This is a great summary of what has been done and where we are headed. Thank you Dr Coleman.

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Im so angry at what the elites have done to Dr Coleman, he is a brilliant man who knew from the start what this covid scam was all about and thats why they destroyed his character. I have been following him since 2020 when this started and I have learned tons, I even bought one of his books this year. If theres any way to tell him we are listening and we love him, please do, he will go down in history as one of the smartest men alive where covid and the jabs are concerned. I would have loved to have had him for a doctor if I lived in England at the time , he knows so much about medicine and he would have treated me with respect for my health, not what the elites said to do. Thank you Dr Coleman from the bottom of my heart and God Bless you!

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I looked him up long ago at the beginning of this madness and found his website with a vast array of unusually sensible articles and advice gleaned from his extensive doctoring knowledge over many long years.

He’s an incredible source of information and a man of the highest character doing all he can to warn and save us all.

Thank you Dr. Coleman, steadfast and true despite the horrid times we are living in.

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excellent article. it’s so obvious to some what is happening. my elderly parents continue to gets the jabs because their doctors tell them to. even though after their second booster both have had serious complications. they refuse to believe it’s the vax.

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I hear you.

Same with many in my family. Some have died and some are suffering adverse consequences.

It’s the most difficult thing to watch when they are your loved ones.

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We were raised to believe that Doctors had our best interests in all heath aspects. It’s hard to change that belief

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Calm down, it’s just Depop fam.

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"All the rules about testing and trialling new drugs have been ignored. Everything has been rushed – for absolutely no good reason."

Does it matter??? They rebranded the flu so why would any other way of doing things make any difference???

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There is no reasonable purpose for any vaccine or mRNA poison to exist. The body is king, never any drugs of any kind. The entire drug empire of big pharma is a kill machine hidden in plain sight. So many people trust it right up to their last breath.

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Yup, ask any geologist: no 'vaccine' can suddenly improve on 4.5 billion (4,500,000,000) years of evolution.

'Trust the science', hah.

God help the 'vaccinated'.

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The largest concern in my opinion is the vaccinated with little or no immune system, appearing “fine” mixing with others, whilst carrying unbeknownst to them (until the diseases emerge) the most dangerous toxins, virus and diseases .. They will become THE VIRUS!

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That last statement is very profound.

When one ponders on that, it is a chilling and surreal unfolding reality most will never face.

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How great is the LIONESS? Not to disrespect anyone , but have a gander and enjoy.



Remember no what these demons do, we are going nowhere until the Masters says so. Enjoy.

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Dr. Coleman mentions DES, and its removal (mostly) from the market in 1971. I remember overhearing (from another room) my mother watching an episode of 60 Minutes sometime in the early 1970s. We didn't discuss it.

I can't locate anything about that episode now, but DES has been largely expunged from memory and that show might have been one of the casualties. Research to understand DES's long-term effects was blocked through the usual channels. Some research was done by independently-funded researchers, and that is how I came to know more about it in the mid-2000s.

Not too many years after that 60 minutes episode that may or may not have been aired, my mother was dead from cancer at age 54, and I had no way to learn if we had been exposed to DES. It didn't just affect mothers and daughters. It affected sons, and some unknown number of those were transsexuals. It affected future generations as well.

DES is a potent poison that can cause widespread damage to the endocrine and reproductive systems. It is known today as a chemical castration agent. While I don't know if my mother and I were exposed to it or not, my symptoms are a good match and often symptoms are all one has to go on. I had only a partial puberty (skipped the whole boy-girl thing; wasn't interested), discovered in my late 20s that I was sterile, confirmed in my mid 50s my suspicions that I had a major endocrine disorder, and had my bout with cancer a few years later in my late 50s.

Dr. Coleman is on target for the matters that he understands. There is, however, more to the story that he, and virtually everyone else like him, apparently cannot see. I was brought up in such a way by my mother that I can clearly see it -- not because I am a good observer or researcher or that my mother was, but for reasons I don't understand. I know that I was heavily impacted by pharmaceuticals and medical procedures that served to alter my perception, but that doesn't explain it either.

My mother taught me about God. Not that she herself understood well that which can be known about God, but she passed along what she could. The failure to pass this kind of understanding from one generation to the next is central not only to what is going on now but to all of history. Dr. Coleman does not appear to have it, nor does Dr. Yeadon. If they know anything, they're not coming out with it. I didn't do so either at first in these Substacks, because so many are so hostile to basic truths about our existence.

Deuteronomy 6:4-8 (CSB) “Listen, Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead."

Did they listen? Well yes, sometimes, and sometimes they did these things literally, but the understanding never seemed to extend much beyond the second generation or so.

How are we doing today? How are these medical "truth seekers" doing? There are exceptions, but I mostly hear from them praise for our existence given to "billions of years of evolution", scientific make-believe stories introduced centuries ago as deliberate deception. Billions of years? Hardly. That's not even a tiny fraction of the forever that it would take. It's worse than that, but I have other things to do today, and just about nobody's listening anyway.

Dr. Coleman doesn't err that way here, and I'll commend him for that. He focuses upon what can be observed, and that is indeed the way in. He does not, however, appear to see the cause behind what he is observing, or he doesn't express it here (I haven't watched every episode). It can't be seen directly in the chaos, but the path to understanding can be found by first seeing the order and expanse of creation itself.

