I believe the USA is completely bankrupt

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It is. Morally as well as financially. The people still have guns, however.

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Which may become a problem, check moral bankruptcy.

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It certainly is, both financially and morally. Yet, it is worth fighting for - so we fight to turn it around, for future generations.

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I live in Canada, and like the US, we need to start over, our institutions are totally corrupt.

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Thanks Lioness, for publishing this great man's work.


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You should get on qortal network, which is decentralized blockchain internet replacement platform that is technically IMPOSSIBLE to censor. Free software at https://www.qortal.org and also https://bastyon.com/index is like a decentralized social media replacement that can't be censored. As more people realize the truth, I suspect and hope most will move to these platforms and stop using the traditional internet.

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These platforms will soon be obsolete. A complete breakdown — with no expectation of a restart — of all nations’ electrical power systems is on the horizon. People who are not prepared to survive in a world without electricity will perish.

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That's why they keep messing with BIRD flu, to disrupt our eventual need for carrier pigeons.

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Talking about the 12k yr cycle by any chance?


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Is there a rule about Suspicious Observers like unto Fight Club’s “The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: you DO NOT talk about Fight Club!”?

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Well the Globalists will have no platform for their surveillance platforms ie: CBDC etc

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That’s the upside of this global catastrophic natural disaster, presuming that this disaster is inevitable and will come about in the next twenty to thirty years. Prior to the disaster and in the meantime, the globalists continue their psychotic and psychopathic evil doing unabated. Lucky us.

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These emergencies are artificially created by the pathocracy, because they know their time is ending. It is their last stand. They have accelerated it because they know they are losing.

People think Stalin and Mao were following solutions from Marx but Marx didn’t really have solutions because he died before he could come up with them. He was good at diagnosing problems though.

As Marx describes:

"One capitalist always kills many. Hand in hand with this centralisation, or this expropriation of many capitalists by few, develop, on an ever-extending scale, the cooperative form of the labour process, the conscious technical application of science, the methodical cultivation of the soil, the transformation of the instruments of labour into instruments of labour only usable in common, the economising of all means of production by their use as means of production of combined, socialised labour, the entanglement of all peoples in the net of the world market, and with this, the international character of the capitalistic regime."

The "socialised labor" and "instruments of labor only usable in common" described by Marx perfectly describe the internet/world wide web, which is the latest and highest expression of this process.

He observes:

"Centralisation of the means of production and socialisation of labour at last reach a point where they become incompatible with their capitalist integument. This integument is burst asunder. The knell of capitalist private property sounds. The expropriators are expropriated."

So what has been happening with the capitalist meltdowns of 2001, 2008, and now is that this integument is bursting asunder. The captains of international finance capital have known since at least 1867 that such things happen on a regular basis. They know that these crises are getting worse because of the advanced nature of socialized labor. What they fear is that they as the expropriators will be expropriated. That's why they are literally eliminating workers and enslaving those remaining. They have done their best to hide themselves and their reasons, but things are becoming increasingly clear to people.

My opinion is that the perpetrators of this medical fraud and tyranny have known for generations that automation will make the vast majority idle, economically dependent, and looking for a way to change things, in other words, revolutionary.

They like us as sort of cute pets or farm animals, but revolution is an existential threat to them so they will do anything including perpetrate genocide to prevent it.

Things have come to a tipping point now with the internet and resulting financial chaos, so they know now this is their last chance at survival.

It is their emergency, not ours.

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International capitalism was brought forward by the Brits

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Spot on. Not to toot my own horn but I wrote a song about this sad truth years ago called Ebb and Flow(by Anton James). So much of humanity have sold their souls and for what? Nothing to show as far as I can see.

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I've always like Dr Vernon Coleman!

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I've been following Dr. Coleman since 2020, when he was one of the earliest voices calling out the BS around COVID. Thank you for sharing his work.

