A world-renowned molecular geneticist has blown the whistle to warn the public that Covid mRNA vaccines were “designed” by globalist elites to “destroy humanity.”
"Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac." ~ a quote by Henry A. Kissinger, then Secretary of State found in Bryce Taylor's memoir, The Truth has Set Me Free, The Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's mind-controlled slave."
I think not having a TV made a huge difference. But did you have a similar experience to the one I had, where people around you were (and still are) saying really bizarre things, believing nonsense, saying it with deep feeling, and you couldn't figure out why (or wondering if they are on drugs or whatever -- except they are people you know well, so you know they are NOT drug addicts) and then, you might happen to be visiting one of them while the TV is on, and you hear Rachel Maddow or the others from MSNBC saying the exact thing your friends were saying -- again, with deep feeling. It's maddening, how easily the TV brainwashes people.
I am simultaneously horrified at what's happening to my loved ones, and grateful that I made the decision years ago to get rid of my TV.
Except I have that lonely feeling that I might be the "last one standing." I hope to be able to connect with my substack peeps in the future (wherever we may be), as the population dwindles and our loved ones are picked off by the spike protein, one by one....-
When I talk to people who took the covid DeathVax, I get the feeling they are brainwashed and in some sort of cult. Early 2020, I said that covid was a bioweapon and people looked at me like I had 3 heads. Said the same thing about the covid shots, and they were probably thinking I belonged in a mental institution.
I lost several "friends" because I refused to take the death shot. But, at this point, good riddance. My biggest headache was the VA pestering me to take the shots. Emails, letters in the mail, phone calls...in addition to the constant signage all around the hospital when I would go in for my medical care. And for a long time, I was forced to wear a mask, or I would be denied needed medical care. How is that even humane in a sane world?
I don't have a smart phone either. At this point, in addition to being a government tracking device, that constant immediacy of data content is almost on par with having a TV.
You are not the last one standing.
Of course, Substack seems to be the only place where I can find like-minded folks.
"But, at this point, good riddance." Time helps to heal these wounds. At the time, though, it was so awful. I am healing, but every so often I like to take a look in the rear view mirror -- not to reassure myself that it's "over" (like the brainwashed loved ones think: 'during COVID....') as though the tyranny and the fallout are completely in the past. But more to remind myself that that was AWFUL and I went through it ALONE, and that apparently I had it in me, even in the darkest days when, every night as I went to bed, the thought would cross my mind, "well, there goes another day. What was that day even FOR?" because it seemed (and was ) so bleak and awful.
I want every day to have joy, hope, meaning. I learned a ton especially from about August 2021 through July 2022. I learned about who my loved ones are, and I learned that I am different, and I learned about surviving heartbreak and finding a way to hope for a better future while also experiencing joy each day -- that it's something we can create, and also that I have a greater capacity for endurance than I'd ever realized. I'm not enjoying this but I'm deliberately choosing to live and make as much of the experience as I can. If there is a purpose, I will find it. Spiritual growth is not for sissies.
I was stunned at how brutal and mean people were to me...for refusing to take an experimental mRNA gene therapy shot full of spike proteins, lipid nano-particles, SV40, polyethylene glycol, etc.
exactly. It was shocking. about 1/4 of my friends and community know that I chose not to, and the other 3/4 I just never brought it up (because medical decisions are personal.....right? no one's business!) -- but that meant that I was on the receiving end of many hate-filled diatribes against "anti-vaxxer" selfish idiots, because-- ? -- since we are "all in this together" and since I am their friend, OF COURSE I got the same jabs they did, so OF COURSE I share the same hate-filled views, so I got to hear their spewing hatred, and I was so shocked that I just decided not to say a word, and hoped the truth would just come out, or they would wake up, or something.... but it got WORSE. Apart from this, which is huge, I otherwise have a long history with these friends, and I love them! I did not want to end any friendships over a personal medical decision. And I didn't want them to end their friendship with me, because I (surprise!) fell into the category of people the TV was telling them to hate and shun!!!! I knew it was brainwashing. I just hoped they'd..... wake up.
