Thank you!! No TV No programming. Pandemic of a fraudulent test; PCR. Yes No pandemic. No street people dying enmasse, no Hospitals overwhelmed. 6 Billion walking scientific test tubes, now learning 4 various toxicity levels of products which is simply a shell game. Pandemic of Deception. Grifting. Suffering.

Traumatized the world by yes unnecessary, unscientific, underhanded collusion of state and private enterprise. How dare you question “our” science! After all I am science. Seems to me there are plenty of timed videos of our “Experts”that just scream out to be documented for use to prosecute those who sold this scam. They knew. We are going to hide our trial data for 75 years? And they are still lying. Walensky during her congressional hearing said “ the vaxxines saved millions of lives” also she asked for more money so they could track people who did get shots to shore their internal tracking gaps.

She had no remorse. No reflection. “ The CDC reputation is better”. No Truth. Only lies. No pandemic. Only a trail of tears of a strange twisted 3 years. And they are still mocking and gaslighting and threatening their new pandemic.

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yes, but even the amish hat 3 major excess mortality peaks in the covid-time (out of 5 since 2015). So something was going on, not exactly, but pretty much in the Ballpark of the Flu, though. And yes of course, the amish didnt do much, especially in terms of vaccines, and so this mortality quickly subsided - wheras its still ongoing elsehere….

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You are preaching to the choir.

The clotshotted can't bear to conceive that they are fools and they cannot be reached.

Although I like your analogy of why isn't cancer contagious.

Oh, don't give them any ideas.

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Some have come around but not enough yet to make a big difference, but the resistance that has been put up has slowed TPTB down. The situation remains dire, however.

Thanks Dr. Yeadon for another brilliant essay. If I understand what you are saying about viruses, you don’t see any proof of their role in disease causation. Since it is unclear exactly what the bioweapon COVID is (as opposed to all the colds, bacterial pneumonia, and broken arms labeled as Covid), there is no reason to believe any of their narratives about it. However I don’t think you are saying there is proof that viruses don’t exist...is this right?

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When all the perpetrators of the black health science have been felt with, the real scientists will be busy for years finding solutions to the many created illnesses that have been unleashed on us all.

But it can’t ever begin till the Cretan creators are gone.

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Dr. Yeadon, as always, makes intriguing points, many I largely agree with. For starters, the PCR tests to diagnose Covid or the flu or anything must be a huge fraud. I'm convinced, like he and Dr. Rancourt are, that almost all Covid deaths and excess deaths from any cause are explained by iatrogenic reasons, panic, lockdown deaths and now "vaccine"-caused deaths.

Still, I think it's undeniable there was some kind of illness (if we don't want to call it a "respiratory virus") "spreading" in America and many other countries beginning in the fall and winter of 2019. This illness simply wasn't killing hardly anyone. But it was "noticed." Weekly ILI Surveillance Reports from every state in the U.S. and the CDC took note of "severe" and "widespread" outbreaks of illness, which began earlier than normal and stayed above "baseline" levels for many more weeks than previous flu seasons. That is, there were many more "sick" people than had been "sick" in the previous 10 years.

I also think whatever was making these millions of people sick WAS "spreading" from person to person. I've compiled too many stories of sick people who were sick at the same time as their spouses, children, co-workers, etc. Is it a coincidence that, say, Brandie McCain gets sick and within days her husband is also sick and so is their roommate and her boss and both of their children - all with many of the same symptoms?

"Something" made these people sick (all at the same time).

So for those who argue there is no virus, do you at least acknowledge that people DO get sick - and often in big clusters in their houses, schools and home towns? If it's not a virus making them all sick at once, what did?

Dr. Yeadon doesn't mention antibody tests, but I assume he dismisses the positive results of every person who was sick with Covid symptoms in November or December 2019 ... and then got a positive antibody test in late April or early May 2020. (I've identified hundreds of such people from 16 U.S. states and at least five countries).

So are all the antibody tests producing "false positives?" Every positive Covid antibody test should be dismissed?

