thank you

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Big Pharma IS the Enemy of Humanity!!

They CANNOT be Trusted!!

And Must be SHUT DOWN !!!

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Hearing June Raine's talk of how well the Yellow Card System worked, it was obvious that big pharma paying 85% of the MHRAs funding has turned them into drug dealers.

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Amen & Amen!

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Pharmakeia is the Greek word that's the basis of our word PHARMACY.

It literally means sorcery.

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Agreed, and I am not too happy with the fact that dental injections are being made with mRNA now. How are we supposed to get any teeth fixed without getting this garbage?

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I have not heard of this? Extremely alarming. I will be asking my dentist asap about this. Which injections? Do you have a link to more information?

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Go to StewPeters.com then search "Nanotech found in dental Anesthetics", it's not a lot to go on but it is very concerning. I hope your dentist will be honest about knowing or not, the article says that dentists can look under a microscope and see the filaments.

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And one more quote from JRR Tolkein (who was part of the Inklings group with CS Lewis, Charles Williams) for Mike:

I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo in Lord of the Rings “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” “I wonder,” said Frodo, “But I don’t know. And that’s the way of a real tale. Take any one that you’re fond of. You may know, or guess, what kind of a tale it is, happy-ending or sad-ending, but the people in it don’t know."

And what I just read last night for my twice daily readings, from Ephesians 6: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

They say the Bible is an old book; yet, as Dutch woman Corrie ten Boom, a survivor of the **last** holocaust, this one in Nazi Germany, for hiding Jews, observed about this as she was reading Scripture in the concentration camps (she snuck a Bible in), to her, it seemed as if these passages had been written the day before.

Indeed, literally zilch has changed in human nature since the early days of Adam and Eve; the book - filled with adultery, murder, greed, incest, lust for power, avarice etc. - could just as easily apply to what we are seeing with "You vill eat ze bughs Schwab" (yes, his Swiss father Eugen did, in fact, work for the Nazis, and even assisted the illegal South African a-bomb work), Epstein Island Willie Gates (Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson Court found Microsoft “abused its power” in the Microsoft antitrust trial in 1998, and famously compared Gates to Napoleon and the company's executive team to "drug traffickers"; Gates had "a Napoleonic concept of himself and his company, an arrogance that derives from power and unalloyed success, with no leavening hard experiences, no reverses," Jackson said in 2001. Jackson also described Gates' testimony as "inherently without credibility," and lets not forget the Brobdignagian ego of Bourla and the avarice of the DC Swampster who would sell your kid, and the kids of a million other parents, all for 30 pieces of silver.

Hint to these 30 pieces of silver types. Consider, while you still have time, exactly how much Judas is enjoying those 30 pieces NOW. Fact is, you, dear traitors to humanity, are going to be dead a whoooooole lot longer than you will be alive, and the Bible does say we will ALL stand before God, great and small, to give an account. You, dear Big Pharma shill, with your response of "I ultimately killed kids all cuz I wanted a few extra bucks" ain't going to stand in good stead before the Judge who judges all, and in complete knowledge.

I am drawn to the case of Professor Weston, in CS Lewis' Perelandra (an imaginative re-telling of the Garden of Eden, set on the planet Venus), who sold his soul to the devil and to mammon, and ceased, slowly, to even become human.

Imagine! You are some corrupt Big Pharma, FDA, CDC, bigwig, or even a "mere" scientist who has sold out for the payola, knowing that people died, all so you could have a few more moments of miserable, joyless life crawling about a planet that is now devoid of any beauty... for in fact, it is YOU, dear Pharmautocrat, that has killed it. You are now looking into the mirror in your zillion dollar a night hotel room, and as you, that soulless big pharma corruptocrat, look, what you see looking back at you is something that is beyond the most nighmarish horror - your very own eyes with literally no soul.

You have been warned. God always warns, in mercy, before he judges. The rest is up to you, mes amis.

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It seems to me that medical types seem to always be at the center of struggles for power and control. I think the Inquisition which killed something like 80% women, 20% men and reported that some villages had no women left alive was pretty much about control of health care. I believe it was probably proedominatly women who were healers until the 1st university (11-th or 12th century) mandated that one needed a license to practice butchery - I mean medicine - and of oucrse only men could attend the university. The natural healers would have been their competition and killed as witches (or warlocks). Then of course there was I.G. Farben front and center of fascist slavery and slaughter. But in the U.S. we had the entitled involved in the eugenics movement and Planned Parenthood, which Gates' parents were very involved with. The Eugenics Society received a letter of commendation from Adolt Hitler for giving him good ideas on how to get rid of "unwanted populations". And as we all know, Gates has been foaming at the mouth forever at the idea of "population control" - I guess a nicer way of referring to eugenics. Then there's IBM which used its machines to make the murder of the Jews more efficients. The numbers on the arms of the survivors are IBM numbers. Is it taking "conspiracy theory" too far to wonder whether that connection goes back to IBM being the company that got Gates started on his path to billions of dollars. Gates has also been recorded as referring to the vaccine as "the final solution", in addition to a reference he made on a YT video to having IBM create an "injectable tattoo"(?) It feels to me that this whole agenda being planned out by the unelected billionaires involves many descendants of supporters of the Third Reich- that this has been planned since the end of WW2. They have plenty of opportunity to plan in secret since, unlike ours, they are very protective of thier own privacy with their frequent secret meetings.

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When money speaks, truth is silent.

But not Mike, thank (literally) God.

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Dr. Yeadon,

I am eternally grateful for your awakening and revelations. I can't yet reach my very highly educated & intelligent daughters and can only pray. Only one is in medicine & an educator but still firmly held by the false system.

Are you familiar with a drug from a plant called 'The Bane'? It's added to opiate medication as are other snares & traps into the formulary. Causes all kinds of side effects.

Thank God you are out of that bondage! God Bless you and keep you. 🙏🏻

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Yep, shut pharma down, they are murderous criminal cartels in bed with govt!

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I agree with you. Shut them down!

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I will say proper diet, weight and exercise and nutraceuticals- have found very little need for any pharma AND any intervention at all takes very little of a pharma drug. And generics because they are “tweaked” to be sold for less - the tweaking makes them far less effective if that is possible. Most nutraceuticals work as well if not better but take a tad longer to work.

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The older I've gotten, the less trust I've had in medical intervention. I do see a dr. for high blood pressure which I haven't - yet - found a way to normalize. Just don't have the budget needed to see a naturopath or homeopath - someone whose medicine I'd have more trust in. I asked her last week why I never get my cholesterol checked and she stuttered out some lame reason. I suspect it's because I informed her not to try to push statins on me as I'm not interested.

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& be outdoors in as natural a setting as possible every day.

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Do you consider the drug Valcyclovir hydrochloride safe?

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