They haven't. I still haven't told some of them. Because I am still in that book club. The topic doesn't come up, now. We just talk about the books we're reading, and it's almost like COVID never happened. I don't want to end these friendships. And I also don't think this is over. I know they are still brainwashed.
Some people had a mix of friends who are woke and friends who are awake. Every single person I know in real life took the shots. I was so lonely and isolated, I could not afford to lose every single person in my life over brainwashing. Even though many people made the decision to jettison people.
I feel that I have to heal from the brutality and cruelty a bit, before I can tell them, "hey, guess what? Surprise! I never jabbed." I'm starting to test the waters. It's hard, because they felt "safe" around me, because they believed I was jabbing, just like they were. I lied by omission. Will they hate me when they learn the truth? Some of these relationships go back for decades.
Life is an interesting journey. What is it in the make-up of some people who roll over and go along with the status quo and others who see the lies and deception? Living a lie is wearing on the soul.
Not only were people lied to but there is a personal penalty for even
discussing vaccines a few years later. I find it interesting how deeply held beliefs (Mantra: vaccines are the modern savior of mankind from disease) are embedded in the mind for generations and create an unquestioning loyalty. Just believing something does not make it true.
Oh be careful dear one. I have few who assume I'm vaxxed...and they will not forgive...I decided I will never tell them..the one or two I did..said well its over now..but they will hate you for not knowing in your subconscious that they don't know what is gonna happen in another 5 years even though they are fine now. And it wasn't due to the shots the circle is getting smaller....
I'm proud of you for standing up to the lies, even if you had to stand alone. There is a book that can be a source of insight titled, 'Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents' – October 11, 2022, by Rod Dreher referencing the speech by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Live Not By Lies. https://www.solzhenitsyncenter.org/live-not-by-lies
We are not alone, even though it may feel that way at times.
Personality changes, have been seen in the recipients of the Covid "Vax" quick to anger, mood swings, rage filled, formerly once were quiet discussions, traffic accidents are increasing.....
no TV here either. But years ago I conducted an experiment when I had a TV. I would watch globo homo CNN or MSNBC on the topic of the day. Then sometime later I would go over to the home of my woke communist White men are evil and the source of all that is wrong with the world, single mother of course. (this was before all the woke PC communist garbage propaganda really got ginned up but you could see the genesis then). I would ask her about news of the day. Sure enough she would repeat line for line what Rachel Madcow said or whoever the equivalent was then. I don't actually remember whether madcow was around then.
She would speak as if she was speaking her own thoughts, ideas and conclusions. The accuracy was uncanny. Just in case, I did the experiment several times. Always with the same result. I got rid of my TV for that and other reasons shortly after. And of course she was all in on the death injection. Haven't seen or spoken to her for eight years.
I don't have a TV either. I've never gone to TV for breaking news anyway.
MSM is edited and scripted down to the very words used for phrasing of repeated sentences.
A good example of this was a montage I saw recently of MSM hosts repeating the same exact words, 'an unprovoked attack by Russia in Ukraine', wiping history that proceeded the event down the memory hole. Every news outlet used the Exact framing of the event. Coincidence? I think not.
I've seen several of those talking head montages. Just like you say, all repeating the same phrases from every TV station across the country. That should be a wake up call for anyone.
I agree. Often, people think the small town media are independent or local, but they are not. They have been bought up by conglomerates. We hear that the MSM is owned by 6 corporations. This number could be smaller for all we know.
Are you aware of the army's universal vaccine they are working on based on the ferritin nanoparticle? When you go into the weeds, it is based on the remote control of cell function via EMF frequencies. I mean, what could go wrong with that?
I agree with most of this but am starting to get skeptical about the spike protein part of it. Dr. Ana Milhacea has been working with others and says it is not spike protein but rather nanogel and nanobots that are taking control of people's minds and wreaking havoc on their health. It is not just the jabbed either as they are spraying this stuff in the atmosphere and putting it in our food, water, and medications. This guy is totally right about the agenda but I think he may not realize the scope of the mechanism.
