We never voted for this, did we?

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Thanks Lioness!

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I got one of those nasal swab test kits that the US government was giving out for free, two years ago or whatever. I looked at it, thought about how duplicitous everyone involved seemed to be, and used my own swab. Negative result, as I expected. I have never gotten jabbed, and do not intend to be jabbed.

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I love Dr. Vernon Coleman because he minces no words and tells the truth in convincing detail.

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He minces no words; but he does butter parsnips :)

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I see my health practitioner next week. I'm going to print this out and take it to her. Fortunately, she is what we refer to as "awake" to all the BS. I saw her six months ago and gave her the names of several good Substacks I read.

I hear she wants to change to a wholistic medicine approach, but to get certified for that in Illinois will cost her 80K. But she has been prescribing Ivermectin to those she thinks will benefit from it. She does not push the "vaccine", and when I told her I had refused it she said "good".

The problem is that anyone like her who truly steps out against the phony PCR tests and death jabs is likely to lose their job. This crap is still pushed by the County Health Department. My County is a large rural county with only about 20K total population.

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Sounds like you need to go to work on your county health department rather than your health practitioner?

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What is 20 K total Population?sorry I am german my english is not the best.

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The total number of residents in my County is about 20,000 people. It's a large rural county with mostly farmland and several small towns. Many of the farmers are of German descent.

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Ok I understand.Thanks

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I was force-swabbed only once, at the ER, presenting with tachycardia, pneumonia, fever. It was very painful and it was a stealth-swab - one nurse was distracting me on the right side and another swiftly came up from the left and punched the swab up my nose before I could swat her away. I was furious. They also did a blood test to "confirm" the Cov - so the swab swat was totally unnecessary except to serve its purpose as relegating me to the covid ward where I would lay for 5 days almost without any services and help walking as I had rather severe vertigo.

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What state are you in? We are trying to get a bill passed that this intentional withholding of the standard of care protocols will never happen again! It was done to kill patients so they could give them all the deadly covid protocols and get paid!!!

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Alabama. The covid ward had 12 patients and only 1-2 staff, not counting the cleaning staff. Food was often late and cold. It took them 3 days to obtain my thyroid meds and they kept asking ME if I had a doctor's order for the levothyroxine. Though I did get mucinex.

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Ohio has lots of blood on their hands!!! They intentionally denied hydration and food when this was never the standard before! They made malpractice legal!

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Mississippi was much the same. My elderly parents (at the time 78 and 84) were put into a room with little care. They would push diapers into the room for my dad (84) to change my mom (horrified him that he was doing it, but I wasn't allowed in even though I would have had no problem with it). They, at one point, ran out of toilet paper and we had to have a relative bring it from outside of the hospital because they weren't cleaning the room. They eventually put her on a vent when my dad finally had to go home or become more sick himself. Gratefully, she then got the personal care that she needed and had she had a good doctor in the icu who kept her alive. She went into a hospital in Greenville and woke up 23 days later in a hospital on the coast. Thankfully, today, she is in pretty good health and doesn't remember much of the hospital time. She came to me for 5 months to recover - had to learn to clean herself, eat, drink and walk again. Only by the grace of God did she survive.

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It’s a miracle she survived!!! People in hospitals here haven’t been so fortunate! Plus most of our hospitals are denying the basic care! They want them dead!!

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I agree, especially given her age at the time of the incident. I think it was like .03% who survived - of course, this was before they were administering Rundeathisnear. My brother then wanted them to both be jabbed after they were out of the hospital - I did enough research to push a firm "no" on him - he, on the other hand, took the jab for his job - and is now feeling medical issues related to what he might think are small strokes.

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Aug 6Edited

He may be able to correct some of the spike protein damages but he has to act fast since he is having small strokes. Most of the time they lead to the major ones. One of our neighbors daughters,a nurse, took the jabs due to her job and at 32 had a minor stroke that disabled her and at 33 had a massive stroke that killed her. She knew it was happening but her mom and coworkers couldn’t get to her in time! She left small children and a husband. She went to school with my oldest son. So if he’s interested in a detox there are a number of them…Nattokinase, Lumbrokinase, Apple Pectin, Pine Needle, etc. if he wants more info let me know and I will give you a more detailed reference. (Corrected typo!)

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I'm in Alabama and I stay away from the hospitals as much as possible. Haven't been in years. We do a lot of preventative care, I was previously a nurse so I use my medical knowledge..if we need medications I order them from a pharmacy in India that I have used for years. I try to keep several things in stock always..

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Oh and we are the 2nd least vaccinated state state. Lots of good things about quite, calm Alabama.

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You better do better than that, unfortunately. The medical guy in charge right now is wanting to mandate the jabs for everyone - and enforce it with law enforcement.

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First, after all the injuries and deaths of frontline workers they won’t be so eager to comply with that Nazi behavior!! Many police, fire and military have died or are injured!! This will be considered attempted assault with the intent to kill! I will consider it defending myself and my family! This guy is deranged lunatic!!! We will not comply!!!

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I'm praying that you are right. So many dead from this false narrative. They need to look up and see where much of the illness is coming from.

