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Jan 12
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There are so many parallels with what is happening today and with the stories in the Bible. For instance, the birth of Christ.

The Christmas story, which is a story of hope and salvation at the birth of Jesus Christ, is also a story of mass murder of innocent children, very similar to what we are seeing today.

It is recorded in the Gospel of Matthew in the Bible:

The Jewish King Herod conspired with assassins, possibly members of the military, or possibly professional criminals for hire, to commit infanticide in the city of Bethlehem, by murdering all the male children under the age of 2.

For these families who lost their children, “Christmas” was anything but “merry.” It was a time of tremendous pain and loss.

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History - His Story - Praise His name...

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So many people are reconnecting with their maker. The symbolism of evil is everywhere. Now that I notice. the opening image on my computer (look at yours) is of nature but it can always be seen as a serpent as well. why.

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Apple's logo depicts the original sin - the foundation of this world

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Do you agree that the apple is a symbol of the original sin??? I can't verify it

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You are correct that "apple" isn't named in the Bible as the fruits that Adam and Eve ate. Interestingly, apple seeds contain arsenic, which is poisonous.

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The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil...

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Do you know where it says the apple depicts the original sin? I can't seem to find it.


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Can you show where it is written that serpent told Eve to eat the apple? I've looked and looked and can't find any mention of an apple. Please.

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Not 'apple'...

1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field that the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?’”

2 The woman answered the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden, 3 but about the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You must not eat of it or touch it, or you will die.’”

4 “You will not surely die,” the serpent told her. 5 “For God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:1-5

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This is so powerful! I urge everyone to share this!!! He has such discernment from God. Anyone who has been deeply involved with all of this know what he is saying is true. I hope this will reach those who have been unreachable. I am forwarding it to relatives we have been unable to be reasoned with to quit taking each and every jab they release. They've called us extreme right wing conspiracy theorists when we tried to get them to stop. Forget about all the people dying! God bless and keep him safe!!!! You know the people he called out will want him silenced.

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“The Roman Catholic Church” now a member of WEF recommends covid shots to all members. What better reason to leave the church if the pedophile debacle didn’t push you toward the exit this truth should. The world is upside down, inside out and beyond repair. Save yourself by resisting and seeking truth every day, if it doesn’t resonate as truth it isn’t. Run from all pundits who preach whether MSM or alternate press they keep beating the same drum and their masters are the same - we are the enemy.

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There is the Vatican, a country with all the perks that go with it..and there is actual teachings, dogma if you want to call it that.. I live by the essential teachings of the church, not the Vatican as pollical identity. The Archbishop and others recognizes the Holy See has been infiltrated by the WEF etc. and want to protect it from this crap.

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The German farmers and Polish truckers need to head to Davos asap and do citizen arrests of the WEF evil people who harmed us!!!!

They need to arrest Schwab, Soros. Gates, etc., and get these people criminally charged somewhere for crimes against humanity.

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Yes. Ordinary citizens will have to execute arrests because it has become clear that government workers are not working for their citizens.

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Yeah. Lol. They need to head to Switzerland border highways and shut the country down till they hand over all the WEF evil leaders. Lol.

Lol. Sigh. I wish. Lol.

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There is an anthropologist who says data points he’s accumulated indicate a revolution is coming in 2024. If it doesn’t we’re all f$cked.

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Really? Wow. Interesting.

And yeah. If the control freaks don’t stop … our future isn’t bright.

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I am so mad I didn’t note his name so I could read up on it. 😏

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What a terrific idea. Not only Germans and Poles. All of free Europe. Let's make this our moment.

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The US military and its corporate masters are behind the planned enslavementof mankind. There is a #militaryaccountability movement emerging in US fronted by @bradmiller1010 on TwiX. Please support them and sign their petitions. I am a victim of WEF & DOD — I have been nonconsensually trafficked in the most depraved nonconsensual brain and bioconvergence experiments. Please stop buying into Elon hype. The US has paid doctors to nonconsensually chip more than 200,000 Americans. These are crimes against humanity. https://rumble.com/v3ocviv-elizabeth-coady-needs-your-help-being-removed-from-darpa-brain-initiative.html

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You are absolutely right about Brad Miller's awesome and bold effort to petition the military and get some of the highest ranking officers out of their soft cushions. I wrote this up last week: https://therebelpatient.substack.com/p/an-open-letter-to-the-american-people

Please will you stand by this group of bold Veterans and active duty, and sign his petition? Thank you!!!

