I just read a report where it looks like those demons made sure they not only murdered the elderly but also the babies, young children and young adults. This is so horrendous, plus many more will die as the months and years go on from every illness known to mankind. God sees all and He has to be weeping at the way some of His children turned out, murderous money hungry demons.

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Why then doesn't God help?

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God gave us all free will and it's up to us how we live, if we chose to be destructive, then how is God supposed to stop that. I have been helped and guided by God many times, He gave me the "knowing" not to believe anything to do with "covid" or the bioweapon shots. I just wish more people had of stopped being afraid long enough to realize it was all lies and then research the jabs, if they had of, they'd still be here.

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We agree on the covid hoax and Fraudci's snake oil vaccines.

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2 Chronicles 7:14 - IF my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, ***then*** will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Have we done the prerequisites?

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God doesn't work for you but through you.

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His grace. He gives humans a free will to choose. But eventually, All will be brought to his justice. Matthew 24:22-24

22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

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WARNING: The following is very upsetting, so skip it if your first thought is to do so.

All this talk of being granted free will is fine until you consider innocent victims. Thanks to Biden the country is being flooded with illegals who are attacking and murdering children and women. The young nursing student Layken Riley is a great example.

Why wasn't she granted the free will to not to a victim? She was a beautiful gift to the world.

Roughly a year ago a young mother in NC or SC was attacked by 3 pit bulls while on an evening walk in her small town. She lost both arms, and at least one leg. She also had her colon ripped out and will spend the rest of her life with a bag glued to her side. Initially, the doctors hoped that they could outfit her with prosthetic arms but she required a second round of surgery which carved her shoulders down too far for prosthetics. He also had her esophagus torn out.

The story put me into a funk for a few weeks as I thought not only of her but her young children seeing what was left of their dear mother. Since then I have thought about trying to find out if she is still alive, but I cannot bear to do so.

I would have demanded to be euthanized if that had happened to me.

It's horrific stories like this that make me question why this god's plans include allowing things like this to happen. I can understand bad things happening to someone because they made bad choices, but when something horrific happens to an innocent I recoil from the concept of a god .

I'm not a believer for this reason.

Apologies if I ruined someone's day or week but I have never received an explanation for why this god doesn't lift a finger to save a child or an innocent adult from a horror.

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You have free will and free speech. That should not be off putting to anyone of reason.

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So how does that free will and free speech work in the case of the mother being torn apart or Laken Riley being murdered while out for a jog?

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That is a different subject of a different magnatude.

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It's the one I am interested in. The so-called "problem of evil" in god's creation. It seems overdone.


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We need more exposure for the masses. Until more are awake to these dangers, the nefarious will continue to freely thwart our efforts to regain health.

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The masses do not want to know. It has been out for a long time. When you want to be a part of the in crowd this is what you do. Listen learn and discern. The in crowd know everything because the msm and their favorite celebs told the. So much for a uni. education.

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It just dawned on me... the folks who brought us this pandemic/ bio-weapon, they are afraid of dying. For the crimes they have perpetrated against humanity, surly the penalty could be death. They can't say, whoops sorry. They must go all the way. They have too to cheat their fate. But what will be left?

In Harry Potter, the Dept. of Ministry had been hacked by the confounder's spell. I don't remember how that spell was broken.

In a documentary; "Nazi Woman in Nazi Germany", a quote has stuck with me. A woman said, after the führer was killed, "It was like a spell had been broken".

With GAVI, or was it CEPI, claiming memes opposing the narrative, and France's new law... people should be punished. Again like in Harry Potter, "he who must not be named". ( Bill Gates comes to mind).

Like the Battle Of Wounded Knee, ( the Knee was not a "battle", but rather a massacre). What is happening now is not a war against humanity, it is a massacre. Likewise with Gaza.

Can we use their fears like they used our fears on us? They fear the TRUTH.

The spell must be broken and it will when those like Gates are arrested by the masses demanding the Truth

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thanks so much for posting this interview~

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Thank you, Dr. Sherri! 🙏❤️

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Wonderful, informative interview!

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A movement for consideration:


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