And to anyone reading this, please don't become black-pilled (all doom and no hope). Though every word he writes is true, there has been an incredible awakening going on, so we must soldier on and continue to share truth with as many normies as possible. We are closer than at any other time, in hundreds of years, to defeating the despotic deep state, globalist elites, and shadow rulers who want us dead and gone. All we need is to hit a point of critical mass with the awakened, and then they will be the ones doomed. They are a tiny fraction of the world's population. When we have the numbers - millions of us - to stop complying with their evil commands, we could immediately weaken their death grip on all of society. They are truly evil and we must root them out and defeat them. Imagine how incredible our world could be without these evil forces of darknesses inflicting "polycrises", sickness, immorality, lawlessness, divisiveness, and death upon us. We might experience a world with true and lasting peace, where nation states are sovereign and governed by their own people and instead of darkness, there is light.

It's possible. It won't be easy. I could get much worse before it gets better. Yet, we do have the power, starting with massive non-compliance, to win this epic battle for humanity.

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I tend to believe (implicitly) that individuals who claim “Humanity is not doomed. Civilization is not doomed” are deceived and deluded and demented. But it’s popular to hope.

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I truly believe what I wrote above, but I do get it and find your outlook completely understandable. That's a difficult way to live. I wish you the best.

And I would take "demented" out of your description.

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I simply prefer the term “demented” to the over-complicated term “menticided”, as used by the Substack author Margaret Anna Alice.

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I have been a subscriber to MAA for several years now, so I know exactly what you mean by that term. I'm hardly menticided. I suggest you look at my Substack to see that I know perfectly well what's happening. I also suggest you make your points without disparaging a person in a chat. It is so unnecessary.

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May 28·edited May 28

I think that the vast majority of the population are true believers in [variations of] (1) “I absolutely KNOW what is happening in that I’m neither deceived nor deluded” (2) “I’m not demented or menticided” (3) “Stay hopeful” (4) “Individuals who are true believers that humanity and civilization is doomed have severe mental health issues”.

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By the way, how can I “disparage” a perspective without “disparaging” the person who holds the perspective?

I think that this perspective — “We are closer than at any other time, in hundreds of years, to defeating the despotic deep state, globalist elites, and shadow rulers who want us dead and gone. All we need is to hit a point of critical mass with the awakened, and then they will be the ones doomed” — is a symptom of menticide. I think it’s a perspective from a person who simply doesn’t understand how the world really is and what’s really coming down the pike.

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Believe what you want to.

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Some of us understand mind control manipulation more than you think! Your point in trying to psyc everyone out to believe there is nothing we can do is nothing but complete and utter hogwash designed to discourage the masses! Are you a troll? There are millions and millions of us who disagree with you, are smarter than you and have every intention in the world of proving you utterly wrong! We already have the way and we will use it!!!!!

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This is excellent. Thank you very much!

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One needs to pose the question why everyone slams the mental lock-out switch over these words when history books and living memories in every nation are full to the brim of it. Democide has been a human demise leading us into the age of industrialization which facilitated world puppetry. It took off exponentially after the launch of the first ever ‘vaccine-con’ and new technological capabilities like weather and microwave warfare. The article reads like lukewarm tub water with AI woke bubble fare. But likely this is the extent a large contingent of the western civilization allows into their conscience these days.

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It's not all about money. It is all about sin.

No real solution is offered here. This essay is written from a worldly point of view, a view that values money, security, survival -- personal concerns and desires. It promotes fear, and also "sharing the truth", but the wrong truth, that we must fight "hard enough" to save ourselves -- to save our wealth and possessions.

We can't save ourselves. We lose all our wealth and possessions when we die. What matters comes after that.

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Amen Clear Middle . Look what happened in Huntington Beach California https://religionnews.com/2024/05/22/thousands-gather-for-historic-baptize-california-event-baptize-america-announced-for-june-2025/

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Oh my! We're in California (Sacramento area), but we do baptisms on a slightly smaller scale. We had around 18 a few weeks ago, with no artists performing. One of the people is in my small group. I think we might have had 3 or 4 when I was baptized elsewhere in 1991. I can't really envision 4100 very well.

Not everybody out here is bowing to the "authorities". Some are seriously rethinking their lives.