I agree. People are mixing up the terminology asking if mRNA is in dental anesthetics. No, it’s the nanotechnology. But he mentions “time bombs.” Thats not spike proteins, that is payloads that will release a deadly toxin. That is why we are still seeing people die even though it has been years since they got the shot.
Trials for the mad scientists, doctors, WEF, and governments to begin when? We are all watching… Or is their plan to create chaos and war, to coverup what they have done, that is the question. They seem to be willing to go to any length, building their underground bunkers, for what we ask?
This is something Dr Michael Yeadon has been talking about for years. It’s gaining traction just how evil the people behind this whole scamdemic agenda are.
What is happening is so evil and vile that I'm not sure the people who are doing this are even human. I know about psychopaths and how they are drawn to power and positions where they can hurt and kill people and get away with it. Great wealth also has an effect. People with great wealth imagine they are gods. I think anyway.
but what is happening seems way beyond ordinary evil. Ordinary human evil has always been here. This is a level far above ordinary psychopathic greed and murderous intent. I hesitate to say these things because no doubt people will dismiss it as hysterical hyperbole.
Many people feel exactly the same as you. So many doctors involved in the hoax and adults who ignored their spiritual church-going roots are circling back and reading the bible as if for the first time.
The evil is so great it's almost tangible, but experienced spiritually. Naomi Wolf does a good job of clarifying this experience.
"...which means those who get it (the shots) still often contract the virus." I'm not so sure they are contracting the virus. I think it (the virus) may have been programmed in the shots to rear its ugly head every now and then so that not everyone dies at the same time. That would be too obvious!
The shots mess up there immune system on purpose so their body no longer has a defense against cancer, infections etc. Plus they may put "ingredients" in it like SV 40 or parasites to cause cancer.
Happy to hear he's realizes it's a Psyop but a few of us have known for 3 yrs.. the 2nd Smartest Man in the World finally got it through my thick skull.. I never got the jab and just thought it was Big Pharma Greed but understanding this is a Global Psyop took a year .. could not beleive our Govt was doing the bidding of the WEF/WHO...
It's not to late to Kick Big Brother's Ass but we have to get after it.. We will get to Nuremberg
Everything you wrote resonated with me deeply. Thank you for mirroring what others have felt these last few years. yes, we are different. Not better, we just see things differently.. and acted accordingly . . Blessings and peace, you lovely soul x
"Leake said that he has noticed many people around him experiencing some type of mental lethargy."
Quite pervasive at this point. The delta, in those known before and after the bioweapon attacks, is stark.
Cognition seems to be almost missing. Like some have been reverted to instinctive, reactive creatures unable to assimilate anything new. Like they are locked into the most farcical elements of the Plandemonium, and will lash out at any threat to that narrative.
The global military grade psychological operations certainly did a number on the majority of our people.
The whole absurd tragic arc reads like a branch plot to Serenity (2005).
We had such potential.
The solar micronova will be a mercy at this point.
Newsflash: the entire stone age medical mafia controlled by pig pharma is designed to extract maximum profit from sick and diseased humanity while delivering the least effective cures. As long as they get their money from your pocket, you are then rendered expendable.
"Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac." ~ a quote by Henry A. Kissinger, then Secretary of State found in Bryce Taylor's memoir, The Truth has Set Me Free, The Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's mind-controlled slave."
I just ordered Dr. Nehls book and am looking forward to reading it after watching many interviews that he did with alternative media.
It was also the constant fear mongering about how we are going to "kill grandma" that steered many people I know into getting the covid DeathVax.
Luckily, I don't have a TV so the biomedical security state psyops was lost on me.
I think not having a TV made a huge difference. But did you have a similar experience to the one I had, where people around you were (and still are) saying really bizarre things, believing nonsense, saying it with deep feeling, and you couldn't figure out why (or wondering if they are on drugs or whatever -- except they are people you know well, so you know they are NOT drug addicts) and then, you might happen to be visiting one of them while the TV is on, and you hear Rachel Maddow or the others from MSNBC saying the exact thing your friends were saying -- again, with deep feeling. It's maddening, how easily the TV brainwashes people.
