graphene.

This was a climate psy-op to keep people from going outside. This BS article pretty much sums it up.


I believe that the truth is that the sun isn't hotter, our bodies now absorb more heat because of our heavy metal content, and injections of superconductors.

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All US Congress and Senate and Judiciary and Staffers of all and CDC, FDA and NIH and Postal Service Employees were EXEMPT from Covidian Injections. Also if you were a friend of any of these and had a note.

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They have to leave some alive

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In Australia Federal employees were exempt and I'm sure every department and industry had its stooges ( masons)

Yes, they needed to keep a few alive to keep that spikey ball a rollin out...

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Of course women can become masons and there are myriad masonic suborders and female secret societies with initiation rituals and vows of secrecy.

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Order of the Eastern Star…

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Yes, women are useful tools for masons, but you probably will not find one in an Australian mason lodge unless they are blindfolded bent over.

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Indeed. This story is not about politics, many do not realize. They believe that one extreme will save them. And they don't know that the two extremes are equal. They obey their master above them. I think it's taken 4 years for people to realize this.

You just need to look under a microscope to know what I'm telling you. And how can a microscope reveal that? It's hard to explain here, you'll have to check my substack.

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It depends on what you define as “extreme “.

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It's all too much to decipher and I'm ready to opt out.

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Unfortunately, I am worn out with it as well. 'Guess that's exactly the goal. Wear us all out until there is no more fight. It's like drinking from a firehouse...there's no time to assimilate and be able to pass it on. Every day...more and more. As time wore on yesterday...the 4.5 hours....I became more discouraged. No battle plan. None.

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27

Very disappointing. I guess this saved me 4.5hrs of watching the same info I already know. Even Alex Jones is exhausted.

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I would not trust Alex Jones either. They provide truths and get angry and huffs and puffs but that's where it ends. No solution. Him, all these alternative* personalities Russel Brand etc etc all the same. The people will have to bring the solution.

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It is darkest before the dawn

Onward, Courage!

Onward, courage!

Then blame not the Bard

When the wind and the gale

Sweep o’er the moor

And bow down the sail

For the ship shall move on

And the port be obtained

If the courage be high

And the will be maintained!

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Thank you ~ My second witness today! God bless...

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While I understand your frustration Mike, I do think some good was gained by having the session. The more people we can wake up the better. It will HAVE to come in a wave like pattern. If you throw out what we on this Board know really happened, you will lose them before they ever listened to any info on how dangerous the shots really are. That is the FIRST step is getting them to understand and admit that to themselves. This will NOT be a quick and easy battle whatsoever and if you think it will be, you're going to be disappointed and dejected. First step is stopping the mandates, then stop the shots and get them off the Childhood vaccine schedule. The Bioweapon stuff comes later.

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Talk,talk,talk,talk - “expert testimony by the cult leaders in sheeps clothing. Talk, palaver, dishing, pontificating, bull shit, distortions, obfuscating, gossiping, stating untruths clothed as truths ad infinitum, McCarthyism re do all to protect the government. Where is the talk about repealing the constitutional Laws that created this nightmare. All of these “experts can’t cause they would be biting the hand that feeds them the DoD, Dept of Homeland security and all three letter agencies. We are living under an immoral psychopathic regime, we are all Palestinians but don’t want to admit it. Genocide/Democide of one’s own people via a kill shot, bio weapon designed to kill, maim, prevent normss as l life, prevent life itself by destroying fertility - why, because they could the world is a mafia and all countries complied or would have been destroyed economically.

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F the childhood "vaccine" depopulation schedule all together. It was always about depopulation.

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That's right, friend, first of all, exterminate part of the population. And secondly, those who remain neuromodulated, all already have graphene in their bodies.

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This is precisely the work we have been doing since 2021, we demonstrated what was hidden behind the vaccines. There are still people who don't believe anything, and it's as easy as looking into a microscope.

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When I wrote RonJohnson last year about opting out of the W.H.O., he wrote back:

“Senator Johnson believes the sovereignty of the United States is not negotiable. He introduced the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act. This legislation would require any convention or agreement resulting from the work of the World Health Organization’s intergovernmental negotiating body be deemed a treaty, requiring the advice and consent of a supermajority of the Senate.”

All “souled-out” <imhv>

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Dr. Yeadon needs to support these statements. Highly unproductive not to identify which were lying and, especially, the ones he think were lying intentionally. Also what exactly were the biggest lies.

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

Too complicated for most.

I am sure Dr Y does make very good arguments in private and on a Supra PhD level which would fly over the heads of many. He would be writing until the cows came home. The good thing is, he has learned the Who’s who of the liars, the cheats and the horn swaggers for the score cards moving forward.

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Doesn't do much good to keep it private. A few sentences naming the lie and the worst perpetrators would be enough. Otherwise this could just be a smear tactic. Either way it's nearly valueless to the reader.

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Who lied, and what lies were told.

We need a list!

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As convincing as Ed Dowd's testimony was, not everyone is insured in the likelyhood of death or has a retirement policy/policies that beneficiaries can claim from after death. As some people invest their finances through banks and elsewhere, statistics of those who died by vaccination should be a lot higher.

