The evil gift that keeps on giving. I wonder if the spikes can be neutralized before infusion. Pax

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I had two surgeries a couple of years ago and I was scared shitless!

I did an Advanced Directive and I had it notarized: NO vaccines, NO Remdesivir, NO ventilator, NO blood transfusions!!!!

I’m at the point now, I will never go to a doctor or a hospital, unless I have a broken bone.

I no longer take tests (mammogram, etc.) or yearly “whatever”. We’ve all been had…BIG TIME!

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I hear you…seems to me the key is to be as clewed-in as your doctor and to push back when necessary. To be fair (and balanced) not ALL doctors are compromised (but they are rare). I use a small portfolio of doctors with my healthcare but really use a functional doctor the most. Nature has given us so many natural remedies that so-called modern medicine ignores. As you know… no money in them. Seems to me that if we made the incentive on cures as opposed to services pushed medicine may have a chance long term. The dopes in big pharma and big food are too stupid to understand how people are waking up and will find another model for healthcare. ✌️

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I hear Roger! I’ve gotten into holistic self care. One of the BEST “medicines” is exercise, sunshine, and NATURE! This would literally solve many ailments. I’m sure of it!

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To set your hair on fire 🔥 😂✌️

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I LOVE Dr. Coleman! I just bought one of his books! I’ve been following him awhile!

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mercola is increasingly becoming a limited hangout. vaxxed blood will kill you. full stop.

i contacted ICAN in the summer of 2020, implored them to get onboard with the idea of a blood bank for the unjabbed.


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Hmmm. Something about a barn door?

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"Potential COVID Vaccine Contaminated Blood Supply?" https://philipmcmillan.substack.com/p/potential-covid-vaccine-contaminated

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The powers that be will NEVER agree to segregating blood products. God help the unvaxxed if they ever need a transfusion 😔

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And even if they did agree, would you honestly trust them???? I trust no one in the medical “profession” any longer. They screwed themselves. It’s one of the most egregious, despicable things I’ve witnessed in my 60 years. And that’s saying a lot being a retired (forced) deputy. Nasty stuff out there!

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Now they tell us.

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Spending 20% of GDP on " healthcare " is not enough. Hey, doesn't every doctor and pharma executive deserve a luxury villa in the Bahamas? They need to create even more sick people, otherwise known as patients. Haven't the sheeple woken up yet? I don't think they have. They believe medicos and pharma care about them! I mean, really?

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It’s forced me to be my own doctor. And, I’ve learned A LOT!

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I've already planned with 2 of my unvaccinated kids, should one of us ever need blood we will help each other with the donation. We are all three the same blood type.

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You are lucky! 👍

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What about transmission via sexual encounters?! … aye yay yay

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They’re finding hydrogel filaments, quantum dots, self-assembling nano tech and/or synthetic biology in live blood analysis via dark field microscope at a minimum of 200x magnification of both the j a bed and the un j a bed. Air (che m trails), water, food, meds, and common household products have been examined and were found to also be contaminated.

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There are surgeons that perform “bloodless surgeries” with other options such as saline solution or recirculating the body’s blood during surgery. We’ve been deceived.. blood transfusions are not necessary!! The body can rejuvenate itself given the right supplements!!

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