My theory is that there was some kind of bug or pathogen that was making a lot more people sick in the fall and winter of 2019-2020. Whatever caused these symptoms simply wasn't killing hardly any of these people. The vast majority of these ill people didn't get admitted to the hospital or have to go to ICU. They (like me in January 2020) just stayed in bed for a couple of days or a week.

The main take-away of my "early spread" hypothesis is that the IFR for this "virus" is miniscule - the same or lower than flu. It was miniscule in November 2019 and it was miniscule in April 2020. In fact, I believe by April 2020, this spreading pathogen was pretty much dying out on its own. The big spike in "sick people" - per copious ILI sources - occurred in December 2019 and January 2020.

I argue it's not that radical an idea to think that some novel new virus - supposedly taking off and spreading widely in late March and April 2020 - could have actually been infecting tens of millions of people .... just a couple of months earlier.

Or was it just a coincidence that tens of millions of people actually experienced "Covid-like symptoms" a few months before "official" Covid was identified?

I think we are probably dealing with a lab-made virus that was not lethal but was very contagious and this "virus" spread throughout the world months BEFORE the dad-blasted lockdowns to "slow or stop" spread.

Or, maybe Dr. Yeadon, Dr. Rancourt and others are absolutely right: There was no new bug or virus - and the entire pandemic was a fraud. I don't rule out this possibility either. If that's the case, you have the Mother of All scams and scandals.

If my theory is correct - you had a new virus, but it wasn't that lethal and evidence of this virus spreading was successfully concealed from the public - you've got a scandal that's also stunning and shocking.

I'd be more likely to dismiss my own hypothesis if I only knew that the number of "sick" people was the same or lower than previous "flu seasons." But I know this is NOT the case. There were a lot more people who got sick in the fall and winter of 2019-2020 than in previous winter "flu months."

So it just seems to make common sense to me that some percentage (certainly not all or maybe even most) of these people who had Covid symptoms in December 2019 or January 2020 .... might have had Covid.

Put it this way: How can anyone prove they did not?

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Well put Bill.

But as Mike says, the burden of proof is on the virus pushers.

Just because you and I don't know what caused the symptoms doesn't mean that the virus theory is correct.

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Thanks ... but why is nobody interested in what caused all these people to have very unpleasant symptoms. In January 2020, I was one of the millions of people who had these symptoms. For about five days, I was in really rough shape. The coughing fits were violent and painful and caused me to see stars. I could barely walk to the driveway without having to sit down - this didn't seem like past "flu" episodes I've had.

Dr. Yeadon says viruses aren't contagious, but the same time I was sick, both of my kids were sick (Not nearly as bad as me). My wife is a high school teacher. When she came home one day, she said "half" of her students were out of school!

So I guess that bug wasn't contagious at all in Troy, Alabama. And there were 5,000 cities just like Troy.

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What is really interesting aa well is that according to CDC, the flu “disappeared”

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An on the money blog! They would like us to believe "Covid" is somehow different than other ILI. It is of course not. The same idea was employed in diagnosing paralytic polio. That a specific virus was blamed for a specific disease. Even though the symptoms were the same. When they couldn't explain outbreaks of similar "polio-like" illnesses, they simply gave it another name: acute flaccid paralysis. This is one way they were able to credit the vaccine in the reduction of polio cases. All the while the obvious phasing out of DDT in the US was ignored as the reason why cases of paralysis declined.

A man takes the virus as his bride. Watch Turfseer’s music video ONE TRICK PONY. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/one-trick-pony

BONUS: Free PDF Download. BEST OF SUBSTACK VOLUME 1. Gems culled from Best Substacks with links to the full article. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/best-of-substack-volume-1

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1954 Medical Study showed that tonsillectomy quadrupled paralytic bulbar polio cases.


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Certainly could have been a factor.

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I wish SOMEONE would dig up the details about Kary Mullis' mysterious death on Aug. 7, 2019....

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His wife insisted he had cancer for a long time. Of course they could have brought that about.

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Where'd you find that?

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PCR tests are useful to detect dinosaur DNA in fossils. Not dinosaurs. That's it.

