Malone is a problem. He pretends to be opposition while having friends in DTRA, DARPA, etc. and still pushing the old paradigm that we seem to be stuck in forever.

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Malone is involved in developing RelCovax™, a 'second-generation multivalent SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate designed to meet global vaccination demands with Reliance Life Sciences (India)..." - https://www.unite4truth.com/post/what-is-relcovax-the-covid-19-vaccine-dr-robert-malone-pitched-at-summit-in-2021-nothing-good

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It always raised questions how a prominent voice in the health freedom movement was so deeply involved in the development of a Covid vaccine and Big Pharma business himself.

Malone is a co-developer of RelCoVax, a vaccine "which resulted in ACUTE LUNG INJURY in animal studies and introduce Aluminum (neurotoxin) directly into human cells". (according to unite4truth.com)



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Yikes, a public figure suing "the little guy" for defamation. Not a good look, Mr. Beady-Eyes.

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I was always a little bit curious as to why Dr Malone took the experimental jab not once but twice I believe, or so he claims. As the self acclaimed inventor of the MRNA protocol he must surely have known the risks of taking such a novel medication which by his own admission caused him a great deal of illness and trouble. His subsequent interviews, often with his very attentive wife at his side, also seemed rather odd and unconvincing in my view. If he is on the side of the crusaders for human rights and intent on putting the record straight then why is he suing other crusaders having the same positive intent ?

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The worm has turned.

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It's not his concept. Are you sure you have looked into this properly?

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Malone said "only the elderly should take the vaccine."

What? He KNOWS that NOBODY should take it. NOBODY.

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Even Peter McCullough has recommended the vaccine for his elderly patients. As he said, there were some who had no chance of surviving if they ran into covid (which, the consensus is, everyone will eventually), and the jab was shown to offer some protection.

By now, McCullough may be advising against it for anybody, i don't know. But there IS data showing SOME efficacy early on. Even Berenson acknowledges that.

And -Malone is not advising elderly patients to go out and get the shot, so your comment is ridiculous. I notice you put it in quotes, but offer no link. You should be very careful and accurate with what you claim others have said.

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The myth that the jab offers any protection at all was spawned by pharma.

Not a huge fan of Berenson.

Malone did say that the elderly are the only demographic that should take the jab.

I stand by what I said. Have a good day :)

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two elderly ~80 in my own family took the shots, BOTH ARE DEAD now!!!! Our family is not huge, so imagine, what happens with the rest of the world. We are just not told the truth, at all.

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I recall that Briggin started this snowball (fight) and got it rolling for whatever reason. Malone being controlled opposition IMO is ludicrous. He's not done anything to further the aims of the enemy. He has buyers remorse about his invention/mRNA involvement, and IMO he's attempting to attone and feed his ego simultaneously. Both, Breggin and Malone have big egos and now that the snowball's become an avalanche, Breggin cries faul? Perhaps Breggin is the controlled opposition...or is it Malone? IMO, this division and infighting among the defenders of our freedoms, no matter how or why they fight for us, is exactly what the enemy wants. If all of us were united, the enemy wouldn't stand a chance.

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The accusation against Malone is A lie.

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Nov 30, 2022
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Substack app doesn't allow edits on Amdroid. Autocorrect misspelled Breggins' name. My apologies.

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Does anyone recall the ACU2020 Corona hearings, when they came up with that Prof. named Mattias Desmet who introduced that 'mass formation psychosis' idea? We all are sick, afraid, we are the ones who follow the rules and thus the insanity and need help.. And I did believe that crap until FINALLY listening to Dr. Breggin who very clear indicated the purpose of that very evil 'idea' actually: instead of pointing towards the real criminals, we point towards ourselves, leaving the real criminal out of the picture.

Non-psychologists woudn't get it, if they just listen to ACU2020, Desmet, or Malone, who now wants moon-ey, for not even his idea? What on earth is wrong with all the people? Maybe the Mod-E-RNA injection in Malone's brain finally starts to work ..

