It something our U.S. military may be opposed to, since they took an oath to uphold the Constitution, even during PLAN-DEMICS by the Globalists

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Our woke pussyfide military? The only thing they will do is shoot us on command.

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don't count on the military. Maybe 10 or 20 % may resist. For how long is the question.

written a few years ago, it has only gotten worse since.


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I am afraid you’re 100% correct. I also think the police may be shooting us as well. ???

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yup! we do outnumber our would-be overlords, but they control the military and the police, and they have 'the big guns.' they also won't hesitate to use them (against us, the people). anyone who believes they'd be on our side when merde meets fan hasn't been paying attention.

I used to believe a worldwide general strike could do the trick because they can't swat every house, but then Lahaina happened. our psychopathic kakistocrats would have no problem 'going Lahaina' on city after city until we (the people) submit.

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Excellent points that should be taken into account.

Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

Well done. !!!

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The military forces of the United States are the worst enemies of the people. There are good people of course. But so many traitors and greedy bastards among the generals that they will have no reservations of killing us when needed.

Don’t like to admit the facts? During the recent raging Maui fire, the military on the island or nearby didn’t move their butts at all. But they have the equipments and manpower to rescue and to respond. In fact, who have turned on the direct energy weapons to kill people and burn down Laheina?

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I recall reading about the military going door to door after Hurricane Katrina disarming citizens. Not sure if I have the story accurate

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It's peculiar that resistence seems to be today's most favored topic. Katherine Watt is calling for opposition by the enablers and the enforcers:


As did I:


In the meanwhile, the noose is tightening and nobody seems to be able to do anything about it.

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All true Dr. Yeadon. And our Congress WILL NOT stop it. They cannot stop it. The US and the UK are driving the bus.

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They Crashed the bus and are running for their lives now, for good reason.

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Jesus will prevail in the end. WE MUST STAND UP to this satanic force.

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This PDF is OLD and been posted numerous times including my stack comment section. Dr. Yeadon had changed his position on viruses since then, and many other things he use to believe, and he was honest about it. I've been following his tweeter from the beginning of the plandemic, and saw how his opinion has changed over time. BTW what about the majority of the leaders of the health freedom movement, who still promote the idea that we had the pandemic and a virus that caused it. Why you are not posting about them? Aren't they all SNAKES?

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Yeadon is very nuanced but at his core he's still a gatekeeper for the virus lie (and an obvious racist).

"Why you are not posting about them? Aren't they all SNAKES?"

Here's a handy snake reference: https://dpl003.substack.com/p/the-gatekeepers-club

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Have some more Kool-Aid fool.

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LOL - to each his own, but idolatry seldom ends well.

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Believing one posted video warning from Michael Yeadon is by no means Idolatry. It is Common Sense shared.

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Just to clarify - I wasn't referring to you specifically, but to all of the sycophants of these controlled operatives.

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Just to be clear, Not targeting anyone here particularly. If you voted for Traitor joe biden, Fuck you. If you still support Traitor joe biden, Fuck you. EVERYONE in The USA today has been paying dearly for 23 years of The US government willingly Committing Treason Against American Manufacturers who made EVERY tool used to build America. Aiding and Abetting our Enemies for profit is in itself TREASON. #EndAPECnow. #EndAllFreeTradeDeals #FreedomIsNotFree #TradeShouldNotBeFree #FreedomBastardized is #FreedomConpromised

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No one tells me what to do.

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May God help us now. The power of prayer is enormous. Believe and have faith. This war does not end well for them who are in lockstep with Satan.

The battle cry is


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See the James Roguski substack.

He's been warning about this for months.

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I am very well aware of James' work, so are many of my subs. Thanks!

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Years. Actually since March 2020.

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Anyone know which those 11 countries are that had objections?

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Believe they were smaller nations and their cry was that it was unequitable? Don't totally take my word for it, because I watched that a few days ago.

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If vaccinations plummet, so will the SIDS death rate.

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And the SADS death rate.

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Hey Mike,

You're not pissing into the wind.

Hundreds if not thousands of us who are suffering the loss of our numbers to cardiac arrest, cancer, neurological issues and of course death hear you. Many are waking up. Keep on keeping on.

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The power and resultant collective direct action of the people is lacking. They have been annihilated by many means into a state of compliance. Psychological Warfare alone will do that. Those of us who continue to challenge and refuse to comply are, without doubt, slowing down a process it is almost impossible to envisage. How to “motivate the majority into action” is the only way forward. It’s quite simple. DO NOT COMPLY WITH ANY GOVERNMENT MANDATE! How many, l ask you dear people of Substack are willing to pay the ultimate price?

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We did not submit to mRNA poison jabs. That's how to pass the Global I.Q. Test which Many failed.

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refused the injection anyway, that's a good thing. There are still multiple ways the lizards are trying to kill us though.

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It is time for reciprocation.

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Dr. Michael Yeadon warned the world and The USA about the failed Covid 19 Bioweapon, Remdesivir and mRNA poison jabs in early 2020 and was Censored and removed from Social Media video platforms. He is a stand up guy with nothing to gain by blowing the whistle except a clear conscience.

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Thank you, as always.

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To hell with the UN General Assembly and their Global Depopulation agenda..

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This is real men. And these days we are pagans.


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