Uglier and Uglier, as expected.

How muCH are 'The People' going to take?

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Better sell your flat in France, Dr. Yeadon. That country is going full Orwellian tout suite!

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Nov 27, 2023
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Agreed! I’m counting on our First Amendment to save us, but I’m completely dismayed that we should even have to fight on this issue. Too many Americans have totally lost understanding of what our Constitutional rights guarantee!

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Haven't we lost our rights, as well as understanding? Isn't it clear to everyone yet that democracy, free speech and the rule of law are - at best - only pretense, and scarcely even that any more?

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Nov 28, 2023
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Could it be any more clear?! And yet people still fail - or refuse? - to see it :(

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Pretty much. There is a vestige but that is going away. "Show me the man and I'll show you the crime." Stalin or one of those despicable creatures.

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I'm not sure that the US Constitution and/or its amendments are still relevant, are they? The Republic was sidelined by the Act of 1871 and dissolved in The Emergency Banking Act 1932:

"The "U.S. Government" Went Bankrupt in 1933 and is No Longer a Republic"


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Nov 28, 2023
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And while you're at it: look at flats in Venezuela, Argentina and El Salvador.

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I am not a "publicly recognized" individual...

But I wear my "conspiracy theorist", like a badge of honour.

Not theories, but eventual truths...

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Only those who are actually involved in the conspiracies call them "theories."

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When the government is on a binge to censor any bit of information that questions or is contrary to their thought. I would say something is up.

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Don't you people see the parallels with another time in history????

The darkest time of our civilization.....THE INQUISITION.

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No one expects the Spanish Inquisition...

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It's not so funny now, is it?

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That is because today science postulate ...."prove it or else" is rooted in the inquisition. What...

Ya'll taught that the Roman Catholic Church (or any church for that matter) ruling phylosophy was gone?? Nah ....it morphed into science. SCIENCE is the 20th century religion.

Listen to the science worshipper....."I BEILIVE in science". What an oxymoronic statement.

The French governament is behaving exactly like an inquisition court of the 1300 AD.

That is your REAL EVIL.

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So sinister, evil and ugly . 🤬😤🤬

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“Censorship is advertising paid by the government.”

― Federico Fellini

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It's the actions of a mad despot.

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Try living in this mad despot's domain for the past 3.75 years, and counting.

This was his Chief Medical Officer's Christmas Message 11 months ago, and note the mad, evil look on her face as she's punching in phone numbers...


Things have only gotten worse for Eau de 💩's government since that ad was bought and paid for by this little-boy tyrant, with tax payer dollars.

He's emptying the country of dollars and citizens who can flee his jurisdiction.

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I think it's a good idea to combat cults, sects and charlatans. We should start with Communism, Socialism, Socialdemocracy, Nazism, Ecologism, Fascism, Gaullism or Dirigisme, francmasonry, all Universities, and that ultra-ridiculous fasces and eagle that the stupid French use as symbols of their absolute political corruption. To name a few of the problems.

They also should ban the retarded European Union, which is worse than all sects and cults put together.

What a bunch of fucking bastards are the leaders and ministers of all the European countries. I spit on all their ancestors, even if they don't know who they might have been.

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Those are symbols that persist thru the ages my friend. AND ...Francevis one of the birthplace of secrets societies. Lets not forget that the French Revolution was an Illuminati job...then Freemansons themselves ended up killed on guillotine invluding his imventor .

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Every important organization is now completely captured. How could ONE major scandal be exposed if no organization is willing to expose it?

By logic, this couldn't happen . One key would be to get a few captured organizations (that matter) uncaptured. Maybe one or two MSM journalism organizations would start a belated chain-reaction of "truth seeking."


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Thank God for Mike Yeadon. May his goodness come back to him a million-fold.

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You are right. And thy are now throwing every curve ball they have in their box of tricks at us.