I am simultaneously horrified at what's happening to my loved ones, and grateful that I made the decision years ago to get rid of my TV.
Except I have that lonely feeling that I might be the "last one standing." I hope to be able to connect with my substack peeps in the future (wherever we may be), as the population dwindles and our loved ones are picked off by the spike protein, one by one....-
When I talk to people who took the covid DeathVax, I get the feeling they are brainwashed and in some sort of cult. Early 2020, I said that covid was a bioweapon and people looked at me like I had 3 heads. Said the same thing about the covid shots, and they were probably thinking I belonged in a mental institution.
I lost several "friends" because I refused to take the death shot. But, at this point, good riddance. My biggest headache was the VA pestering me to take the shots. Emails, letters in the mail, phone calls...in addition to the constant signage all around the hospital when I would go in for my medical care. And for a long time, I was forced to wear a mask, or I would be denied needed medical care. How is that even humane in a sane world?
I don't have a smart phone either. At this point, in addition to being a government tracking device, that constant immediacy of data content is almost on par with having a TV.
You are not the last one standing.
Of course, Substack seems to be the only place where I can find like-minded folks.
"But, at this point, good riddance." Time helps to heal these wounds. At the time, though, it was so awful. I am healing, but every so often I like to take a look in the rear view mirror -- not to reassure myself that it's "over" (like the brainwashed loved ones think: 'during COVID....') as though the tyranny and the fallout are completely in the past. But more to remind myself that that was AWFUL and I went through it ALONE, and that apparently I had it in me, even in the darkest days when, every night as I went to bed, the thought would cross my mind, "well, there goes another day. What was that day even FOR?" because it seemed (and was ) so bleak and awful.
I want every day to have joy, hope, meaning. I learned a ton especially from about August 2021 through July 2022. I learned about who my loved ones are, and I learned that I am different, and I learned about surviving heartbreak and finding a way to hope for a better future while also experiencing joy each day -- that it's something we can create, and also that I have a greater capacity for endurance than I'd ever realized. I'm not enjoying this but I'm deliberately choosing to live and make as much of the experience as I can. If there is a purpose, I will find it. Spiritual growth is not for sissies.
I was stunned at how brutal and mean people were to me...for refusing to take an experimental mRNA gene therapy shot full of spike proteins, lipid nano-particles, SV40, polyethylene glycol, etc.
I mean...what happened?
exactly. It was shocking. about 1/4 of my friends and community know that I chose not to, and the other 3/4 I just never brought it up (because medical decisions are personal.....right? no one's business!) -- but that meant that I was on the receiving end of many hate-filled diatribes against "anti-vaxxer" selfish idiots, because-- ? -- since we are "all in this together" and since I am their friend, OF COURSE I got the same jabs they did, so OF COURSE I share the same hate-filled views, so I got to hear their spewing hatred, and I was so shocked that I just decided not to say a word, and hoped the truth would just come out, or they would wake up, or something.... but it got WORSE. Apart from this, which is huge, I otherwise have a long history with these friends, and I love them! I did not want to end any friendships over a personal medical decision. And I didn't want them to end their friendship with me, because I (surprise!) fell into the category of people the TV was telling them to hate and shun!!!! I knew it was brainwashing. I just hoped they'd..... wake up.
They haven't. I still haven't told some of them. Because I am still in that book club. The topic doesn't come up, now. We just talk about the books we're reading, and it's almost like COVID never happened. I don't want to end these friendships. And I also don't think this is over. I know they are still brainwashed.
Some people had a mix of friends who are woke and friends who are awake. Every single person I know in real life took the shots. I was so lonely and isolated, I could not afford to lose every single person in my life over brainwashing. Even though many people made the decision to jettison people.
I feel that I have to heal from the brutality and cruelty a bit, before I can tell them, "hey, guess what? Surprise! I never jabbed." I'm starting to test the waters. It's hard, because they felt "safe" around me, because they believed I was jabbing, just like they were. I lied by omission. Will they hate me when they learn the truth? Some of these relationships go back for decades.