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I found Desmet's idea compelling because it certainly described the mesmerized almost trancelike behavior of my friends. They all wanted to be part of the group. It was terrifying. But where are you getting the idea he was saying to "blame" the members of the mob? He clearly spelled out the tactic used to create and direct the mob - and techniques to break free and foil the formation. And he did not call it a psychosis.

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has >100 hearings of 4 or more people, each week, ~5-6 hours listening. I went through ALL of them (!!!) until the movement split, because of money. Lot of the hearings were translated in german, which I speak... Matthias was a frequent speaker there, and I somehow was always amazed, he never convinced me, until I listed to Dr. Braggin.

And I'm not talking about 'mob', I'm talking about HUMANS and their reaction to the TRUTH while being lied to and thus not able to see the real criminals because presumably group thinking!

Here a 1 year old interview with Desmet talking about :

'Mattias Desmet on Covid mass psychosis'


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I don't understand. Are you saying the issue is human nature makes humans unable to discern truth from lies? At any rate, thank you for the bottom link; I look forward to watching it. I do not speak German but I saw many of the interviews from the first link when they were done in English. As time went on, I became more and more hesitant about Fuellmich. He seemed to be taking up so much time and effort from others but he never went anywhere with it. Was he just a quicksand op sucking up other people's time and resources? I don't know - it would be so helpful if there was transparency of where everyone is getting their backing, and how much.

One of the substacks I follow is a legal researcher named Katherine Watt.(Bailiwick News substack) Her tracking of the legal underpinnings made for excellent predictions of where things would go (or not go). I would bet Fuellmich had to be aware of what she unearthed.

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Sorry for the confusion, I mean programming of the human mind is the main issue here, moving only the fear motif forward.

Completely agree on Fuellmich. Ever since Viviane came out with the financial accusations and the split in their '2 people' committee occurred, I stopped listening entirely to their investigations, which like you point out, leads to nowhere, a biggest disappointment for everyone, not even speaking about those, who supported them financially.

I had a very strange experience with their lawfirm, while sending them all my materials (lot of bioinformatics), a direct proof of a criminal scientific setup in the covid19 business*, and they 'somehow' were 'not able to read my emails'...

I do believe it is a german government setup, and Fuellmich et al. is a part of it.

* https://mejbcart.substack.com/p/why-cdcfda-ignore-the-spike-protein

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Very interesting. I assume you are German so Bailiwick News may not hold much appeal - but she does show how our US laws, step by step, removed the protections of the Nuremberg codes so Fuellmich started to look suspicious to me. I hope he proves me wrong and some day in the future, the vast material he collected will be used for prosecutions.

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Okay...I stopped listening to Berenson when he attacked Malone over ivermectin, but he was NYT...no brainer. Haven't listened to Malone in a while, seemed like a huge ego. Trump still won't speak bad about the jabs. Newsmax and Fox took money not to report on adverse effects. It kinda looks like there aren't many good guys.

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Good is never absolute, always relative. Your question should always be whether Malone is better than fauch. Those who oppose Malone actively support fauch and the other oppressors. Hegel assumed conflicts were two valid opponents seeking c9mpromise. Compromise in this case is suicidal. The best philosophy in this case is John Wick dialectic.

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I suspect that a great many fence-sitters, who could not decide if Malone were authentic or controlled opposition, will find it easier to decide. I honestly can't understand the purpose of this lawsuit.

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The funniest thing is that thousands of people send him money via paid subscription - for what? For the feeling of belonging to his club without even checking him out.

Malone wrote: My fellow .... whatever - I am not fellow with him in anything.

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That's why I NEVER signed up for the letters from this criminal called Malone... It was clear that from his VERY FIRST appearance on the dark horse, in June or July 2021, when still not too many people were injected, that his main mission was to say to millions, oh I invented that mRNA technique, I got my 2 injections and you see, I'm still alive!!! He never even considered to tell everyone, it is NOT A 'vaccine', but GENE THERAPY! For that alone, I do believe he and the news misled all simple people immensely. And that costed peoples lives, as we see MILLIONS BY NOW!!! Peter, SUE MELONE, not for millions, but for BILLIONS...