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Thanks for commenting!! Yes some seriously rethinking!! Reflecting and repenting. 🙏

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Don’t buy tickets for this train ride, folks, it’s not much different than what the globalists are selling.

This is all about stoking more FEAR. I think we have all had way more than enough of that shoved in our faces! Fear achieves NOTHING. If the money’s really all gone, that really means SOMEBODY has it, it didn’t just disappear into thin air, it was funneled into gold reserves, Swiss bank accounts, properties, etc., This fact begs the question — why are all the globalista billionaires still living like King Midas and stockpiling more? Why on earth would anyone who knows this give up, lay down, and die — just because they want us to? Ridiculous! I don’t care where you are at in your life, God is not now and never has been in the business of giving up or in the business of letting down anyone who truly trusts in Him. If you don’t trust God, sadly, you ARE already defeated. As it is written, “the earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof, the world and all who live in it.”(Psalm 24:1) Almighty God, not the criminals, OWNS it ALL - including —- our everlasting souls. As for the wicked, it seems it is high time that ALL of THEIR overstuffed accounts and property, investments and assets were confiscated including the trillions they stole over the decades in wars, property theft, stock market heists, housing crashes, and other treasonous high crimes and misdemeanours. It is time it is ALL returned to the people. I DO NOT buy into this whining hopeless gloom and doom train ride, because that is NOT God’s way. God says the gold and silver are His, (Haggai 2:8-10) and that the wealth of the wicked is LAID UP for the righteous (Proverbs 13:22). You either stand up in faith and agree with God and His unshakable Word, or you go down in fear. I am staying on God’s team. Here are just a few of His unfailing great and precious promises, and I encourage you to get in agreement with Him, not with fear, and start to lay claim to each and every one: https://www.openbible.info/topics/wealth_stored_up_for_the_righteous

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God is in all of us...so perhaps, people should simply invest in themselves, learn and develop useful skills, build new communities...use what this broken system has established as "money" to further that investment. Forgo the material and cultivate what we already have in abundance!

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Hm, this is depressing but maybe instead of this doomsday scenario can we focus on solutions? Yes, I agree that first you should admit the idiotic covid and then finally go down from ivory tower and dicuss solution. It's not so hard and there is solution for everyone but can we finally engage the most of population from idiotic listening to TV to discuss something?

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“In a few decades time the streets are going to be clogged with men and women in their 60s, 70s and beyond who will be literally begging for food.” I think that Coleman is wrong about his timeframe. I think that humanity is looking at a global and catastrophic disaster, which will kill billions of people and untold billions of other members of other species, much closer than in a few decades time. The evidence is overwhelming and easily available. The vast majority of people would rather remain deluded and deceived and demented.

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The financial dynasties who control the central banks can print money on demand.

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GOD's blessings to you Dr. Coleman - in GOD we Trust. Dear Lord, help us to help ourselves & deliver us from evil ...

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Dear Lioness

If you have contact with Vernon

Would you be able to send him my article:

We breathe air not oxygen

I’ve logically busted the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Zero oxygen is required in mammalian physiology.

Oxygen is primarily prescribed to the terminally ill NOT for Breathlessness. Palliative care is NOT kind.

Hydration NOT oxygenation underpins mammalian physiology.

Hydration equals salt plus water.

The lungs are responsible for rehydrating the red blood cells in the alveoli capillaries with salt water. In a similar mode to a IV saline infusion.

The red light monitoring is checking hydration NOT oxygenation.

Dehydrated RBCs are dark and contracted

Hydrated RBCs are light and expanded.

Dehydration and hyponatremia and low salt are all the same condition.

Just under half of all hospitalised people are found to be hyponatremic.

Salt restriction directives are causing the chronic dis-eases.

Read my article:

How does salt restrictions lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?

Learn all the symptoms of dehydration or low salt to immediately remedy and maintain your health.

Get salty! Is my message.

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Good to know! Thanks

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Where is your article?

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Just click on my blue icon and it will take you to my Jane333.Substack.com

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God be with you Dr.Coleman

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