Thank you, Lioness, for publishing this mans work. Most appreciated.

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Agree Edwin thanks for saying this

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Dr Coleman is correct. Here in Canuckistan there are political parties pushing euthanasia even for elderly veterans. Life is a Sovereign endowed entity and the corrupt CYSTem has no right to push what is really murder on anyone. In some cities there are funeral homes with death rooms where MAID is done and the undertaker takes over right away after MAID occurs. A one stop dying service.

If anyone needs to be euthanized, it is convicted murderers, sex traffickers, drug dealers, pimps, and rapists.

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Please all see my world exclusive substack on what has been going on in Scottish care homes during 'the pandemic.' No coverage even from ''alternative'' media.


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If the State — realizing that there are major differences between the State and one’s elected government — decides to embark on a depopulation campaign, what can the commoners do about it?

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Without slaves they cannot do anything, those who inject are most of the time nurses, doctors depend on others to do their killings to, there is no excuse to follow orders because of a salary or a work, that is why information is so important

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Emma Goldman talked about the masses loving their chains. She made a good point. 🫤

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I guess it’s easy to have someone put down if u don’t want to care for them I heard.

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So they offer you the jab for your “wink wink” protection. Then you stroke out or end up disabled! Then they offer you self euthanasia because they care. In Canada they offer you the MAID program! But here’s the catch. You have to sign over organs first! They will sell them at a high cost! Sheep are worth more dead than alive to these psychopaths!

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No doubt the obscenely profitable organ transplant scheme is incentivizing the murder of people in medical settings.

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Coppertops for the machines

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Folks, we must focus on what’s most important right now, which is the Deep State agenda: depopulation and reorganization of society. The rest is window dressing and distraction.

They want us to be talking about Biden and Kamala and how many shooters there were in Butler, and bird flu and Trump and on and on and on. The nonstop chaos serves to distract us, and meanwhile, the Great Reset moves along with steely precision.

Instead of being aghast by every contrived move of our enemies, let’s focus on the end game: depopulation and reorganization. Otherwise, we’re merely the squawking musicians on a sinking ship.

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Your points are VERY well taken but I'm saying "no." "Dying" is an important question to the heart and soul of man. We need to help mankind with the distress he is trying to overcome personally. Then we can take care of the larger world. BUT, it is very true that making “enemy- watching” a full time job; and the main focus of our "current knowledge," is not a winning game. AND “depopulation and reorganization” are terrorizing topics that must be faced . . . but which people find too painful to confront. P.S. Euthanasia is part of depopulation! Right?

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He is the only one who can truly save us.

If one wants to understand how, the book of John in the Bible is a good place to start.

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Yes for sure John! "in the beginning was the Word..." - that is Jesus!

"For the Word of God (Logos or Jesus) is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, (He) pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. (He) discerns the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

That is also Jesus!


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Thank you for the heads up. This is a subject we must get more conversant about. Compared to a truly smooth transition “to the other side” what is going on now is barbaric. I’m trying to think of a person who has had what you could call an “optimal death.” There are as many stories as there are people who have died. My brother did pretty well although his body was racked with cancer. Seventy-two hours before he slipped away peacefully he said “Stop all meds. Turn down the lights. Turn up the rock and roll.”

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Dr Coleman, Dr Vladimir Zelenko of blessed memory made available for free his Zelenko protocol when Covid scam and spread what he knew about it, it safe at that moment thousands of lives, I know that 3 pounds are not even for a coffee yet it may help to spread the information to give free PDF and a link to the hardcopy book with a normal price if people can and want to support, is only my opinion I maybe wrong, nevertheless I will try to spread your post in a few public telegrams, I have already posted in our humble one but is more a public and personal library for me.. Therefore has not much exposure to the public...i think we should target nurses, and health practitioners but not only maybe anonimous to inform and wake up their conscience..

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I have spread your post in RT, @Zeeemedia, our telegram, the expose telegram, with a note, I will spread somewhere else hopefully will not block me, do you have a telegram?

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I do not agree takes time and already have some understanding on how to decide the trues from the lies to reach a conclusion, a lot of people does not have the time to think that is why the system works like does, tired people and waste their time that there is no time to analize what is going on.. Not everyone is in the same circumstances, same upbringing, same surroundings etc.. That is why the disinformation and misleading lies on making people focus in politics that are an invention. Not a reality goes on..

Of course there are others that think in their survival and well-being and do not realize that no business can be a success if there are no customers, of course customers need to be able to spend the money to become customers, therefore even for someone that love to others is not relevant understanding how much we need each other may wake them up, my humble views, Orli

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I'm not sure anymore if Vernon is who he says he is.

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When young people are maimed by these poisons and they can't afford meds or care to continue the sharade here on earth I'm sure they'll opt in as well. I wouldn't blame anyone. We are living in an insane asylum. It's only going to get worse.

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Nope I refuse to use hospitals or drs.

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Of course we're going to let them!

Everyone wants to be first in line to be second.

Come on old man. If there's one thing my 78 years have taught me. It's that!

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