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Huh? I must not have seen the same podcast because the last thing I got from it was a recommendation to get vaccinated. It was done at a time when not much was understood and his was a calm, precise, expert voice juxtaposed to the "safe and effective" refrain. He made clear he had gotten vaccinated because at the time there were reports it might help with long covid, from which he suffered - but the implication was he wouldn't have chosen to when more became known about the jabs. That the vaccine was not all it was chalked up to be really blew up BECAUSE of this famous Darkhorse episode and the difficulty in painting Malone as someone who didn't know what he was talking about when it came to mRNA technology used in vaccines since he has a number of the very first patents on it.

And that's when the hit jobs began on Malone and then subsequently on Desmet and his Mass Formation theories.

What I have noticed is a number of tactics used to smear anybody who seems to gain traction going against the vaccines. For Malone and Desmet it has been insinuations about conflicts of interest and financial benefits they must be getting from their long careers - kind of like guilt by association. Did Breggins smear him? If so, why shouldn't Malone go after him for slander or defamation? If he lets it lie, it can be construed as an admission.

But one of the worst tactics is expert information sabotage. As an example, there was a video early on of Luc Montaignier voicing great concern over the jabs. Since his interview was in French, clips were translated - but then it was further said that in this interview, he had said everyone who took the vaccine would be dead in two years. I found the original long interview, listened carefully to the entire thing and all the quotes were dead on accurate - except the two year thing. He never said it, but that's what every single news media outlet picked up and "quoted". It was expertly done sabotage. Same thing when a person says factual things but then sticks in things that are absurd and can be disproven. It makes ALL the content suspect - and that's the plan. I find myself wondering about Stew Peters in this regard. There seem to be double agents everywhere and I have no clue how to discern them. Maybe Malone is one, but I've found his content to be accurate - and nothing he has said has been to recommend the jab. He has always said it should be a matter of choice, which is the EXACT thing the opposition can't allow, so it does not surprise me they continue to go after him.

I would say the litmus test should not be whether or not someone labels it gene therapy but whether or not someone is opposed to social control via vaccine passports, digital ID and finally, a digital bank central currency. All this focus on a lawsuit seems like one more psyop.

And anyway, a more important lawsuit is the one Khierty has against University of California and their mandates for boosters.

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I believe he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing... I feel bad for the Peter Breggin and his wife. TY Lioness for bringing this too light.

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credit you, Lioness, for bringing this to my attention a year ago with Diana West! meow!

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Wow. This is really disturbing. I thought we were all on the same side and trying to fight the system together and help people know the truth about these vaccines and our corrupt government. Who started all this name calling and BS? I’m seeing it everywhere! This is exactly what the powers that be want. They want all of us who know the truth to be divided. Come on Malone’s!! Yes go after the MSM. If these doctors hurt your feelings then get over it!! Let’s all stop bad mouthing anyone who is trying to bring facts to light!! Everyone has a different style on how they reach people. If it looks different than your style or suspect. Keep it to yourself. If a flat out lie is stated then just kindly correct it and site where u got your info. We need to stay United!!!!

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Asking someone a question is NOT bad-mouthing them.....unless you're Robert Malone, then even the mildest request for explanation turns into a threat and personal challenge requiring blocking, banning, or a multi-million dollar lawsuit to shut you up....

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Well I was not specifically referring to Malone on the bad mouthing because I’ve been seeing a lot of this stuff on substack and telegram. I think when people make accusations with no back up that is hurtful but I do not what was said or done in the case of Malone’s and Breggins. Just wish everyone on our side would stick together is all I’m saying. I don’t know who is right or wrong. I’m not a judge or jury.

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Celia Farber went through the original AIDS rodeo, so when she mentions infiltration, it is worth paying attention. This was three months ago:


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Tough read. I just appreciate everyone who is bringing light to what is happening with not only these vaccines but with WEF and Gates and the CDC and FDA. I’d be lost without substack. I read everything I can. I’m not on one team or another. I just want more people to see the truth.

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