Life is an interesting journey. What is it in the make-up of some people who roll over and go along with the status quo and others who see the lies and deception? Living a lie is wearing on the soul.
Not only were people lied to but there is a personal penalty for even
discussing vaccines a few years later. I find it interesting how deeply held beliefs (Mantra: vaccines are the modern savior of mankind from disease) are embedded in the mind for generations and create an unquestioning loyalty. Just believing something does not make it true.
Oh be careful dear one. I have few who assume I'm vaxxed...and they will not forgive...I decided I will never tell them..the one or two I did..said well its over now..but they will hate you for not knowing in your subconscious that they don't know what is gonna happen in another 5 years even though they are fine now. And it wasn't due to the shots the circle is getting smaller....
I would not say anything now. What would the point be. I think you would anger them for no reason.
I said no out loud to everyone and let the chips fall where they may as I didn't want my friends and family hurt.
It's not over yet. There will be more test coming. It is good to have friends as I didn't end friends over them taking the shot.
I'm proud of you for standing up to the lies, even if you had to stand alone. There is a book that can be a source of insight titled, 'Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents' – October 11, 2022, by Rod Dreher referencing the speech by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Live Not By Lies. https://www.solzhenitsyncenter.org/live-not-by-lies
We are not alone, even though it may feel that way at times.
Thank you so much for the link...and the kind words.
Sometimes the outcome would be much better if we were wrong.
Personality changes, have been seen in the recipients of the Covid "Vax" quick to anger, mood swings, rage filled, formerly once were quiet discussions, traffic accidents are increasing.....
Vaxicidents. Auto insurance rates are skyrocketing.
no TV here either. But years ago I conducted an experiment when I had a TV. I would watch globo homo CNN or MSNBC on the topic of the day. Then sometime later I would go over to the home of my woke communist White men are evil and the source of all that is wrong with the world, single mother of course. (this was before all the woke PC communist garbage propaganda really got ginned up but you could see the genesis then). I would ask her about news of the day. Sure enough she would repeat line for line what Rachel Madcow said or whoever the equivalent was then. I don't actually remember whether madcow was around then.
She would speak as if she was speaking her own thoughts, ideas and conclusions. The accuracy was uncanny. Just in case, I did the experiment several times. Always with the same result. I got rid of my TV for that and other reasons shortly after. And of course she was all in on the death injection. Haven't seen or spoken to her for eight years.
Mine have been picked off..and I am alone. Dani I'm here promise me you will come back again.
Great book, just finished it. It’s a must keep hard copy, to document the Holocaust against Humanity.
Yes...I purchased the hard copy because e-books can disappear.
They can also be secretly updated and edited.
I don't have a TV either. I've never gone to TV for breaking news anyway.
MSM is edited and scripted down to the very words used for phrasing of repeated sentences.
A good example of this was a montage I saw recently of MSM hosts repeating the same exact words, 'an unprovoked attack by Russia in Ukraine', wiping history that proceeded the event down the memory hole. Every news outlet used the Exact framing of the event. Coincidence? I think not.
Kind of like "safe and effective."
I've seen several of those talking head montages. Just like you say, all repeating the same phrases from every TV station across the country. That should be a wake up call for anyone.
I agree. Often, people think the small town media are independent or local, but they are not. They have been bought up by conglomerates. We hear that the MSM is owned by 6 corporations. This number could be smaller for all we know.
TV is great! So many interesting things to watch. And the old TV shows are wonderful. I also read a lot but enjoy my TV very much.
Are you aware of the army's universal vaccine they are working on based on the ferritin nanoparticle? When you go into the weeds, it is based on the remote control of cell function via EMF frequencies. I mean, what could go wrong with that?
Agreee 10000000000000% … Bioweapon.