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I’ve been a caregiver for my family for at least 20 years. The first thing people need is an IV for hydration to stop the serious effects of dehydration!!! This doesn’t apply to just the elderly, but anyone who is ill. They quit this first crucial treatment in 2020! Second, they denied them food when there was no health reason justifying it. I had to go home for my husband and bring him hydration drinks and food! I knew what they were trying to do, and he didn’t have covid but an aneurysm they discovered. But it didn’t matter. There are numerous people who did not have to die and they did because intentional of deprivation of food in water. It is just criminal.

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Did most adults go simple minded?

I sure recall this repeated forever in my youth...

'NEVER EVER let ANYONE put anything up your nose or in your ears smaller than an ELBOW, unless your in pain and in a hospital for that reason!"

Gods green earth WHy allow a person in a white coat standing in an AIRPORT to SHOVE shizzle up the nose with immediate access to the brain?

These folks are barely nurses...

-Common sense has been lost...

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You mean like brain dead zombies ?

YES !!!

Thank you for noticing.

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I too remember that saying.

My Grandfather had a lot of them he would use to teach me about life when I was a young boy.

Another one to highlight your last line.

Common sense isn’t common.

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I actually think some of that is from the jabs - the people don't all seem the same.

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This is how they killed my beautiful, healthy, unvaxxed neighbor! They made her go in every week when she was working from home and made her take it!! Her husband swears this is what killed her! A firing squad isn’t punishment enough for these monsters!!!

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She died because of the nasal swabs ? How many "tests" did she get ? One is too many.

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Every single week since the vaccines started in 21 until she died in 2022!!! And she was working from home not a threat to anyone!!! It was out of pure malice!

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This is murder. Never comply.

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They were going to make my husband take the jabs and were down to the line (Friday before the required Monday) - we were preparing for him to be off work. Never comply.

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I wondered if the people who refused the jab could get unemployment compensation? Seriously bring medical info to the unemployment office saying the risk and maybe if you already have health issues too, bring that to show you can't afford to take the health risk of the jab.

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ALL real studies done on them show that they were both ineffective and not safe. We were taking no chances. I do know that there are some lawsuits for people who were fired because of them saying take them or be laid off. I think some people have even won at this point.

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I get sick since I took the pcr test.Now more than 3 years.Since they put the swab in my nose it develops like a technology.And it feels also in the body somthing like technology devices.I am also magneticed in the near of the nose where they force the Swab in my nose.I have fever and pain evry day.I dont know how to survive with this bioweapon in my body.What did your friend experiences when she got sick after the pcr-test?Sorry you write she died.You know why the husband is convinced that the pcr test kill his woman?

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I found a. I'll of Lading that was for WTS to ship COVID 19 test kits worldwide in Dec. 2018. The pandemic hit US in 2020 and started in Nursing Homes in CA and State of WA, 2 very progressive states. My thoughts when I saw this document.... How to get a Global Pandemic started before Juky 2020? Ship contaminated testkits worldwide

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Interesting deduction- a possibility- son works in hospital every day they were to test before shift - hospital allowed staff to self administer test then gradually staff realized no one was monitoring test outcomes and the requirement disappeared. Hospitals get reimbursed for administering swab on patients but supplying tests for staff is an expense. Always follow the money.

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I thank God everyday He gave me the "knowing" to never go near any of the scamdemic, no tests, no masks, no social distancing, no lockdowns, and never the jab. People would get mad at me for no mask and I would just laugh at them for being sheep. I am 72 years old and I can't even remember the last time I had a cold. My last "vaccine" was in 1961-62 when I was 10, maybe thats why Im so healthy.

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IMO the fake (falsely named) PCR has (at least) 3 purposes:

- DNA collection

- Generate false positives to create the illusion of a pandemic (and therefore sell more bioweapon injections)

- Install the DoD/DARPA operating system for neuromodulation via EMF

The payload is delivered once inserted because of the temperature change ... You couldn't dream of a better place in the body to install a trojan horse targeting the brain.

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Could not agree more.

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Thanks Vernon Always enjoy your snarky perspective. Don’t go down without a fight.

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NO bs from the old man in a chair he simply tells it like it really is more of his stuff can be found uncensored on bitchute uncensored.....be sure to also check out the expose....be aware the pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many wrongly believe check out the james roguski substack for the details......theres a petition at citizengo.org your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 million petition..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide on all platforms and alternative outlets that said dont bother with gestapo book who you can be sure will suppress it imagine my shock..it currently has over 2,512000 signatures

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Do not worry Dr. C, the damned CYSTem can go to bloody hell with their test and their experimental jabs far as I am concerned. And there are more and more now catching on.

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Saw yesterday how the current administration (Biden's)'s new director of medicine wants to mandate the jabs for everyone, with intervention by the police if we don't take it!!! This is horrible. I will NEVER give in!! Btw, this is what they are using on the chickens, too, to find "bird flu" and eradicate the whole flock or the operation. This is not going well right now and will only get worse when people go along with whatever program that they are introducing. We are the chickens at this point.

Thanks for continuing to keep it real.

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When I asked for Quality Control data on the PCR test, the lab could not provide it. The test was never standardized to a known infection. They could not tell me the accuracy and precision of the test. This violates all the rules around analytical chemistry. You never use a lab that cannot provide the QC data for the test you want them to run on your samples. Without that data you are just flying in the dark and it seems that this was deliberate.

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