GOD bless you Dr. Vernon for being a true TRUTH Warrior. I thank you for your integrity, honesty & insights. Our Creator holds you in the Palm of His/Her Hand ...

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Dear Lioness of Judah Ministry,

Thank you for bringing us the common sense and truths that Dr. Vernon shares with us all.

He is spot on always, and reveals the true evil behind the fascists that are yanking our chains.

I thank you, once again, for your service to us all in bringing us the ugly truths, that only someone with the integrity and courage of Dr. Vernon can speak up and tell us.


Ivan M. Paton

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I know take everything my government days with a grain of salt. I am becoming more aware that the people are pawns in a game.

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If the masses are told to stick their head in a bucket of custard then their only question will be: ‘How long should I keep it there?’

By then it’s too late because with their head in the bucket of custard they can’t hear a thing!

Great time to be the very thing they fear the most, a child of God through Christ Jesus.

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Well, that was very positive!

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I couldn’t agree more with Dr. Coleman! Lioness, thank you for sharing Dr. Coleman’s message ....🙏😘

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Actually the phrase ‘you will own nothing and be happy’ could be attributed to Aquinas as immortalized in papal ‘infallibility’ through the 1891 encyclical ‘Rerum Novarum’.

The WEF work for the above organization, not the other way around.

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It was your stack, including this article that you have linked, that led me on an 18 month journey into this world and my life is truly changed for the GLORY of God. Prior to this, I didn’t know a single thing about the Jesuits.

Today, those 1,000 plus hours of earnest research have yielded far more than I could have possibly ever thought.

Also, without a Biblical foundation which provides, through Jesus Christ, the peace that passes all understanding, this information would have been too fearful to fully delve into and I would have quit quite early on.

The funny thing is that the deeper I went into the bowels of this ‘stuff’, the more emboldened I became. Yet not I, but Christ in me.

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Thanks for posting Dr. Vernon's articles.

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When has he ever been wrong?

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He hasn't.

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I knew it! Bravo to this 'old man in a chair;' fighting for truth and freedom. He knows about the hardcore Democide perpetrated by the Mystery of Iniquity worldwide scum of the earth.

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Great article which covers all the base’s. It should be apparent to all that the world has become a global killing field of mind, body and soul. They are even trying to kill our pets with bad food and medicine for Pete sakes.

I’m afraid this it not going to end well for any of us. Only the Lord can save us now.

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May God have mercy on us all.

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Yes, Uncle Vernon is quite correct. Here is the depopulation plan: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/here-is-the-depopulation-plan-the

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This will require we become comfortable with killing. Because that is coming. Us or them. And unfortunately many of them, the stupid sheep, although mostly harmless, will remain in lockstep with tptb. Think goosestep.

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You are dead on.

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No pun intended, right? Lol 😂

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I totally agree. How to stop the downward roll??

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I do not think we can. I plan on stepping out of the way. Then, if necessary, fighting to the death to maintain my genetic integrity.

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Wow.. well, I think this might be the reason we would fail?

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Jacques Ellul wrote on this process of Technique. "Technique can therefore be recognised as the backdrop of a culture which presupposes the value of efficiency and rational solutions above all others. Here the contrast between modern Technique and past technological progress can be made clear; in the past they had other values which they considered at least as important as efficiency." AND from a different view there is Walter Benjamin-“technology is not the mastery of nature but of the relations between nature and man.”

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💯🙏🏻🤍 Bless Dr Vernon Coleman

Thank you Lioness.

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