What happens when a doctor cures someone with COVID? COVID cured is not medically defined, therefore not possible. There are penalties for accomplishing the impossible.

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'The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away,.' We're living in the mirror of the captivity of Israel, (II Kings 25), which the Lord God permitted because of her apostasy and rebellion. Shall He do any less here? Unfortunately it is the righteous who suffer, now, anyway, but the Lord laughs at the perps. He sees their 'time is short', and their 'day is coming'. (Psalm 37) Meanwhile, I'll pray for Dr. Moore.. a maverick and one of a million among men. God bless him.

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Can someone please forward this soonest possible to Dr. Moore? "There Was No Pandemic" by Dr. Denis Rancourt who has a PhD in physics, held post-doctoral research positions at prestigious institutions in France and The Netherlands before becoming a physics professor and lead scientist at the University of Ottawa, Canada for 23 years.

ESSAY https://denisrancourt.ca/uploads_entries/1687643289487_Denis%20Rancourt%20essay%20-%20There%20Was%20No%20Pandemic%20-%20pub.pdf

ARCHIVED AT https://archive.ph/ao3wz

TESTIMONY AT CANADA'S NATIONAL CITIZEN'S INQUIRY https://rumble.com/v2ohtte-physicist-dr-denis-rancourt-presents-his-findings-on-all-cause-mortality-ot.html

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I have forwarded it to him. Thank you so much.

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We are in a new world because we're just waking up to how corrupt it has been for far longer than we realise. The Dead Beat Dad's Program and the Canadian Family Maintenance and Enforcement Program was a setup by Pierre Trudeau and Clinton to shake down the vulnerable. David Hawkins of Reverse CSI is exposing all of this. Once in the system they do the opposite of justice. They exploit and our taxes are paying for this mafia system.

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I had to retire three years early from my job because I was not cooperating with the directive to talk people out of a religious exemption from unwanted vaccines for themselves or their children. I am sorry for your troubles with the criminal behaviors of so called professional people who lord it over us.

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Do we need anymore proof that the Federal government is criminal and corrupt to the core?

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Is there a crowdfunding site for Dr. Kirk?

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Blue bloods better get behind this guy and start standing up for our Constitution or all will be lost. If you enforce the law that is being broken by the law makers it’s time to make a decision folks! Most of these law makers are pencil neck sociopaths, let’s go Blue!!! 👮‍♀️

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Got fired from a hospital position, I hired an attorney firm myself , got no where and about $10, 000. 00 dollars in the hole . God bless Dr. Moore , for standing up. It is a spiritual battle.

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".......when in the course of human events ...."


......when a long train of abuses ......." envinces a design...."


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the same just happened in GErmany! Here a piece from Dr. Bodo Schiffmans yesterday's telegram note at https://t.me/s/AllesAusserMainstream:

"Das Landgericht Bochum hat heute den Arzt Heinrich Habig in einem Teilurteil zu 2 Jahren und 10 Monaten Haftstrafe verurteilt, weil dieser 207 falsche Impfbescheinigungen ausgestellt hat. Ich halte dieses Urteil für rechtswidrig. " which states in short, that Dr. Heinrich Habig was sentenced to 2 years and 10 months in prison for giving 207 falsified 'vaccination cards' to his patients!!!!

If we, the HUMANS, do not stop this now, 'they' will continue with this crime until the HUMANS disappear! WAKE UP NOW..

ANd here is the list of newest injuries and deaths after the 'medical miracle injections':


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Thanks for putting these connections together Mej

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Darkness sure hates the light doesn't it

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It will be stopped, but not by humans. Our enemies are not humans, its celestial beings. Global elites are nothing but human pawns for the fallen celestial Sons of God

These beings will show up disguising themselves as ''space aliens" and people will fall for it and enthusiastically line up for the mark of the beast. Everything will happen the way it disclosed to us by the Creator God in the Holy Scriptures.

We are at the very end of the fallen celestials rule over the earth via their human proxies.

...for it is not ours to wrestle with blood and flesh, but with the sovereignties, with the authorities, with the world-mights of this darkness, with the spiritual forces of wickedness among the celestials. - Ephesians 6:12

And the seventh messenger trumpets. And loud voices occurred in heaven, saying, "The kingdom of this world became our Lord's and His Christ's, and He shall be reigning for the eons of the eons! Amen! - Revelation 11:15

The Concordant Literal New Testament https://www.concordant.org/

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I try to understand the Revelation books, but it is very difficult, not ready yet to grasp, I guess....Looking at the general events described there I think we are much further, maybe like in the chapter 21 already... ??

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Not yet... I sent you an email

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Rudolph Steiner talks about we are entering the Age of Michael, and how so many more celestial spirits channeling Archangel Michael's healing power are being incarnated around this time, to oppose the Dark entities. Are you aware of Steiner's work? Thank you for everything you do Lioness.

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I had a chance to visit a church, their service and their library, all devoted to Rudolf Steiner, a Christian, so I've been told by the friend who took me there... The service was EXTREMELY STRANGE I thought, it almost like hypnotized me... Then from the library I got ~15 books from R. Steiner because of a huge popularity of his s.c. Waldorfschools, in particular in Germany. So I thought would read it to see what these schools are teaching, but didn't happen. The contents on the topics of human physiology, general medicine, philosophy were not in depth or didn't agree with me at all and some simply didn't make too much sense. And then got finally in discussion with that friend who explained to me the 'basics' of that "Steiners' Christianity", which is: we humans do not have SPIRIT... That was it for me, never went back again to that place.. And the friend, always strange anyway became too offended by my remarks on that 'special' place and its 'philosophy'...

With one word, I had no idea about who Steiner really was, just the feeling was 'some dark forces' are around this figure.

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Rudolph Steiner was a Luciferian, his work is nothing but a Babylonian Mystery Religion just like the entire New Age spirituality aka old age witchcraft, worship of the Adversary and fallen Elohim/Watchers/Sons of God. Stay away...

And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent called Adversary and Satan, who is deceiving the whole inhabited earth. It was cast into the earth, and its messengers were cast with it. - Revelation 12:9 The Concordant Literal New Testament https://www.concordant.org/

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I hear you on being careful, but doesn't luciferian mean "light bearer"? This light is a double-edged sword is it not? The light of truth vs the false/ anti-christ light. The tree of life is often forgotten and its mystery of the chakras and our energy body are often put down as demonic. What is old age witchcraft in your opinion? Sorry I'm not trying to be a troll, only seeking to understand.

Their is blowback against the tree of knowledge in my opinion, as it is often pursued at the expense of God, our heart, and Mother nature- the same mother nature who is often besmirched with the fear of wicca, or its subversion as used by the Bohemian crowd today? Knowledge of the Heart, or gnossis, is the ultimate goal is it not?

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Time for the “falling on the swords ⚔️ of their evil deeds” part to kick in. Godspeed to Dr. Moore and all the other persecutees.

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