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EXACTLY as You Say Papillon...

They Evil, want to reduce the population, the AntiChrist told us he only wants 500million people back in 1980. His Georgia Guidestones tells us so, in the very 1st of his Evil 10 Commandments.

Why Guidestones built on (3/22/)1980,

Why Yale Skull and Bones use the Number (322) in the logo? Because they Mock the True God/Yahweh and his Word.

Genesis (3:22)... Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”—

EVIL hides in plain Sight. The Plan then carry out their "Ordo Ab Chao" years later to Lie about his actual power. It's not prophesied like God but planned then the chaos is carried out. Evil wants to be God...

Aloha & God bless, kyle

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Wonderful to see Dr Rancourt's essay from the National Citizen's Inquiry here in Canada . People glaze over when I ask have they even heard of the National Citizen's Inquiry . Glazed and Blazing away here it seems .

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Of course there was no pandemic, but they needed a prop and a globally open stage to unfold the machinery of destroying the population and the states that somehow still thought they were sovereign, the play called "there is no going back to normal". And if someone believed that a "disease" can be treated with death, censorship, restricting rights, banning treatments, abuse of power, burying justice, traditions and culture, inflation, crisis, high prices, war, etc., all at once... that would be crazy...

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As I breath in the smoke from wonderful Kanada fires , I take a deep breath In emotionally , knowing Dr. Yeadon speaks the truth to all of us . Stand up , take a stand everyone! 🙏

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Excellent and massively important piece! The abuse of PCR testing with ridiculously high cycle thresholds (CT) is indeed the core of the so-called pandemic and the root cause leverage for the controlling factions to put protocols in place that in-fact killed millions.

Labs were told to use a PCR of 38 or greater with some going up to 45! For each number increase in cycle threshold there is a doubling of sensitivity. A cycle threshold of 40 is an amplification factor of roughly 1 trillion! Watch the videos of Kary Mullis if you question this.

If Kary Mullis had been alive, he would have been all over FauxChi and company and would have likely quashed or at least measurably damaged the fear pump and psyops. He was a healthy guy and all of a sudden died of pneumonia / bacterial infection in August 2019. Convenient.

One other important fact. When the vaccines were really rolling, in I believe May 2021 the CDC lowered the recommended maximum CT to 28, but ONLY for vaccinated individuals. Convenient.

Then in 2022 the CDC finally admitted that PCR tests can and will pick up other pathogens like the flu and other cold like viruses. Limited hangout. Convenient.

One question that needs to be answered / clarified. The western world all used / abused PCR testing. What did countries like India that also had purported large COVID death waves use for testing? Antigen type testing has very low false positives.

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Surfs Up and the WHO'S "BOVINE FECES" is Polluting our Oceans...

They Used the K. Mullus test and Christian Drosten in Europe prostituted it, after they eliminated Mullis. Evil hides in Plain Sight...!

It's how they were able to CREATE the "Numbers of Cases" (Not Deaths) so da WHO and Tedros could label this a PHEIC "Public Health Emergency of International Concern" which by the way He "Overruled" a panel of 15 Expertts of the "World Council for Health" which Tess Lawrie Created to guide the WHO.

On July 22,2022 the Experts met for 7 hours about MonkeyPox. After meeting 9 voted it "WAS NOT" a PHEIC and 6 voted it was, then Tedros "Overruled" the Experts and Declared it a PHEIC.

He was Never voted in by Election process but instead by a Satanic "SELECTION" Process and was even supposed to be charged for crimes against Humanity in ETHIOPIA. Maybe he is personally to Blame and is the "SUPER SPREADER of MonkeyPox"...? Maybe we can Find the Gorilla who had SAX with him and gave him the Monkey Shuffle...?

Enjoy this video showing WHO is in Charge of the Health of Our World and the WHO and Your Keiki & Ohana...!

MoneyPox or H5N1 Shuffle...?


World Council for Health 7hr meeting about "MonkeyPox" being a "PHEIC"


A little background of Tess Lawrie...

"Tess Lawrie's letter to Andrew Hill"


Aloha & God bless all, kyle

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