No question at all.

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They are bioweapons. Stealthy, slow to kill, but bioweapons for sure.

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"They just want to kill you all. I mean, there's there's no way around it."

Who is "They", Naomi? It is time for some clear speak. This far into the democide, the biggest cull in human history - the dead demand it of us.


Ambitious for a known-criminal bioweapons company.

What about MurdeRNA? The one that no-one talks about? The fact that the recipe was basically the same?

The fact that none of these ethnically-targeted bioweapons could have been Shake-N-Baked into existence over the course of a weekend, like the folklore portrays.

Who set the conditions? Who paid the Wuhan faceplant actors? What Demons established bounties for hospital death protocols? Who ran the global psyop to sell fear and drive people to the state of demanding jabs in (their own) arms? Why is Israel not experiencing the same spike in ACM that every other heavily vaxxed nation is? The Pfizer cheerleader of the pack, somehow the fallout is not at all consistent?

How is it that natural immunity was demonised to the point even those recovered from whatever bioweapon was dispersed upon us were forced to take the jab? Those unfortunates being disproportionate in VAERS, their alerted immune systems trying to fight back against the jabbed bioweapon.

What lunatic decided to lock up the healthy? An inversion of experience over millennia. And who has the influence to make it stick, everywhere?

Pfizer is just an Organ, in service of Evil.

That is known. Without any doubt. Has been known since before the Plandemonium.

Only two questions remain.

What is The Monster?

And how do we kill it?


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The ruling class has long known that usury and the lack of debt jubilees will lead to the centralization of everything, so they planned on engineering “cooperation”, and that’s exactly what they’re doing with their invented crises. To read this, it all sounds so reasonable, but that is their weak point. Its batshit crazy, its killing millions, and on top of all that, it is bound to fail. People have somehow to be made to realize this.

"Societal disruptions, including the COVID-19 pandemic, are described as accelerating changes that align with the post-industrial future outlined in Changing Images of Man. Wars and crises are viewed as opportunities to speed up societal transformations that would otherwise take generations"

research book summary

Changing Images of Man - Part 2

GPT Summary - Jessem Guy's Podcast


A lot of this is carried out through the United Nations and the Bank for International Settlements and related international organizations that enjoy sovereign immunity.

"The United Nations is a continuation of British influence under the pretense of global cooperation. Established as a successor to the League of Nations, the UN allowed British elites to exert control over international decision-making processes. Through this organization, Britain maintained a powerful role in shaping global policies, ensuring that its influence persisted in the post-colonial era and that international governance aligned with British interests."


Masters of Deception: The British Empire's Manipulation of Revolutions and the Jewish Scapegoat

Richard Poe and Courtenay Turner


“Boyle argued that by specifically referring to the Pact for the Future as a ‘pact,’ the U.N. is intentionally ‘trying to turn this into an international treaty that is binding’ under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. ‘If you call it a pact… that would clearly fall within the terms of the Vienna Convention,’ Boyle said. ‘We’re in the fight of our lives here. The world has to be alerted to the dangers of this pact.’”

UN ‘Pact for the Future’: Digital IDs, Vaccine Passports, Massive Censorship - Science, Public Health Policy and the Law interview


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Dump digital go analog as much as you can. Cash and barter if you can, don't pay with the digitial cashless cards. If a place ONLY takes cards? Find another that will take cash and checks. Because when they go digital you can get cut off, but not if you are using cash, cash spends!

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Watched Stew Peters on Rumble he will tell you " who they are ".Hes one of the very few willing to name the Evil ,Satanic,pedo's destroying this planet and humanity.

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v4 And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?”

Revelation 13:4 ESV.

- "worship" in Greek is proskyneo which denotes obeisance - compliance

- the Dragon is Satan

- the Beast - globalist entities - a web of public/private partnerships (UN/WHO/WEF, Central Banks, BigPharma...)

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

Naomi, all the way back to the days of my Internet Radio Network, I told my audience that the chaos they were seeing in their world that appeared so random and chaotic could all be sorted and seen with perfect clarity when viewed through the filter of this ONE SENTENCE:




I was always stunned when, for years after I made that statement and incorporated it into my network branding, people would continue to call or contact me out of the blue and thank me for that piece of gold.

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You just got another follower

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Most fell for the scam. Most trusted the "experts". Most trusted the authorities. Most trusted the doctors. Most can't see the truth. And that is sad.

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The tell a vision or tell lie vision is the real virus! Sheep were mind controlled into poisoning themselves!

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Until it was superceded by the World Wide Web of Deceit and Lies.

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Naomi, it would sound more all-encompassing if you stated; “They just want to kill us”.... ( instead of “you”). Or, are you excluding yourself from those they want to kill?

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I think it has a lot more punch to direct the threat to you the reader personally. It kinda makes one sit up and pay a bit more attention. It also happens to be true FOR YOU that they want YOU dead... which would tend to make you sit up a bit straighter and actually contemplate the reality - like a question -- MOI??? :)

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"If at first you don't succeed, try try again!"

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Depopulation Agenda at warp speed

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Yes. Listen to Bill Gates when he tells you this! 15% reduction is his goal.

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The more shots , more issues and they know that …. Can we all say Bioweapon to depopulate…. And the ACOG is still recommending the jabs to pregnant women….. makes total sense when you want to depopulate the planet.

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You would think they have us all insured, wouldn't you!

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Good interview. I was raised in the Church, but have Sephardic Converso Jewish roots. My Godmother is Jewish and my Lawyer is Jewish. His son married a Muslim. Watching the Covid genocide and the genocide going down in Gaza has been hard.

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I feel like vigilante justice is coming and we need to support them and nullify their convictions.

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WHO says 500 more "vaccines" on the way. And I'd bet every one of them is a murder injection.

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Who is they and what’s their address?

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

Most likely whoever secretly manages the largest global central banks, BIS, World Bank, IMF, etc.

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Our "government" has declared war----on us.

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