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Feb 23, 2024
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I was meeting up with a pyschologist for a few sessions about my depression. Well on the 4th session at my home she started to speak angrier and angrier at me for no reason. In a prior session the doctor said she got all 5 injections. Of course, I stated I did not want any more sessions with her. I have a person who works for me with a new scheme here called NDIS and she told me the doctor rang her saying I should be put in a home and other nasty things. Of course the NDIS spokeswoman was quite shocked.

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Traffic accident increases, Road Rages, Minor Family arguments, become Violence filled. Mood swings, are unpredictable.....

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We have a lot more traffic accidents and road rages with shootings in SoCal. We’ve had so many accidents one one local road that we don’t want to use it.

Some vaxxed family members seem to have verbal issues with constantly using the wrong words or repeating themselves a lot. The beginning of Dementia perhaps? Some get angry for no reason. Others talk more than they ever have in the past.

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That shot can pretty much mess with you in any way, shape, or form.,

And people line up to take it, I just shake my head.

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There have been several cases of passengers, trying to open the emergency door while in flight recently! What’s with that? I’m wondering if the air pressure exacerbates whatever is going on in their brain?

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People need to watch the latest episode on Brighteon- an interview between Mike Adams and Dr Bryan Artis. They have been poisoning us for years. They have learnt how to distill the venom of toxic snakes sea shells etc and include it in common oral medications. For example medications with names ending in “pril “ contain these neurotoxins. That includes my blood pressure medication. I would be grateful if someone could cross post this podcast as I’m IT challenged .

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Also brain tumors! I know 3 people who have died of brain tumors since December. 2 were previously healthy high school students. 1 was a previously healthy 70 yr old. A 4th college-age student died of a brain tumor a year ago. A 5th had a brain tumor and survived. I’ve only known 2 or 3 other people in my over half-a-century lifetime to die of a brain tumor prior to this. A 6th person died of Parkinson’s and a 7th of ALS. This doesn’t even touch the other cancers and lung diseases. Lord have mercy! 🙏

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Intentionally, getting the Covid Vaxxed, to become uncontrollable, only going to get worse with time. Mad Cow Disease, is showing up in Autopsies I understand.

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In May of 2021, Biden made the statement, "Every single hospital bed that exists will be occupied in 15 years by Alzheimer's patients." He must have read the 9-pages of side effects that Pfizer released.

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I think it could be the vax AND covid.

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Becoming more obvious everyday

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I commented on Dr. Angelova's article. This was noticed early on, and it's becoming more widespread.


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I think the jabs cause a brain disorder called denial. If you try to talk about the shots and their dangers people's eyes go blank, they shut down and go unresponsive or abruptly cut you off. The reaction is so universal and similar between people that I honestly have wondered if they all suffer from a similar form of brain disorder or mind control.

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