I noticed that, too. But the real question remains. How can we object to the downfall of our human sovereignty? I can't imagine that almost eight bn people can't stand up to a mere 8,000 malignant narcissistic globalists about instilling total bodily digital surveillance 24/7 of our every move.

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Jan 29, 2024
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Maybe my figure included billionaires & millionaires alike. But both of us want them stopped!

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Jan 28, 2024
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Indeed, only 20 % of the population would do!

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I am bewildered too. I keep cracking ‘four billion men vs. Manboobs and Manboobs is winning.’ But it’s true. These people need arresting/summary judgment.

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Yep. This is The Biggest Elephant in a Room full of them.

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Now, would be as good as time as any for quiet meditation and prayer. Building one's relationship with God is important. The evil segment really does not the people to put their faith in God.

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Dr. Yeadon, thank you for reposting this memo from Latypova. Many of us who were actually somewhat informed back in 2020 and 2021 knew that this injection was an experimental drug, and was only allowed to be given out because of the EUA, and one could not have a real informed consent, and indeed no one was asked to give informed consent. It was just assumed by those pushing it that everyone would take it, regardless, even though there was no evidence it was either safe OR effective.

I will print out a copy, and send to my State representative, and show my personal health care person. Since this EUA can only be foisted on the people here in the US by having it approved by the Sec of HHS, it is a good thing to know that when Trump resumes office he will most assuredly replace that person, and this egregious EUA will be ended.

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Jan 29, 2024Edited
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Yes, I'm sure he is aware of that. I also believe he has extra military security besides the Secret Service. His motorcade and security detail when he travels are much bigger than Obiden's.

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Firstly, I want to thank you and Dr. Yeadon for trying to educate the public. Both of you are critical to getting word out about these abuses. As you have heard me harken many a time, I have 20+ nonconsensual implants as well as nano MATERIALS IN ME. I am ‘beta one’ in the darpa brain initiative and people have no idea what this means or anything about the technology in use. Clearly I am failing at explaining it properly. I have Neuralink and other tech — all of which are activated REMOTELY WITH Nano, 5G, emfs from drones, aerosolized gasses. The Neuralink enables REALTIME NEUROLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE — ACTUAL MINDREADING. This is what Klaus Schwab is talking about when he says we all have to get used to transparency. This is what Yuval Harari means when he talks about algorithms who know us better than we know ourselves. This is what Elon means when he talks about wanting to expand consciousness — he wants to steal it from some and sell it to others. One of Klaus’ prostelytizers Nita Farahany practically salivates when she talks about reading workers’ minds. The technology obliterates privacy and makes every human susceptible to enslavement. I have a body area network and my body is controlled via electric tether. I am tortured, shocked, aroused, heated, electronically. Among the tech in me is a BLUETOOTH that enables me to be heard remotely. My jailers have listened to every word, guttural cry and smart alecky remark I’ve made in the last decade. My

brain waves are harvested all day every day by wifi and stupid people armed with Neuralink’s app. The tech is killing me. It violates my privacy and violates my Constitutional right against cruel and unusual punishment. My brain waves are distributed to tens of thousands of neuro Nazis, or what David Salinas Flores calls Nanomafia. The same people involved in the Darpa Brain Initiative are also behind the Covid scam, and they are consolidated at Darpa/NIH/Harvard/Mit/White House Office of Science & Technology Policy and Defense Innovation Board. This is what Epstein’s mad scientist crowd was doing. All of Congress knows because all of them funded the Darpa Brain Initiative, and then to cover crimes that were executed under that law they passed a law (https://t.co/y7F7vGGxpt) WHICH LEGALIZED HUMAN TRAFFICKING OF BRAIN DATA FOR CORPORATIONS. Obama legalized barbaric depraved nonconsensual brain expedimentation — for his own profits. This is the reason he’s worth $100M — this is his kickback from the globalist corporations profiting. Frankly, he ought to be hung. The US medical & military & law enforcement are now actively chipping innocent people, torturing them and then when the victims seek help they are set up by corrupt personnel in these fields. This is NAZISM.

Congress knows and is silent BECAUSE

THEY APPROVED IT. THE LOUDEST FAKE CONSTITUTIONALISTS — JIM JORDAN, MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE, KNOW THIS IS OCCURRING AND STAY MUTE. They are also watching torture porn produced when the FBI fraudulently puts the subject under surveillance under falsified FISAS. HAS ANYONE SEEN HOW THE TERROR WATCH LIST HAS EXPLODED IN LAST DECADE? DO YOU REALIZE NO ONE IS EVER RELEASED FROM TERROR WATCHLIST. DO YOU KNOW WHY? BECAUSE THE US/Israeli govts. SLOW KILL THEM OR FORCE THEM TO SUICIDE. The US has a fullblown holocaust occurring. If you want to stave off slavery worse than you could imagine, REPORT ON TARGETED INDIVIDUALS — real ones, not Targeted Justice which is a fake advocacy group. And report on this law: https://t.co/y7F7vGGxpt

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If they will lie to us about one thing, they will lie to us about anything. All trust is gone. Perhaps our trust is better placed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DdgkvnsHjM

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Thank you.


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Reading The Indoctrinated Brain by Michael Nehls after hearing him in conversation.

His theory is that anxiety is being used to force the hippocampus to overwrite old memories with the stressful garbage being portrayed as news. The spiking also plays its part. Brave New World.

Look into ways to protect your hippocampus from being slowly destroyed.

Suggest checking out The Phoenix Protocol.

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Yes it’s not worth the paper it’s written on. And it will be deliberate

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Dr Yeadon has as clear an understanding as anyone in the medical community I'm aware of, better than most, of the absolutely intentional democide/genocide we are suffering under. He personifies great Courage to speak publicly.

I think he's almost certainly correct in his suspicions of global "legal"systems having been bastardized to accommodate this ongoing tragedy.

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The deadline (January 27, 2024) to submit proposed amendments has passed. It is the responsibility of every sovereign member nation of the WHO to defend the rule of law and enforce Article 55. https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/enforcearticle55

SHARE as if your life depends on this because it DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have always wondered how the prophecy regarding the great anguish, or the great tribulation, would be fulfilled.

Matthew 24 - 21

21 For at that time there will be great tribulation, unmatched from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be seen again. 22 If those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short.

For those who are not familiar with the book of the apostle Matthew, at the outset Jesus' apostles asked him about the end of age, or the last days.

Matt 24- 3

"3 While Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?”

Please note that Jesus prophecy about the great tribulation says that:

Matt 24 - 22

"If those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved".

Nobody would be saved if the days of the great tribulation were not cut short? Cut short by whom?

Interestingly the great tribulation can't be the III world war, because earlier Jesus mentions wars as the signs prior to the great tribulation…

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God bless you, Mike.

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