Get back up and wreak havoc on the pigs.

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GOD bless our children & humankind. This is Spiritual warfare - good/GOD vs evil. I will never stop speaking TRUTH to tyranny. What 'they' don't know is that GOD is on our side & lives in the TRUTH

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Criminal Negligence. Our so-called medical 'authorities' are nothing of the sort.

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#CrimesAgainstHumanity. I have shared this on Twitter, and tagged Musk. #STOPtheSHOT Thank God for Dr. Yeadon and we are truly blessed for the Lioness bringing forth the evidence and truth tellers ! Sound the alarm, blow the Trumpet!

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Could you imagine working logging this VAERS data...and just carry on?

Just pretending they are lines on a screen...not representing anything?

I can imagine it easily...because Canadians elected Trudeau and Sighn.

I hardly know two dozen Canadians who care or believe what is going on.

I am 60 yrs old and well travelled...and have lived in many parts of this country..but would have a hard time naming 24 people who care about this info.

If Putin decides to nuke the west...he will have done God a huge favor..

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Maybe humans are not working with VAERS. Maybe it’s AI.

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The madness will never stop ... marching orders from our governing body . As an ob/gyn , I will never recommend these jabs. As an obstetrical laborist/gyn hospitalist , I get to see this disaster from the inside out. https://www.acog.org/covid-19/covid-19-vaccines-and-pregnancy-conversation-guide-for-clinicians

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After reading the guide for clinicians I am truly dumbfounded. How are these lies continuing?

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My daughter has been having pain and her OB did internal. 2 months ago. Told her she was fine. See u next year. She went to family doctor as we have family history of ovarian cancer and the pain seemed related to periods. Trans vag done. Complex cysts in both ovaries. Rt ovary is 8 cm with 3 cysts. One is 5.9 cm. Other ovary is 4cm or do with smaller cysts in that ovary. Radiologists claims cysts are due to endometriosis but she has never been diagnosed with that. Who knows what is happening. Another OB wanted to tee as or a wait and see approach!!! Finally went back to first OB She will now do a Laparoscopy. Honestly I’m scared!! She had 2 Pfizer shots.

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Characteristics of cysts and size are important. There are blood markers depending on her age . Further imaging may help. I hope all will be fine . 🌺

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Thank you Dr.Yeadon , all any of us can do, is to get the word out so people and patients resist.

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You are reading and posting all the right stuff. I was doing the same thing, but not sure most folks had the time/interest to tackle so much information. At age 79, I'm losing time and interest to deal with so much going wrong amid so many witless souls. Fick it. Not my problem for long. Feel sorry for the young and innocent.

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And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. - Ephesians 5:11

I will keep on reproving until my last breath. "Not my problem" is exactly where the enemy whats us to be.

But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand. So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me - Ezekiel 33:6-7

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I'm sure their shaking in their boots. Sorry, though I support your efforts, I couldn't help the sarcasm. When you're near 80 like me, seen all the Shit go unattended, elections rigged, media all on one side, inflation, debt, lies, clueless population, it's time to forget about it and just live life, which thus far, is still enjoyable on a back to nature level.

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I understand your point. On one hand...it is the wrong decision most likely...as I am sure you would agree with that on certain terms.

On the other hand...fighting a losing battle can be very deflating.

You are 80...I am 60. I may have more piss and vinegar left in the jar than you...and maybe at this point...stand more to lose...if only by virtue of time. So for me...I may see more reason to fight on.

Having said that. .I want to close with this.

The older I get...the more I realize how much can be learned with time.

At 60...I too have seen a lot...and lost a lot...but should I make 80...how much more so?

I do not judge you for your comments or decision. As I sit here at 3:47 AM reading blogs...it is clear to me things are not going to get better in the near term.

My belief in fact suggests they will get way worse first. Unimaginably worse in fact. Like nothing humanity has previously witnessed.

That does not sound very encouraging...but I prefer reality to fairy tales when navigating my way through this mess.

I agree with settling in...closer to nature and simplicity...and enjoying what is left of your time.

I am still young and healthy...but I realize the acreage we bought a year before the bullshit began in earnest...has been my saving grace.

I quit before I was fired...back in July 2021. I have been off work since.

My choice really....with extenuating circumstances...but the acreage has in essence been my sanity and salvation.

At 60....I am not going to tell an 80 yr old what to do. I have never been 80...and doubt I will ever be.

All I would suggest is to be an encourgement to those still on the frontline. Nobody I know is going to judge an 80 yr old for stepping back a bit. Rock on brother. I far prefer a feisty old bugger like you than the television watching, jabbed, pharma-fascist supporting morons I am inundated with daily. And most of them are wonderful people...just hopelessly naive and brainwashed.

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Atta go Lioness.

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How much more evidence is needed before someone stops this madness?

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Watch out, they're going to put you on the denier, conspiracy theorist, tin foil hat list! I'm already there.

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To find who your rulers are, notice who you can’t criticize.

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