I agree with most of this but am starting to get skeptical about the spike protein part of it. Dr. Ana Milhacea has been working with others and says it is not spike protein but rather nanogel and nanobots that are taking control of people's minds and wreaking havoc on their health. It is not just the jabbed either as they are spraying this stuff in the atmosphere and putting it in our food, water, and medications. This guy is totally right about the agenda but I think he may not realize the scope of the mechanism.
I believe it’s all of the above~ the article and the comments.
The scope of the mechanisms are vast
I agree. People are mixing up the terminology asking if mRNA is in dental anesthetics. No, it’s the nanotechnology. But he mentions “time bombs.” Thats not spike proteins, that is payloads that will release a deadly toxin. That is why we are still seeing people die even though it has been years since they got the shot.
Trials for the mad scientists, doctors, WEF, and governments to begin when? We are all watching… Or is their plan to create chaos and war, to coverup what they have done, that is the question. They seem to be willing to go to any length, building their underground bunkers, for what we ask?
Injecting the toxic FCS to make you a dumb zombie.
The Indoctrinated Brain: Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr. Michael Nehls
Thanks for the link.
There is more videos by him on The Highwire and he has a substack.
And here is one of the Highwire videos..
This is something Dr Michael Yeadon has been talking about for years. It’s gaining traction just how evil the people behind this whole scamdemic agenda are.
What is happening is so evil and vile that I'm not sure the people who are doing this are even human. I know about psychopaths and how they are drawn to power and positions where they can hurt and kill people and get away with it. Great wealth also has an effect. People with great wealth imagine they are gods. I think anyway.
but what is happening seems way beyond ordinary evil. Ordinary human evil has always been here. This is a level far above ordinary psychopathic greed and murderous intent. I hesitate to say these things because no doubt people will dismiss it as hysterical hyperbole.
I'm with you!
Many people feel exactly the same as you. So many doctors involved in the hoax and adults who ignored their spiritual church-going roots are circling back and reading the bible as if for the first time.
The evil is so great it's almost tangible, but experienced spiritually. Naomi Wolf does a good job of clarifying this experience.
Banality of evil. Evil everywhere to the point you just assume it is there.
"...which means those who get it (the shots) still often contract the virus." I'm not so sure they are contracting the virus. I think it (the virus) may have been programmed in the shots to rear its ugly head every now and then so that not everyone dies at the same time. That would be too obvious!
The shots mess up there immune system on purpose so their body no longer has a defense against cancer, infections etc. Plus they may put "ingredients" in it like SV 40 or parasites to cause cancer.
Yes, I know. It's disgusting that they have gotten away with it. I just can't understand why so many people could not see what was happening.
No doubt, Road Rages, and Murders are increasing?
Happy to hear he's realizes it's a Psyop but a few of us have known for 3 yrs.. the 2nd Smartest Man in the World finally got it through my thick skull.. I never got the jab and just thought it was Big Pharma Greed but understanding this is a Global Psyop took a year .. could not beleive our Govt was doing the bidding of the WEF/WHO...
It's not to late to Kick Big Brother's Ass but we have to get after it.. We will get to Nuremberg
Everything you wrote resonated with me deeply. Thank you for mirroring what others have felt these last few years. yes, we are different. Not better, we just see things differently.. and acted accordingly . . Blessings and peace, you lovely soul x
Thank for excellent synopsis..am reading now.i so wish I could poo poo it all..but I can't.
"Leake said that he has noticed many people around him experiencing some type of mental lethargy."
Quite pervasive at this point. The delta, in those known before and after the bioweapon attacks, is stark.
Cognition seems to be almost missing. Like some have been reverted to instinctive, reactive creatures unable to assimilate anything new. Like they are locked into the most farcical elements of the Plandemonium, and will lash out at any threat to that narrative.
The global military grade psychological operations certainly did a number on the majority of our people.
The whole absurd tragic arc reads like a branch plot to Serenity (2005).
We had such potential.
The solar micronova will be a mercy at this point.
Newsflash: the entire stone age medical mafia controlled by pig pharma is designed to extract maximum profit from sick and diseased humanity while delivering the least effective cures. As long as they get their money from your pocket, you are then rendered expendable.