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My research has led me to the conclusion that it goes deeper than that, E.C. The powers that be (TPTB) control any country that has a central bank. The USA is the military branch. We sacrifice our sons and daughters and military resources for their globalist goals. It goes back 2000 years to the time the Roman Empire usurped and contaminated Christianity to provide cover for , and to retain, their wealth and power. Jesuits and Talmudic Jews figure into the picture.

Things started falling apart for the Roman Catholic Church when the Bible was translated and printed for the masses 500 years ago. Now the Internet has shared truth in histories once stifled by TPTB controlling the MSM and book publishers to provide the history THEY wanted learned. Most history is watered down lies.

The USA’s involvement in WWI and II was coerced, not by the choice of the US citizens. As now in Ukraine and Israel, the majority of thinking people want the wars to stop. TPTB have other plans.

We can’t fight fire with fire. How stupid is that. Like MLK, Jr., taught, and as is taught in the Bible, we can only fight evil with love. TPTB are just like terrorist cells. Eliminate two or three and there are others there to take their spots. TPTB are like the hydra. Cut off one head and two return in its place. There is no way to fight fire with fire. The Christians during Nero’s time knew that. Christians today have forgotten that or have poor teachers. Romans 13 stands true then and now.

Study Central Banks, like the Federal Reserve. The leaders, the ones you don’t see, are the ones directing the wars and the policies. Blackmail, money, honey pots, Epstein’s Island - all tools of TPTB. You can’t fight them with fire and win. You can love and pray and support those lawyers that use our laws in an effort to hold back the waves of evil that keep battering our shores. Have hope! The war was won almost 2000 years ago by a Nazarene! If you’re on the right side you will enter the place where no tear is shed from sorrow or pain. Have cheer! These moments today are meant to teach us to love one another, to love our enemies. The truth is out there and there’s only one truth that provides eternal hope. God bless you all.

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8 Be indebted to no one, except to one another in love. For he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. 9 The commandments “Do not commit adultery,” “Do not murder,” “Do not steal,” “Do not covet,” and any other commandments, are summed up in this one decree: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 10 Love does no wrong to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. Romans 13:8-10

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This man is a true leader who knows what evil is and calls it out. A man of God, no doubt.

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Where do I sign?

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Thank you Mike, as usual!

I will try to get the video on some other platform.

Pls note that very regrettably and very worrisomely in France (where I am now) they had shut off rumble .

Just to flag out another type of censorship!

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Suggest you get a VPN. Works fine.

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Many people these days have a hard time believing in evil. But it does exist, and there is such a thing as the Theory of the Progression of Evil ("Evil men go from bad to worse." as someone once observed). If we are talking about pride, the end point is the desire to annihilate the being of others. That's why they're doing it; it's their nature.

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I read someone who wrote, "I've sensed great evil at work around the plandemic for quite awhile. I felt very strongly that young adults and children were at great risk from the vaccines even before finding out the complete truth. Some may describe it as a hunch- it was a warning from God."

I honestly felt the same way.

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Wow what arrogance Mike Yeadon has.

Every place that has been a voice to expose the covid event has a comments section . These are places full of awareness, concern , and clear visions that see the conflict of interest, the wrong , hurt , malfeasance, dishonesty, murder and maiming that's being done.

Its the common people pushing back, never the professionals who want their stable incomes and importance to remain unquestioned.

Thank you Carlo Vigano , and all the others speaking UP, you may feel small and unnoticed but you are beautiful.

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His sincertiy is over whelming and he spoke from the heart,

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I will never forget your story Dr. Yeadon about your wife telling you she prays and you never knew …. God bless you and your family and thank you 🙏

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1Peter 1 : 18-21

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Vig must have been reading my Twitter ;D

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It matters very much to whom you pray. There is only one God. He is the Creator of all that is and He is sovereign, holy and good. To know this God who is both one and three, read the Bible, starting with the New Testament. When you reach the last book, you will see that God has known about these globalist plans from all eternity. The theme of Revelation is: God Wins.

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