Of course, they are setting up a fascist state 2.0. Globalists can implement such things technologically and otherwise (a police state in itself). But here's the thing: Ultimately, people might not comply. We're not Asians, after all. We are Westerners. The globalists are flooding us with the content of their depraved agenda. They harass us 24/7 with their disgusting stories. It is worth remembering that half of the authoritarian leaders of the 20th century met an unfortunate fate.

- Luc



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still one of my favorite people on the internet ... "we can tell em all to fuck right off too."


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Thanks for the link!

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Yeah, I like the guy as well. He's Canadian, which is a pleasant kind of surprise.

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People as Donald J. Trump are feared because they're unpredictable; and that's the reason the whole United States has been feared since its inception.


Freedom is dependent upon a MORAL PEOPLE/POPULATION based within Jesus Christ; capable of not only every individual controlling themself or allowing Jesus to control from within...But, allowing others also with Jesus Christ to control themselves AND that is what EVIL WILL NOT TOLERATE.

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Right, you get it. Your ethical decision making is what makes freedom work. Satan wants you in lock step with all his other slaves. He doesn't want you to think about whether his commands are good or evil. He just wants you following his commands. Jesus freed us from Satan's system. We don't have to follow 592 rules to be righteous. We've got to try to do good, seek forgiveness, and pass it on. Many good people are controlled by an evil priest they believe is an authority over them. If we don't have autonomy in decision making, we will never develop ethics.

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Autonomy can only be taught with a progession of accepted responsibility beginning form earliest childhood; as freedom and independence grows based upon mastery of what a child has already grasped and mastered.

We have all these parents out in the country screeching, "Let kids be kids.", while performing asavant's/protoge-level skills with music, art, writing, acting, science, math and these folks honestly believe the parents have forced the children into learning at such extreme rates when the fact is; for gifted children, THEIR MASTERY IS THEIR PLAY. When children are given attention and taught to work WITH experts at anything; skill acquistion is generally far advanced and this is how work becomes play. THIS IS THE PRINCIPLE ACROSS THE BOARD including ethics...It is something learned bit by bit with the freedom to make more and more decisions for one's self. THIS is the fact so many parents do not comprehend. It is thus we are rearing pathetic, unskilled and immoral/unethical, spoiled Brats probably more than 50% of the time in this country now.

Further, how often do people actually get up and go the church...Which is the neurological system for the whole person and whole life which is acquired bit by bit as well. Under the guise of 'Letting Kids be Kids.' with no responsibility; people are NOT raisng kids to adulthood with no capacity to stand on their own feet and be responsible for themselves with Jesus's honor, integrity and decency within.

People are raising shallow, pathetic, spoiled and incompetent humans who then are corrupted sociopaths to get their needs met and they destroy others...And, are CRIMINAL. They can't do without their parents and are lost when they die. IT'S CRAZY.

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I think all the evils come from priestcraft. That ignorance and stupidity are carefully cultivated by the priests, and talent and ethics are weeded out and suppressed. Before there was a slave there was a slaver (priest/magi/witch doctor). It's a system of mind control. Priests use ritual to introduce superstition, and then control their slaves through fear. The impact of slavery on a society is to produce people who can only be slaves, and who cannot exist as free people. Slavery and freedom can't co-exist. If you are a free man in a slave society the slaves will hate you. And you will become a Steppenwolf, a loner who lives on the fringe of society. This is why the ancient Frisians (where our word free comes from) didn't tolerate slaves or magi in their society. If all the priest's cloth caught fire all at once, it would cure every social evil in 50 years.

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Great analysis of the Macro-Level Theory of the Totalitarian/Authoritarian Mentality and those instilling and perpetrating it upon society beginning with infiltration of evil into the Educational System to indoctrinate/brainwash the innocent in the same manner the propagandists indoctrinate/brainwash Intellectually/Psychologically weak or uninformed adults...As the U.S. Population at this time. It's clearly evidenced through Carlson's recent Interview with Putin when he spoke about Russian History for a simple half-hour.

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Yeah, we are on the same page. Carlson obviously knowns nothing of Russian history. I would've jumped on Putin when he mentioned the conflict with Poland after WW1...which was a clear example of Russian expansionism. If it weren't for the mounted Polish army at the battle of Zamosk, the Bolsheviks would have crusaded west across a crushed Germany into a ripe Paris. Do we believe that a people as steeped in their own history as the Russians are that much different than they were 100 years ago? No. (And he didn't even mention the Kaytn Forest Massacre--which was a terrible crime against Poland that Russia denied until 1990).

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Absolutely; it's as though Poland was/is emminently guilty for their own geo-location in the eyes of both the Russians and Germans they've been victimized by for centuries. Also, there was utterly NO mention of the 'Red Famine' of the Bolsheviks onto Ukraine leading to the horrible and miserable deaths by starvation and exposure of all from infants to the Elderly to impart REPLACEMENT POPULATION into the Farms and Mines of Russians...Which is how they arrived in Ukraine to begin with in early 20th Century when the Ukrainians had fought for centuries for their Indepedence.

