Its Feudalism that we are being herded into and MUST resist. Forget political slogans with names like Communism and Fascism and yep even that supposedly cuddly one Socialism, none of them are real or actually exist or ever did. Those are just made up political names for dysfunctional versions of non-representative forms of governance - they don't work.

It feudalism which has one tyrant who claims all, land, water and people, and a very small bunch of hangers-on who serve that master by doing the dirty work in hope of the best rewards and ALL, and that means ALL, depend upon getting privileges at the whim of the one. You will own nothing and be happy!!

Feudalism, nothing else and its been used for thousands of years.

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GOD bless you Dr. Coleman for being a TRUTH Warrior & for standing for Health Freedom. Technology will rob us of our humanity if we don't stay connected to our Souls & the GOD of our understanding ...

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You are correct when you write "it's all about the money"... but let's all not forget the other side of the same coin, "it's all about sex".

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Thank you for your courage to expose the lies relentlessly, Dr. Coleman!

Wishing you and your wife a healthy 2023 and the energy to keep speaking your truth!

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Wow. I think I just got the full experience!

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Everyone that has been paying attention understands what the elites have planned for us. Dr. Vernon Coleman is right about a lot. I would push it even more and reference David Icke (and others) that the elite are a secret (not so secret now) group of satanists. That they already have money and power. This great reset is about their evil religion. This is about a spiritual assault on the world. Their Luciferian cult runs on child rape, that is why we have a massive pedophile problem world wide. Lots of children missing, kidnapped, and generally trafficked. I think that what no one focuses on is what is the solution? You know their plans. I think that the solution is to become independent of their control system. One basic place to start is to ignore bad laws and grow your own food. Another point that I have been hammering on in my substack, is to get off the smart phones. All of their plans would hit a wall if suddenly the world decided to not use their cell phones. It would be a black out of information. We could organize and no one would know it. Those are my thoughts.

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Sadly, Coleman is correct about the details, but as usual, fails to grasp the whole picture. This is NOT about money (central bankers are giving away the people's money and the people are paying an interest on operations against them), but control and genocide.

In August, I already wrote a piece about what's coming:


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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Snow in Kuwait—First time in history. That evil global warming.


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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Dr. Vernon Coleman, one of my favorite people. Glad Brandnewtube is getting the problems solved. Was glad to see a couple new vids from DVC. :)

Before the problems there I watched every single video he had up there.

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I agree with most all. Will only add that the master-plan also throws in some good things that happen. They know they can't force entire populations to take their all-bad medicine. They put in that spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down.

And I don't mean medicine in the beneficial sense as we've been conditioned to think of. They think of medicine in a collective way, like how Stalin thought of collectivization, "sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet":


Where one death is a tragedy, while one-million deaths is a statistic:


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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Thank you Dr. Coleman for your wisdom and discernment of the future of us useless eaters . My sister in law sent to this to share, regarding the future. https://famguardian.org/Subjects/Spirituality/ChurchvState/AmericaStudies/1969.htm

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Spectacular. But the most important action is to recruit. If we do all these things alone, it won't matter. We need to convince our family, friends, neighbors and strangers to do those things. Even if they don't want to hear it. Especially if they don't want to hear it. We got here because of epidemic ignorance, and attendant complacency and fear. It's easy to incite hysteria in the ignorant. Fix ignorance and the rest is easy.

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