Feb 28Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Again, thank you for showcasing this gentlemen's concerns, I appreciate it.


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Feb 28Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Thank you Lioness for publishing Dr. Coleman!

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Feb 28Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Vernon Coleman provided logical sanity at a time when logic from gvt, health bureaucrats, medics, MSM & the general public had disappeared. He was the voice of reason I listened to weekly from 2020. I am incredibly grateful to his insights & thank you for continuing to share them

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That man has been 100 percent right from the get go. About everything.

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I used to like Vernon. I have some of his books, and he's normally on the money, but he still refuses to answer any questions as to the actual lack of evidence for any virus anywhere. I know I shouldn't care about this, but I do. It's so important to argue a case from the actual provable evidence or you will always be on shaky ground. Its not about being a zealot. I don’t dislike him in a personal way. Its just that I find it hard to take people seriously when they refuse to question all the way. It's like "I'll question everything, but NOT THAT". Why is that, what are these so called super awake leaders so frightened of?

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Dr. Charles Morgan of Yale and the CIA told us intentions at West Point in June 2018. Dr. Bhakdi gave us graphic warnings in April 2021, too. Please see https://donpaulwearerev.com/flipping-the-script/dr-bhakdi-dr-morgan-and-shots-into-our-brains-refusing-the-great-reset-8

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Indeed, there are many mechanisms for the shots to harm the brain, including:

- small vessel vasculitis leading to microinfarctions producing personality changes, cognitive decline

- thrombotic stroke

- hemorrhagic stroke

- passage of toxins from the bloodstream into the brain via the blood-brain barrier’s being opened by the spike protein, polysorbate 80, other jab ingredients

- autoimmune demyelinating disease, e.g, multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS)

- prion disease: https://hillmd.substack.com/p/covid-shots-associated-with-fatal

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Global population reduction and control, and of those remaining, via Nano Technolgies remember thr Poo Pooed "Chemtrails"? And the resulting hard to explain Morgellons? Fibers growing out of peoples limbs and bodies? Early Nano Tech experiments.

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You are a national treasure. You saved my life. Been following your information since 2020. Heartfelt thanks for all your hard work.

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Now if he could research and inform us on the possibility of contamination via the testing swabs. It appears I am infected with the nano even though I am unvaxxed.

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Yes you did Dr. Vernon Coleman and I took heed and listened! I was 6 months pregnant with my 3rd son in February of 2021, and had 2 separate OBGYNs try to convince me to take the poisonous death shots. I was defensive and felt forced to print out literature showing them WHY I would not concede and take the poison. Today, I have 3 healthy boys and I’m a healthy momma. Thank you for being one of the voices I trust today 🙏🏻

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Do you have any recommendations for the forcibly jabbed?

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Brain Fog anyone?

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My buddy of 15 years is no longer my 2019 buddy. After three mandated jabs, the first two he had a pharmacy buddy cut him to the front of the line in 2021 when the olds went first… it’s 2024, he’s losing his vision, his balance is gone, his cognitive sense is wack, chronically fatigued even though he does his best to bike as much as he can… he blames it on being 50yo, but I know what’s happening because I’ve seen it first hand… everyone around us can see the change… yet no one wants to talk about it. Appreciate the diligence and information.

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My friend and coworker, who is 53, is showing obvious signs of dementia since getting the shots. Everyone at work ignores it and pretends it’s not happening. Why won’t doctors admit the damage done by the shots and help their patients? It’s infuriating to see the high number of sick , vax injured people, and their doctors are doing nothing to help them.

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He was right, and very consistent, and not afraid to speak his mind from the very beginning.

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