Bhakdi is a giant and a true medical hero.

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Good pep talk!!! Tend your own garden! Glad people are speaking out!! Yes courage is contagious and it’s better to be together.

Bhakdi is not fooled.

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Thank u Lioness , Dr. Bhakdi , medical truth warrior. 💟🤗🎯

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yet... this is still the Center for Disease Crimes (CDC) landing page:


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I took a look and they're still saying that "COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective." They're still recommending that everyone ages 6 months and older get an updated COVID-19 vaccine to protect against serious illness. It's criminal.

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Here in Sweden, the Gov is *still* recommending the shots for those over sixty. And *still* publications, newspapers etc are *still* telling people how to get the new killshot/flu combination.

They give lip service to our discovery of the harm they do but the reality is, they continue causing that harm regardless.

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Abandon the estate give them no breath yes good to be informed and we must allow ourselves to rant And then return unto self creatively exploring this divine life experience with planet earth..

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"And there is rescue in no one else; for there is no other name (than Jesus) under heaven that has been given among mankind by which we may be rescued.”

Acts 4:12

And 'rescue' is the correct word. If we have been ransomed, then we also have been rescued, from kidnappers or abductors.

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Thoughts on this?


This is just the PR Team playing with the proles as usual.

How is it that Substack has been permitted to publish completely uncensored anti-vax content - when all other media has been forced into draconian censorship?

And is it not fascinating how this platform that was founded just prior to covid and suddenly emerged from obscurity (I have been doing business in the digital space since 1999 and I had never heard of SS)... to become the go to platform for those opposed to the Covid vax....

How do I ask Hamish how he has been able to fend off those who have forced Google Facebook and the entire MSM complex to remove any negative comments regarding the covid vax.

Why do they leave him alone? Does he have a massive army and does he threaten to go to war with the DOD if the deep state actors try to pressure him? Does he have hundreds of billions of dollars (more than google and FB) that allow him to buy influence?

Pray tell Hamish --- how did you beat back the censors?????

Let me speculate on what happened...

As we know the Covid Operation is many decades in the planning... it was probably hatched in the 70's as the US conventional oil was peaking sending a signal to the Men Who Run the World ... that cheap energy is indeed not infinite and at some point there will be a global peak and that will collapse civilization. Something would need to be done to prevent 8 billion humans from ripping each other's faces off and eating each other when the global supply chains vapourize and global famine kicks in.

The Men Who Run the World are thorough - they war game literally thousands of scenarios to ensure they are prepared for anything ... similarly they left no stone unturned with respect to the End of the World...

They assembled a range of experts from energy analysts ... economics and finance specialists... a PR Team -- medical scientists (to create the vax that destroys the immune system) and for certain a team of the best of the best in the field of psychology who were tasked with prepping the masses for extermination.

When faced with the problem of knowing that some of the 8B (the less stupid ones)... would reject the Rat Juice vax.... they came up with a number of strategies ... they determined that mandates would be a powerful tool -- no jab no job --- they also knew that humans are not any different than Pavlov's dog so they offered incentives... like donuts... the invoked peer pressure....

But still... some hard core folks would resist... what to do about them?

Up shoots the hand of a bright young thing ... she says --- rather than fight them and bash their heads in ... why not herd them onto a space where they can be compartmentalized and run them around in circles... embed our agents and have them feed the anti vaxxers juicy studies and other tid bits about how deadly the Rat Juice is.

Hang on said the director of the team -- what if the Vaxxers see this? What if the A Vaxxers send them the studies?

No need to worry - the Vaxxers will dismiss this as conspiracy theory - they won't read anything unless its on cnnbbc... we create a parallel universe...

What we accomplish by doing this is we entertain the A-Vaxxers -- they will believe they are winning - they will believe that SURELY!!! the Vaxxers must be aware of these studies and the harms done by the Rat Juice. If not now - then tomorrow or next week ... it's so overwhelming that surely the MUST wake up! But of course they never wake up because they refuse to look.

The A Vaxxers believe they are winning ... therefore they just keep clattering away on their key boards high fiving every time Kirsch or Malone or one of the other embedded agents drops a revelation.

And most importantly - they NEVER take any action that might upset the plan... they never get violent and cause us to send out the anti terrorist squads (that are standing by)... this guarantees the extermination things don't get messy. We all know the goal is to eliminate 8B with as little suffering as possible.

Sounds like a great plan says the Director.

What do you suggest we call this platform that we will use to corral the anti vaxxers ... monitor them ... and feed them the studies?

The bright young thing says ... Substack.

Ok says the director -- find another Zuckerberg-type flunky --- and have him or her be the front for this ...

Consider it done.

For more details on this story see UEP: https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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I realize that whoever is not speaking out regarding the underlying reasons for this psyops is compromised…. So thank you Dr. Yeadon and Dr Bhakdi . ( “ mistakes were not made “ ) .

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