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We need to stop trying to get the judicial system in any country to do the right thing. It is a waste of time, energy and money. We need to concentrate our efforts to speak out to the public regardless as to the size of the group. 1 person or 10,000 people we need to just keep speaking out and warning people. We need to organize these people to stand up and REFUSE to comply no matter the cost. We have more power than we know. For example, if an employer mandates any medical procedure then EVERY employee gets up from their desk and walks out. That business will either change its policy or go under and that includes hospitals, schools, colleges. Do not buy from any company, large or small, that supports forced/coerced medical procedures on people. If a sport events requires a vaccine passport, masks, vaccination to enter then EVERYONE needs to not attend. Empty bleachers sends a loud message. But we need people to stand for freedom no matter if you agree with the forced/coerced procedure or not. The issue is freedom and if you don't stand up for freedom those that fail to fight back will one day find themselves a slave and their children too. This is WAR. In a war there will always be casualties. Those people that refuse to listen will be the casualties and we cannot stop that. But if you think any government is coming to the rescue think again. They want us dead. ALL OF THEM. They think when the dust settles those that played the genocide game will have a seat at the table but they are useful idiots and will be the first to be destroyed because they know too much. We need to not only educate on the danger of ALL vaccines we need to also educate people on how to start creating an alternative society. We need to do it now not when they have their boot at our throat.

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Nov 27, 2023
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The supreme court are government employees. They generally side with government. Just often enough they don't to make people think they are upholding the constitution. But every year there is less freedom and liberty. One of the large problems with the Constitution is the ambiguous wording in some cases and there is no penalty for clearing ignoring the Constitution by government. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech or the press. Yet they do that all the time. And are busy now trying to control the internet.

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Nov 28, 2023
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no one even knows that biden bragged about writing the "patriot act". They couldn't pass it at the time. Americans wouldn't stand for it. They needed something to happen, something big. Something like 9/11. And then it passed. Virtually unanimous.

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Nov 30, 2023
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like pretext for war, The Maine, Tonkin Gulf, Lusitania and so on. The lizards need to get the masses to clamor for war or things like the "patriot act". Like the SSN. People thought Americans wouldn't stand for being numbered. They promised that number would never be used for identification. They promised the top income tax rate would never go over 4% IIRC. And only rich people would have to pay anyway. The senator who was a co sponsor for the Simpson-Mazzoli 1986 Immigration Act said, passing this act will end illegal immigration for a hundred years. They promised the telephone tax to fund the Spanish -American war was a temporary tax.

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Yep, but unfortunately the "trauma" of experiencing FOMO is too much for most to do any of that. Combined with the climate change indoctrination and the average "revolutionary" today, is programmed to not care, only focus on gratification, because well, 🤷‍♀️ they have been told we are all going to die any way so what's the point.😐

To achieve the level of resistance you suggest- needs hope. We need to reprogrammed them for hope, and frankly I'm not sure we have time before the traps snap shut.🤔😐💣

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Canada has done something similar with 'alternative' supplements.

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Take it as a sign of the times.

Almost nobody wants to actually think through what is happening. Yes it's happening. No, it's not unexplainable. Yes, all the things we try that never work in the long run still won't work in the long run. We repeat the same mistakes over and over.

So try something different. Consider that we were put here for a purpose, and put here with expectations concerning our behavior, expectations that we are not meeting, and that this is what happens as a consequence.

Is it really that hard to understand? I guess so, if history is any indication. But we need a Savior. And it sure isn't going to be any human government.

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And we have a Savior now; He's just coming in His own time. It's impossible to conceive of patience and mercy such as His, not having given up on us or wiped us out of existence by now.

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2Pet. 3:9 The Lord does not delay his promise, as some understand delay, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance.

I think a great deal of work went into Creation. It's worth saving. We're what's slow.

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Amen to that. But I didn't mean His wiping out all of creation, just us. After all, God saw all of His creation as good six times before He ever created the first human. We're just a part of it. Of course what God sees as good is worth saving, but we've proven that we don't care much about what God sees as good.

Humans are the only thing God ever regretted creating, that ever broke His heart. (Gen 6:6). Creation may be well worth saving, but are we? "The jury" may still be out on that one.

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Interesting question. We all will be "wiped out" sooner or later in a physical sense.

Heb. 9:27 And just as it is appointed for people to die once—and after this, judgment...

Or even 1Cor. 15:36 ...What you sow does not come to life unless it dies.

Or maybe I'm just up long after my bedtime (which I am). But Gen. 6:6 should give us all pause. I don't understand all that was going on back then, but it does feel like we could have arrived there once again. Indiscriminate global mass murder is acceptable now? All ages invited? Wanting to turn humans into something else? Everyone and everything on the planet being poisoned?

Same mistakes over and over.

As in the days of Noah.

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