Please do not be embarrassed and be very proud to be a true, real doctor really helping people and humanity! Thanking you Dr. Vernon! Sending many blessings to you and your family. 💫💜

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Thank you, Dr. Coleman

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This describes Gail Seiler story as she was unvaxed in the hospital and ended up on the hospital's kill list. She had a welfare check on her while IN THE HOSPITAL. The police didn't know what to do when they got there as they had no protocol for that. She managed to live because her family helped to break her out of the hospital. https://chbmp.org/cases/fda-death-protocol-survivors/gail-seiler/

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Dee thank you for this info🙏

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Way back in 1986 I read a case study at school asking why hospital food was so bad. The reason was because the patient is not the customer. Taste and nutrition don’t matter but ease of delivery does. I used to always bring my parents food if they were in the hospital. For one thing, it made sure they didn’t have a drastic change in diet. During this time period, the family doctor would check in on them at least once a day. But now, the hospital has been structured with barriers to both the family doctor and bringing in food. They have “hospitalists” and woke policies mean you have a good chance of being unable to communicate with the employees. I think the barriers are by design. I’m very lucky my parents no longer have to worry about any of this.

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If hospitals really cared, they would eliminate pop machines that sell liquid corn syrup and/or diet drinks. One boosts weight gain and the diet creates a chemical dependency and inflammatory conditions. Chronic aspartame consumption also causes weight gain. Ooops...bad for business!

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Lioness, thank you for illuminating this fine man's work.

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Hospitals are modern day gas chambers☠️

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Exactly. You can check out anytime you want but you can never leave.

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What happened to Dr Vernon Coleman. Is he still online anywhere?

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Substake is your best place..he's heavily scensored

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The C-Diff crisis flies under the radar screen. Kills more patients annually that what Covid did. They document 30,000 per year die, but it is just a projection based on marginal reporting.


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Let me see here. Dr Coleman is OK with all standard medical treatments but his major objection is that these harsh, unnatural treatments aren't doled out efficiently enough.

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"Protect the NHS" was the slogan forced on us in the UK 2020 instead we should have been screaming to the people to protect themselves and their loved one's from this malignant behemoth.

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God bless Dr. Coleman.

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I was a nurse for 30 years and my patient’s bedding was changed every day. I didn’t see the things you are talking about. Maybe I worked in rural US, but I would never have allowed such things to happen. I’m not happy with medicine and abhor big pharma and the big vaccine push. I think medicine needs an overhaul. But I’m truly saddened to hear there are hospitals like that anywhere in the world. I can’t say I’ve never seen a bedsore. My father-in-law is getting one now because he won’t get his butt out of his recliner. Poor nutrition and decreased mobility equals skin breakdown at home and in the hospital. I agree you mend better at home but truly I’ve never treated a patient the way you’ve described.

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Thank you Dawn for being a good nurse. I bet a lot of your patients appreciated it.

I think there are always bad characters in every profession that needs to be weeded out. Unfortunately when covid hit, too many hospitals, doctors, nurses etc showed that they could be bought off to neglect/murder their patients. Sounds harsh but it is the truth.

If you get a chance please listen to some of these stories at The Humanity Betrayal Project. There probably is a hospital near you that participated in this genocide.


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Hospitals run on greed and disease management. If they fix you, you might not be a customer for a long time. They lose money sending you home in a healthy state.

Without patients, the medical system flounders and the doc looses big time income. In the US, the medical mafia composes some 18-19% of our entire economic welfare.

That's a lot of medical practice, drugs, activity, income and profits. Cutting that in half would temporarily wreck the economy. It's automatically built in that the medical system needs a continuous influx of patients.

Thus, consider yourself very lucky if you come out in halfway decent shape after a medical intervention.

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Just confirms what I already knew: hospitals are places to seriously avoid…. You just told me why.

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On each side walk the wicked when vile men are high in place.

Psalm 12

God Bless

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Sadly this is true. The National Homicide Service has become a money sink not a caring service. It is a shame as many doctors and nurses do care but are fighting a losing battle.

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