We have only one savior, Jesus Christ. People can argue against this 'till the day they die, letting foolishness pass for reason. Then they argue no more. The truth will be known.

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I saw my family being heavily impacted by pharmaceuticals and medical procedures. I knew there had to be a better way to get rid of a daily headache. Three days after grain-free eating and the headaches went away.

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The Epoch Times had an article on November 1, 2023, title, "Mom with Heart-Shaped (bicotnuate) Uterus Defies the Odds to Give Birth to One-in-500 Million Twins; Now They're 16 Months Old." Girls who were born in the 60's and 70's whose mothers took DES while pregnant, often had these birth defects. DES was soon banned. Apparently DES can cause troubles for generations.

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DES was on the market for something like 30 years, 1940s to 70s. I came along in 1950. It was not the only such dangerous product with the potential to affect future generations, but it was the one that fit generally with my symptoms and the one I spent time studying.

The symptoms varied depending on the stage of development at the time of exposure. Pharma loves variety (random damage). They've designed it in to the modRNA products. It's a feature.

My delivery was terrible for both of us. I learned about it from my father when I was 19 or 20. I received a brain damage diagnosis at that time, and part of the process was interviewing my father. Today that workup would lead to an autistic spectrum diagnosis, but that view didn't come along until after the 1980s and Lorna Wing's work.

My mother would not be interviewed, and had earlier said only that the delivery had gone on for hours. She never mentioned me being unable to pass through the birth canal, leading to a forceps birth with head injury (and more, from what I can tell). I'm an only child because my mother would not risk such a thing again. But with DES, delivery was not the end of the story. We hear about "miracle births", but we rarely hear any follow-up. It isn't typically "feel good" material.

I don't regret having been born alive, but I wouldn't wish this kind of life on anyone. It does have its good points, though.

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I'm listening (well...reading) and I appreciate what you've written very much. I know the hostility becomes so tiresome and vitriolic it hardly seems worth it to keep saying what you're saying, but know it's worth it to me. I need to hear it.

I agree, many people would rather believe in any belittling nightmarish fairytale like evolution than God. God is much more terrifying to believe in because He requires faith and faith confronts everything about a person. Faith leaves nowhere and nothing to hide.

Thank you, again. All glory to God. I love you, Jesus. The truth will and is known. Agape.

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I am listening and I hear you.

I appreciate your words as others may appreciate them as well.

Keep sowing the seeds and leave it up to the Lord to produce the harvest.

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Excellent points - we must always keep in mind that God is in control, even though our earthly eyes may try to blind us to that fact.

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Yes, though there is a caution that comes with that. When I tried to warn the leadership of what was then my church in 2020, I received the "God is in control" response, and they proceeded to buy into the lies the "authorities" were spinning, and to discourage the congregation from questioning doing so.

Discernment and judgement are required on our part. I was asking God what was going on, hearing the testimony of as many evidence-offering witnesses as I could, rejecting the "persuaders", and rendering judgement as best I could, revising when I needed to. This consumed a lot of time, and I gave up four months of consulting income that year to make time for it.

The easy alternative was "trust the science" or, more generally, blind trust in the corrupt and murderous "authorities" issuing orders that defied even common sense. It didn't work out so well for those that chose that path.

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Deagle here we come!

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Government knows the treatment. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dT2uS3Jm3FY

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Leaving people in the dark and untreated while they suffer with no acknowledgement even.

Just so hard to believe this is happening.

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Thank you for posting that short information showing us in no uncertain terms what we are living through.

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They are evil

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new medi sin es no longer need safety testing for the vaxxed genetically modyfied people ... because ... they dont have human rights ... because they are no longer considered humans because... they are no longer made exclusivally by God made in Gods image and likeness ,,, but are genetically modyfied [ changed ] with mrna vaxxes .... please good God help the demon possesed pshycopathic world leaders and their knowing and not knowing supporters return to goodness and truth ...https://thereisnopandemic.net/2022/02/26/legal-impact-of-mrna-vaccines-chile-enacts-anti-discrimination-against-mutants-law-24-february-2022/

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Legalized FDA non-regulation of biological products effective May 2, 2019, by Federal Register Final Rule, signed by then-FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb.

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new medi sin es no longer need safety testing for the vaxxed genetically modyfied people ... because ... they dont have human rights ... because they are no longer considered humans because... they are no longer made exclusivally by God made in Gods image and likeness ,,, but are genetically modyfied [ changed ] with mrna vaxxes .... please good God help the demon possesed pshycopathic world leaders and their knowing and not knowing supporters return to goodness and truth ...https://thereisnopandemic.net/2022/02/26/legal-impact-of-mrna-vaccines-chile-enacts-anti-discrimination-against-mutants-law-24-february-2022/Legalized FDA non-regulation of biological products effective May 2, 2019, by Federal Register Final Rule, signed by then-FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb.

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GOD bless you Dr. Coleman - truly grateful you are a true medical TRUTH Warrior. You are one of my favorites & a powerful example of a doctor practicing 'first do no harm'. Thank you for your dedication, wisdom & courage in speaking Truth to tyranny ...

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