That is extremely urgent, since the same organization possibly involved, again in next plandemic...

Just got news about preparation for coming Marburg, next fear war, again related mainly to 'VACCINES', including the covid genetically reprogramming concoction..

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I’m in Australia and our government under PM Morrison was a be of the first 40 countries to sign in March 2022. I heard on the Sky outsiders programme on Sunday , they had an interview with Dr Aseem Malhorta where he made a claim that our TGA (our version or FDA) is 98%funded by big pharma. We no love Niger have any say in our health system !

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Phuck the WHO - Become ungovernable, Do Not Comply and make yourself hard to kill.

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Amen to that.

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At this point, I am powerless to how the WHO votes, however I am NOT helpless. I will never & I mean never inject the EXPERIMENTAL toxic bioweapon nor any vaccine into my pure body for they are ALL toxic. GOD is my Savior & I will Live FREE or die trying. I thank you Dr. Yeadon for your commitment to the TRUTH - it's doctors like you & Dr. Coleman who give me HOPE. GOD bless you both . . .

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I'm with you. I'm by no means apathetic to the global crimes against humanity, but winter must come before spring. (The Fourth Turning. book). Burn it all down and rebuild anew.

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Is there a solution to put an end to this chaos? Recently, it has been reported that a group of people are taking legal action against the Australian government for the negative impacts of vaccines. However, I can't help but wonder why individuals like Gates, Bourlas, and van Der Leyens are never held accountable for their involvement.

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