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Dec 12, 2023
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He wears his truth on his sleeve. Can't think of a person in this time who I trust more

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Okay, I'm protesting. Now what?...

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Name and Shame, those entities who fund the Nobel Committee, and identify the sources of their wealth. And do the same for those other unelected NGO'S. like the WHO.

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The Nobel Prize is only part of the show. The crooks are making themselves appear legit. On the other hand, it's good that the tech is common knowledge, because if one adds to the picture that the actual levels of technology are usually 10-15 years ahead of whatever is out in public, it's clear that the technocrats are light-years ahead, and most of their moves and methods are not even intelligible for the average mortal.

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Me too. Now what? Ok thats a fair question.

If the insinuation is that it's not effective, that holds some truth, but not entirely: the trucker convoy awakened the world to government evil and got mandates dropped, and that's something.

And it holds some effect on those who protest in their own way and feel they are at least doing Something. Toward an improved vs more evil world. And can say at their end that they were on the side of truth.

Not that it's enough to make it effective.

They might suggest that you are being nihilist, with this morning's issue listing the brutal truth about how liberty has been so illusory for so long. So be it: until and only IF there was a way to unite and survive the take-down of our enslavers( however that can be, preferably peacefully), engaging in something as ephemeral and unbased as Hope, is unrealistic. Every man for himself kind of thinking.

However, engaging with evil is also an opportunity to grow personally and spiritually, and imho that is Really something.

It depends on how we hold our worldview: stuck in the immediate gratification of Breathing, living itself, as merely Material things( especially without gratitude) is definitely the path to hell. But our free will, our choice as individuals gives us the other view, should we choose it, in which we are gracious even for our challenges, whether or not we win every earthly battle.

The nihilist has given up. The aware, knowing, nonmaterialist sees that this is his finest hour, the greatest time to be alive. To stand and die, if that should be, on one's feet. Refusing to descend to the ground level of the tyrants and live on one's knees.

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The trucker convoy only showed the world what people who resist can expect first. There are plenty of other ineffective ways to "protest":


It's definitely something, because people can at least prepare for what's coming.

If I were a nihilist, I wouldn't care, would I? :)

The path is so unique to everyone that I cannot share mine, no matter how much I'd love to. All I know is that everyone has theirs, too.

I don't expect to die heroically, but I would consider leaving this world a free man victory. On the other hand, I probably won't even know what hit me. :)

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Further proof of intention, if any more was needed.

Murder by poison is by definition premeditated, first degree murder.

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But they didn't just want to kill. I am certain they tried to do so.e alterations on or in us. But to what end? Combined with other tech possibly? I would like to know if any of the possible garbage proteins have any known action in a human! A computer can analyze all possibilities and check them against databases.

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The perpetrators can explain all that from their prison cells or on their way up the stairs to the guillotine.

After a fair trial, of course.

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The guillotine is the best method of execution ever invented. It even offers a certain level of control over your execution. Face up or face down sir-madam?

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trolls from the 77th brigade will face judgement too

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Something occurred to me today. Stay with me. What if the slips are ON PURPOSE. they know exactly which proteins these slips create even if its a lot different ones but they know all of them! Hidden in these garbage proteins are some which do have known function i believe!! This is how they hid code in the spike. I always thought they hid code in the spike but how? Everybody would comb through every segment of the code. But its like a secret code like take every third b out of a letter or so but in this case the code is at certain slipping methylated pseudo uridines! They knew they cause ribosome slippage this is exactly why they were used over simply the pseudo uridine only. And to make it harder to find they replaced all uridines with the methylayed ones so we just see lots of junk proteins once we figure out the slippage. Look further. Check ALL THE PROTEINS FOR ACTIVITY, ALL POSsIBLE COMBINATIONS. WE HAVE TO!

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Yeah, every person on earth right now could check the protein sequences (assuming they understand and know how and have the appropriate equipment🤔), everyday, for the rest of their lives, AND we could use AI to analyse the massive data, and we would never even come close to "checking" them all.😐 that's partly what makes this truly horrendous and humanity altering, genie out the bottle, fiasco.🤐😤😭🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Karen kingston i believe wrote that there were 801 uridines all replaced with methyl pseudo uridine. So 801 slipp opportunities in various combinations. How many new protein possibilities? It is not undoable.

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"...there is increasing evidence about the presence of an alternative code that may contribute to a rough regulation of gene expression through an indirect reading mechanism, ..." naturally through methylation of DNA. This is possibly how epigenetic effects are expressed. ALTERNATIVE CODE NOT JUST JUNK coded in a certain percentage if jabbed on purpose?

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The "alternative code" they are talking about is the "93-97% junk dna". It is influenced by our externals.

This is where environmental influences and affectors come in. That's why what happens to one person, does not equate to another- because we all have different influences in our environments and lifestyles impacting our gene expression, AS well as our genetics (really, genes only influence about 3%), the rest is environmental and lifestyle).

So one can develop kidney stones, while another exposed to same, will develop dermatitis. Or brain vs liver cancer, etc, etc.

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At this point I believe they only started not long ago in mapping the "junk" like they did with Human genome project.

So perhaps they "cracked" it to intentionally "write" something in. But frankly, why bother? They can achieve all sorts of goals and come out squeaky clean, just by "accidentally" stuffing up these modRNA shots and using self amplification.😉

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The self amplification is as if a restaurantb( which wants to poison you with their cooking) gives you just the recipe for their toxic food and you cook it yourself but pay for a cooked meal. Plus you really do not know what your actually cooking only what the restaurant told you it is. Then you cook it and get ill later and the restaurant says well you cooked it we just gave the recipe

Of course a paper recipe is very cheap for the restaurant. So you pay them and do the job as well. And you do not get sick when the recipe was handed to you ala less side-effects on the side of the restaurant.

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What does this mean in layman’s terms? I’m not a scientist or specialist just a homemaker. Thank you 🙏

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I feel very fortunate that my immunology professor taught us about these new gene modifying experiments coming down the road with MRNA and do not ever take it or trust this new technology ( that was in the mid 80’s ) . I’m grateful for her . My next suspicion was … why are these jabs approved for pregnant women without testing ? Still dumb founded that my peers bought into this .

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Your body starts making weird proteins, and we have no idea what the end result will be.

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Thank you

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This is starting to remind me of the movie Frankenstein.

Mad scientist messing with things they should not be messing with.

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The people who designed the mRNA vaccine thought they were so clever. I can only hope they have been jabbed. So, at this point in time, 3 (?) years after the vaccine was released, we still do not know what it contains or what it does. And that didn't stop them from declaring it "safe and effective". Another reason to condemn "public health."

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Yes, this is somehow coming out. I read about it (it must have been) three years ago, in the context of codon bias and codon optimization. "Optimize" the codons to highly available ones and synthesis proceeds more quickly. Except that there are reasons why it must not proceed more quickly than it normally would and with this change transcription errors occur more frequently. But the developers had problems getting their modifications to work the way they wanted if transcription wasn't accelerated, so they sped it up anyway and who cares what happens to the recipients. It wasn't for their health anyway.

Does anybody here still think the intentions behind this stuff were anything less than malign?

So now we are hearing over and over about this big surprise that was identified and written about years ago. My question now is what else is going on from which this serves to distract us?

How about our own problems, born-in ones from which we cannot save ourselves? Or must we only think about how everything bad is somebody else's fault?

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