Nothing as mentioned of the multiple millions dying in Siberian Projects with imprisoned Political Prisoners and the Ukrainians of today NOW shipped there under the same conditions as in the 20th Century to perform SLAVE LABOR as always before as who in the world wishes to live and work in Siberia even though it is rich in minerals.

The Russians have a dramatic history of not exactly 'expansionism' as The Black Nobility/Club of Rome advocates and acts to perpetrate...They wish PROTECTION from those invading who live around them.

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It's difficult to see how they are going to get this through now. They should've sneaked a lot more One World legislation through before deciding to kill us. Reiner Fuellmich mentioned that they brought it forward by a considerable amount of time - their impatience (and stupidity) would not let them wait.

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I think the threat of exposure via the House of Cards that is Epstein forced their hand and they had to play it much earlier than planned. Man makes plan. God pulls rug.

Is there any other way to explain how an obscure news reporter in Miami busted Epstein wide open and threatened the existence of the entire cabal? Divine intervention.

I agree. It will be very difficult to push their plans through now, but I also don't underestimate a violent beast when it's cornered.

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After my Pfizer booster, I experienced unaccounted for rage which lasted for about 2 months, followed by emotional numbness that lasted for much longer, what I called, "the burned over ground". The depression-like rage awakened me to the vaccine agenda. What business did a vaccine have in crossing my blood brain barrier, even if it was only in functional terms? In trying to answer this question, I discovered the censorship, and with absolute horror realised that my trust in the authorities had been completely unfounded. I even used to say that my hippocampus was only left connected to the rest of my brain by a few shredded neurones! The intention seemed to be to wipe out peoples' ability to respond to tyranny, but I welcome the suggestions made here, which entirely make sense to me.

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I pray for healing in your mind, and body. I agree about intentionally attacking the brain, but the goal is/was to kill. Quick or slow.

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NAC is really helping my aunt. It heals endothelial damage and is also useful in treating depression. It's legal and you don't need a prescription. The vaxx often causes clotting issues. Your rage could be caused by lack of oxygen to neural tissue caused by micro-clotting. These clots are too small to pick up on a scan. Vit B's helps open up capillaries, in conjunction with Nattokinase-an enzyme that dissolves protein clots in the blood. Iodine can help remediate heavy metal poisoning and radiation (which everyone is dealing with). I also take Chaga for immune support. The body is amazing at healing itself.

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Thank you!

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When Avril Haines, (CIA and NSA, current Director of National Security) was listed as one of the attendees at Event 201, way back in October 2019 I knew there was more than a virus on the table.


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neurological disruption is one of the cabal's long games. it goes back at least as far as water fluoridation. the biggest culprit is the childhood vaccine schedule and the resultant autism, but industrial pollutants and EMF also contribute. spike and graphene and maybe nanocircuitry in the brain are just the icing on the cake

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Insightful article! Thank you Lioness.

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I'm not saying the war games for the populace mind is not a thing, the government's have been experimenting for decades on manipulating everything within the known micro and macro universe(s). BUT we are not our hippocampus. Little tin gnome' s like Harari and co, would have people believe we are nothing but a meat sack automaton, as it suits their grasping egos. Yet we are more than the sum of our parts. We are light. We are pure energy. We ARE creation itself.

So they can try to bend, break, lie, cheat, steal, control the physical world, but they cannot "kill" the flame that is you. They can dim it if you allow, they can trick you into giving it up. But only with your permission. This is why, do not comply is so important. Refuse. Just continue living your life, the best life, you can. #wearemany #wearehuman #wearememory #wewillnotforget #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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In other words, let your inner Irish out.

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💯👍😉🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Well they be doing "rebellion" for a while now😉🎩🎩

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An interesting way to think about what is happening: It is a clash between the Franco-Prussian manners and ethics and the Gaelic manners and ethics. The Franco-Prussians are German stockholders, many of whom moved to England in the centuries following William of Orange. These Anglican families have always benefitted financially from foreign corporate evil. That's where Anglican upper-class snooty manners come from (Germany). Meanwhile, goodness is Irish, like it always has been. We poor Christians should not emulate the wealthy in our manners or ethics. I would rather fart and cuss all the way through a meal, than sit there with good manners while being a piece of shit. These stockholders can't have good ethics, because they are invested in evil. This is why they emphasize good manners. They replace their lost ethical sensibility with a system of polite manners.

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Repression, subjugation, poverty and starvation tend to lead to an economy of words:


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Well said. We are doing just that. Accepting change is hard for most. Wears muddling through these changes and we didn’t buy a Prius.

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Sheep are easily led and fleeced.

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Thanks for the tip.

- Luc

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Fear and jabs.

Fear is the key to it all.

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