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Ed Dowd investment manque who runs the numbers to determine the next most profitable thing- mortuaries, hospices, new pharma treatments for covid injuries, TWC, medical equipment, care provider agencies all represent an investment opportunity to a guy like this. Remember he is the author of “the Malone Doctrine” in cahoots with another fat cat billionaire profiting mightily from all things covid. Deaths can be quantified but who quantifies injuries when they are denied by the Medical System - there will never be any retribution or justice they have played the system, no they control the system we are toast to them. Genocide/Democide brought to us by the cabal called the WHO in Collusion with the United States. Theater every day all day via news, government, medical system a never ending propaganda display to keep everyone cowed and in compliance while they stole businesses via economic warfare and still folks haven’t and won’t recover cause that was the plan. Do not be distracted by theater cause that is all our government wants us to see while they continue to kill ya.

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I wonder if he's chosen a plot yet in Lahaina?

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I used to think Dowd was a good guy. I still am not sure. Was he a bad plant from the beginning or did he flip when Kennedy came to visit him at the time of the Maui occupied house incinerations by DEWs?

I don’t see him living next to Orca or the Rock. Maybe he just gets to keep his long-standing simple Pad ( hopefully with some redecorating ) along the coast line a few towns away. Someone should check if his has a blue roof.

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If i go back to Maui i will check.

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Lol! I bought a house with a bright blue roof in 2012. It's now faded to gray...

Time to re-paint!!

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When you think there is someone that is legit, you eventually find they are bought and paid for. As long as God is in heaven, and He is, justice will arrive. We must not loose heart.

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Amen Neil…I agree! It is Universal Law. It’s something, in my humble opinion, that cannot be upended.

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I follow Ed. Can you be more specifichow hes in cahoots with malone ? I dont trust Malone but i do trust Ed TIA

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RemovedMar 2
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The issue is even for many who are awake its incredibly difficult to ferret out all the controlled op players from actual “ good guys”. Thats the difficult task for me. Could you please link me to that interview where Dowd states Malone helped him? Ive watched ALOTof Dowd but i missed that and really want to watch this. Send it to me at hs4265@protonmail.com. Id like to speak with you offline as well. TIA

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Communism by stealth. Control the present to control the past and you can totally control the future

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Dear man this whole thing is theater macabre, a dance of obfuscation and distorted truth to further the aims of the government through the controlled opposition of which Ron Johnson is a member. Thank you for always being a gentleman and being reluctant to come to judgment regarding the opposition. I will judge because in the past week My husband experienced true evil cloaked as medical care and is now no more; he was dying but his exit was made harder by the callousness and control exerted by medical providers. Trust no one the only incentive is $$$$, control and disregard for the other thus the death cult we live in at present.

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My deepest condolences for the loss of your husband.

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My condolences too. Tomorrow is the funeral of my ex father in law who was fine but deteriorated quickly in mind and body after his C jabs.

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I'm sorry. There are many people who still don't know what was injected into their body. They don't know it because they continue to believe in politics, in TV, in the press.

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The agenda is to rid the earth of 8 billion people.

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Indeed, that is the plan.

And neuromodulate the rest, enslave them. The plan is macabre. Who really rules the world? Who really rules the world? Because we have realized that governments are not, those on the left have done the same as those on the right. Russians, Chinese, Europeans, Americans,... who has so much power to introduce graphene everywhere?

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And if they succeed, then what? Boredom? Or will they begin to devour each other? What fun is left for them when there are so few left to control?

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False Dissidence is as harmful as the government and Fact Checkers. Both were created to deceive the people.

I'm sorry about her husband. I hope he wasn't inoculated with anything.

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I worked in hospice and chronic care in the 80s. In 2011 I saw these “ medical experts” abuse and almost kill my seriously ill daughter. We were in the ER ( not including inpatient) over 300 times in 3 different states. I witnessed an intentional pattern to destroy patients I understand what you went through. Im so sorry for what you all went through

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May God/Creator be with you Karla. Your husband is in a perfect place, know that…

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This is extremely concerning…. This is also why they won’t listen to Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt who have exposed in great detail how the entire public health apparatus is designed to be used to allow the biowarfare complex to keep running and to use us as Guinea pigs.

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That's how it is. In our research in 2021 we reached that conclusion. We alert the world. There are millions who know the truth because we have spread it. But there are still many people who don't know anything.

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Dr. Risch made this point in the beginning of the session.

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Barbara Loe Fischer has been waiting for decades to be heard at the big house. Her 10 minutes are the best of the session.

Just imagine how many lives would have been saved and diseases would have not happened if people had listened to her 20 or 25 years ago.

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I agree that Barbara was the highlight. After she used the word condoned Ron correctly said orchestrated by, so why does he not do something to stop it?

She says in essence they condoned killing and he piggybacked with orchestrated the killing and…….. that’s it. How about stopping all the killings?

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Some cannot admit it’s a Bioweapon to depopulate and our own government or governments are part of it .

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It’s for our own good. Less is more?

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There’s a reason that only a limited number of folks get to play golf at the Augusta National.

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We need to put microphones around the course. Seriously.

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I know a few guys who have worked out there during Masters. Maybe they could get a hidden microphone or two in place

The real conversations I would want to hear would be the members rather than the pros during the tournament.

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That would go viral if they catch alot of good convos

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Part of it? They designed, built and disseminated it, all with our hard earned money ( which is laughable ) and still are in many, many new and super sophisticated ways ie EMFs

Quite unbelievable if it weren’t true.

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You are partly right, but governments do not govern. They do not rule the world. You'll notice if you look under a microscope. When I say this people are surprised and don't relate it. Four years of research is difficult to explain in several lines, see my substack

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